
Posted 2M ago by @StarryKentia

Hi all!! Back to posting about my #poinsettia, #chinadoll...

Hi all!! Back to posting about my #poinsettia, #chinadoll, #kentiapalm, and #goldenpothos!!! Just incase y'all were wondering, I accidentally deleted the greg app thinking it was another app. Silly me I know, so I had to end up creating this account, I made sure it's almost the same as my old account. Happy to be back❀❀ @princesspitstop @elisenavidad I wanted y'all to see the reason!🀣. (When my clumsiness goes to a next level). I thought it was insta and deleted it, cus I hv exams nearing lmao, anyway I found a better app! Infact #thebestappontheinternet!! So ig I bid adieu instaπŸ˜‚ #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #newplantmom #freshleaffriday #proudplantmommoment #plantcorner #rareplants #outdoorgrowing #plantlove #plantmommy #gardenlove #planttherapy #plantid #gregfam #balconyview #greggers #terracegarden #pothos #merrychristmasgreggers #christmasongreg
And btw the pothos was heavyyyyy! @elisenavidad
Hello Satvika! Would you give me any tips on how to take care of the Poinsettia? I have one and it's not looking as beautiful as yours
@StarryKentia Been there girl! Things like that will start happening more frequently the older your brain gets like mine! That's why I need an app to remind me that I have plants and that they need attention. 🀣🀣🀣 I'm so glad that you're back! I went to check my message from your last post and you were missing! I was worried to say the least! So happy you're back friend! πŸ’•
Oh my gosh. I’d be so upset if I lost Greg. I have so much data in here. Glad you’re back! Plants look gorgeous!
Nice to have you back! πŸ₯° How big is your china doll? She looks huge in the photo! 🀩 Xx
I actually can’t say I ever knew poinsettias were a euphorbia until I just looked at your picture 😱
I’m not sure I’ve ever owned one. I rarely buy the holiday plants
Never had any of the big 3 holiday cacti either.
Hi @sproutherbology, the poinsettia needs a warm or hot and humid environment. If u want it to bloom it has to stay in warm conditions during the day and cool not cold and dark conditions in the night. Ig I'm lucky cus I literally described the weather hereπŸ˜‚
@princesspitstop aww ur to nice!! It's always nice to see a beautiful community of plant enthusiasts sooo I really missed y'all too!! Besides the plant boosts in this app really motivates me, and also looking at others happy plants, I like to make sure mine look just as healthy❀
@teacher12 I get ya!! Like I still didnt finish upgrading the plant card cus of how much info there is so yeah wish me best of luck😭🀣
@JenniB81 aww thank you!❀! She is humongous now and has tons of new growth thanks to ur advice 2 months ago or so!! I'm 5'7 and it comes to like my waist so yeah she's huge. Lemme just measure her and tell ya. *A tiny bit above my waist*
@TheConservator well I dont have the cacti too. I just found out poinsettias are holiday plants so I basically had no idea when I was buying it! Get sum of em soon!!
@StarryKentia They motivate me too ☺️
@princesspitstop Ok brb igtg to school
@StarryKentia that will ruin my Scrooge image though !
@TheConservator Scrooge? Like tbh I hv no idea what that is, so keep me updated on the trends🀣
@StarryKentia the scrooge was an old Christmas movie. I’m sure you’ve seen the grinch that stole Xmas? It’s along those lines just not animated.
Ooh ok got it, oh shit I feel so much like a gen alpha rn😳. And now i get it🀣
I knew grinch, but I've not heard about scrooge. Like honestly who doesnt know Santa and grinch! @TheConservator