
Posted 4w ago by @SnailDiva

My monstrosity of an Alocasia Ninja decided to push the m...

My monstrosity of an Alocasia Ninja decided to push the most humongous leaf.

First picture is one of the oldest leaf for reference.

Second is the cutest tiny leaf that opened last week.


It’s making it look absolutely hilarious but I’m glad to know she is enjoying the grow lights and green houseπŸ₯°

I know it is not #FreshLeafFriday but I had to. #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #AlocasiaAddicts #Alocasia
7ft to light, direct
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 6 days ago
Bella is showing you she's a big girl now 😍
@COPlantMom she sure is, about a month ago I had one of the 3 leaves remaining starting to yellow (out of 6 when I got her) and I was like β€œthis is it, she did not like the repot when I got her”
Little did I know she was actually cooking me this surprise πŸ˜‚
Well done!
So pretty!! 🀩 congrats