
Posted 1M ago by @StarryKentia

Good evening from here everyone!! Idk if I mentioned it o...

Good evening from here everyone!! Idk if I mentioned it or not, but Marley (my syngonium) was actually a cutting so I was honestly hoping he would survive. Two good signs I've got till now-
1. The leaf, that wasn't completely opened up, unfurled completely!
2. Today I checked for some more growth on its roots, and guess what I found, a tiny little root growing! I was stoked to say the least! I hope its a successful cutting!
Tell me what you think about this! #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #newplantmom #freshleaffriday #proudplantmommoment #plantcorner #rareplants #outdoorgrowing #plantlove #plantmommy #gardenlove #planttherapy #plantid #gregfam #balconyview #greggers #terracegarden #syngonium
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
I rarely do cuttings from anything but Hoyas or cacti. But looks like it’s doing good to me πŸ™Œ I’d think it would be dead if it wasn’t going to take root πŸ’ͺ
Definitely no experience to give with doing it myself πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
That’s literally the only water rooted cutting I’ve ever done lol. It’s like 2 months in soil now
So exciting! Good luck with Marley! Based on his leaf coloring, I’d move him to bright indirect light so that he isn’t getting quite so much sun. (Just to make sure that he doesn’t get leaf burn while he’s still a little baby). Congrats on your propagation!
@TheConservator I didn’t know that it was possible to do cuttings from cactus. How does that work?
@BuddingPitayita cacti are the easiest thing to propagate. Cut it off anywhere you want. Dip in rooting hormone then let it callous. This can take quite awhile depending on how thick it is. 2-7 days for most small cacti. Months even for huge ones that you cut with a saw. After it’s dry on the cut sit it on top the soil , prop it up and let it it grow.
You do need a growing tip on any cutting you do though unlike tropicals you just need a node
You can literally do a 2 ft diameter cacti this way lol. Just need a big saw !
@TheConservator oh wow! I had no idea - thank you! I’ll have to try that 😁
@BuddingPitayita this is a cacti I had for 20 yrs. It was 2 ft tall approximately. Cut it off 5-6 years ago into 5-6 pieces cause it had corking bad. That’s the biggest I’ve done at about 5” diameter. Took a month to 45 days to calloused off in a drying box
@TheConservator wow, that’s amazing! He’s beautiful!
@TheConservator @BuddingPitayita Thank you both!! I'll keep ya posted tomorrow in the morning after I take some pics!
@princesspitstop I wanted to give you an updateπŸ˜‰
@StarryKentia That's so awesome! Such a good warm feeling! 😊 I absolutely love those leaves 😍 Reminds me of an Alocasia but hopefully not as temperamental.
@princesspitstop True facts!! And thank u so much! I'll keep you posted as well on the root growth tomorrow!
@StarryKentia Yes do that! Goodnight sweet dreams πŸ’€
@princesspitstop Aww good um afternoon ig!? You're so considerate!
And btw I was meaning to tell you, you're username is literally saved on my autocorrect history, just shows how much we chat!
You're an awesome friend and I'm really grateful for you! I'm feeling pretty grateful for everything today for some reason, my family, friends and this awesome community! Hope to spread more joy and make more people's day better🧑. Ig all of this came cus I'm super excited for my trip this Christmas! We'll be leaving this monday so I will be off this app until 31st I guess. Have an awesome new year and Merry Christmas!!
Lol I just wanted to let you know so that you wouldn't be sceptical to say the least.
@StarryKentia HAHA That's awesome. I'm honored 😊 Have a fabulous trip! Where are you going???
@princesspitstop thanks so much! I'm going to a place called Pondicherry in Tamil Nadu! Lots of history, greenery, beaches and a lot of fun things to do with my family! All my fave things in one place! K see ya tomorrow byeee
@StarryKentia Sounds like a blast!! K bye πŸ‘‹πŸ’š
Good job
Congrats! I try cuttings and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. I’m so happy for you!
I’m fairly new to growing plants, so forget the question but what does corkingοΏΌ mean?οΏΌquirk mean οΏΌ
Sorry quirk mean should not be in there lol
Sounds like the start of success to me! WTG πŸ™Œ
@clairsheart @WellknownBeans @YernSilverqueen @SteffyHazPlants
Omg thanks y'all for the comments!! I hope she grows fast and I will take a picture of her extra root growth soon!
@princesspitstop @YernSilverqueen @WellknownBeans @SteffyHazPlants @clairsheart @BuddingPitayita @TheConservator
GM guys! This is all the #newgrowth in Marley's roots! Plus the leaf unfurled!
If you wanna see the leaf before unfurling, then just check the plant card!πŸ€—
Wow, that’s great! How exciting!!
@princesspitstop the comment above this! So glad this happened! @BuddingPitayita ikr!! Thanks so much!🧑🧑
@StarryKentia How exciting!! I love watching the leaves of my Monstera unfurling! I'm waiting on 2 of them as we speak! Marley looks so happy! What are you going to do with your plants when you go on vacation? Just wondering.
@StarryKentia THOSE ROOTS!! I bet you're feeling like a proud momma right now!
@princesspitstop I was handling just that rn. So we r going to give our house keys to our neighbours and their housekeeper will come and water them! I hope they survive, cus I dont like when others have to take care of them, cus the last time that happened, my China doll's leaves had burnt up, so I'm just praying here lol!
Hi Satvika!
Your gratefulness and love need to be spread all around this crazy world 🌍!
Isn't it such a blessing to feel that sweet love? 😘❣️
I enjoy reading what you share with us and hope that you have an awesome vacation...lucky girl! πŸ₯³ We'll miss you..
Do you feel like sharing where you are going? I took a peek at your Oasis and am not familiar with where you live πŸ€”
Oh...lastly...I also enjoy, love, and am astonished when Prince, my beloved Silver Dragon 🐲, surprises me when a tiny corm pushes through the soil and goes through the incredible daily process of slowly unfurling his new leaf, to grow so large! It's another miracle of Nature πŸ™πŸ•ŠοΈπŸŒΉπŸ’– I fully understand your delight with Marley...named after the dog πŸ• in the movie "Marley and me"?
That's awesome Satvika!! You're turning into quite the #FAAFO student (Faff About and Find Out! πŸ˜‚ It's the best way to learn Planty stuff imo!) she looks GREAT!

My very first Syngo prop was from my Albo. I propped her in moss and then planted her, the mother leaf died off fairly quickly but she pushed out a new leaf right away and has been alternating variegated with pure white leaves ever since πŸ€πŸ’šπŸ˜‚

GO MARLEY! πŸ’ͺπŸ‘πŸ’šπŸ₯° Xxx
@CutePolypremum @JenniB81 thank you so much and sorry for the late reply!
No I didn't name Marley so because of the movie, but I just thought the name suited him! And yeah ofc I can tell ya, I went to Pondicherry near Tamil Nadu here in India! Beautiful place, but not a great situation, as Jenni would know. Hehe, all of us got a nasty flu, and couldn't really go anywhere. Btw, your syngo albo, looks gorgeous! Was Tink a prop too? That to, was she from Tinkerbell? If so, that's awesome!