
Posted 10M ago by @Corinne

#Accidentalplanthaul πŸ₯³ My mom called to tell me Walmart h...

#Accidentalplanthaul πŸ₯³ My mom called to tell me Walmart has #BlackCoralElephantEar bulbs for ~$5. So naturally I had to go to the one close to me and sure enough…. I got 4 🀩 And then these poor #PersianCyclamen were marked down to $3!! Plenty of life left so I’ll take care of them. I can never resist a #snapdragon or 12 🀭 Got myself a cute little #neonpothos. And grabbed a few #delphinium while I was there. Now to rest before I have a few teeth pulled tomorrow πŸ₯΄πŸ« 
"Accidental plant shopping" 🀭🀣 I'm going to use that!🀣🀣
@AwesomePlants 🀣🀣 I went in hoping to find a cool alocasia and then all of the sudden 21 plants later 🀭 it seemed appropriate πŸŽ‰ I think we all have an #Accidentalplanthaul or 20 in our future πŸ₯³
@Corinne Don’t feel too much is to many (Bulbs don’t count) πŸ˜œπŸ‘πŸ’šπŸͺ΄Have you ever tried planting Colocasia bulbs? The Black Coral Colos are the only plant my hubby has ever noticed enough to show me an Instagram pic & say to me β€œAren’t these cool?” 😎 so you know I’m going to be planting those this year. I was going to purchase starters from Etsy but if the bulb works just as good, it’s probably the less expensive way to go. Please keep me posted. Thank you πŸ™
@Rockrlee I’ll definitely keep you posted. For now I’ve got them in good soil with a grow light and heat mat. 🀞 these come to life! The packaging says β€œguaranteed to grow” so if they don’t maybe I’m the problem 🀣