
Posted 7M ago by @itsjordan

#GregGivesBackWinners This is a week late because I’ve be...

#GregGivesBackWinners This is a week late because I’ve been on a trip… super unfortunate timing as I was away when the box arrived, so my mom had to deal with it for me. As I’ve now returned, all the plants were basically dead and the entire inside of the box was covered in dirt— huge mess because all the items were dirt filled and covered 🥲

I don’t know how to care for those types of plants anyway, the other stuff inside was nice. Thanks for the box 🌱 all the pots are super great, the leaf keychain is adorable. The mug and all the plant photo cards will make for some nice decor. I don’t know what some of this is honestly since I don’t know a lot about these plants 🤔 I will find use somehow! Thank you to those who contributed to the box, I’m so sorry your plant clippings died… their pots will be super useful to me though!! honestly, my cat would’ve tried to eat them all the time 😂😬

Also, unfortunate to come back to all of my plants dying because our power went out a few days ago, so my mom had to reset my grow lights, but she left them turned on too long for a few days and didn’t tell me about this… all of my plants are burned and looking very bad, am I going to cry? Yes 😭
Send help—>

#PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantTherapy #greggivesback #GregGang #PlantyBoxofGoodies #giveaway
Here’s some pictures of a few pages from that book if anybody is interested in buying one for themself, it’s actually very neat and informative!! It’s on Amazon for $5

There’s photos of bugs, diseases, water guide, what to look at when buying a plant
Oh no!! 😭 Oh that's devastating... You're mom obviously tried really hard to help! I hope your plants recover ok Hun, they're generally pretty hardy and can survive all kinds of noises from us plant parents so I'm sure you'll be able to bring them back! 🥰🥰

Great goodies from the #greggivesback box too! Just a real shame the baby plants didn't make it 😢 but I'm really glad you love the presents! Xx
@JenniB81 Thank you, Jenni 💚 They are on the path of recovery now, I was really nervous for my elephant bush because it was so burned and losing leaves, but things are better now! I think the only one who is really toast is my drama queen aloe 🙄

Who knew a relaxing hobby could be so stressful!
@itsjordan wait, your selling the book that you got from Greg give away? Tell me I’m reading that wrong??🧐
@Boymom-plantmom No, no! I was just showing it in case anyone wanted to get one for themself 😳

The price sticker was on the back, so I was trying to tell it’s a good price for it too— I get how that may look kinda suspicious, but no 😂 I didnt even consider it may seem that way, so I changed my wording now
@JCPlantProper Do you know what the little stake and green leaf clips are? I assume for long stem/viney plants, but what kind? and how do they work? 🤔
@JCPlantProper Ohh, gotcha! I was wondering what those were also for, thank you!!

I already found use for one of the clips, I have a lily with one silly flower that wants to lean far away from the others so I’m using it to help bring it up lol
@itsjordan lol I was hoping that’s what your were saying! And thanks for askingg about those clips because I was wondering as well❤️❤️
Yay! So exciting @itsjordan ! And super awesome to recommend the book to other Greggers! Please let us know if you have questions about anything. Can't wait to see your plant babies grow
Hahaha I know what you mean @itsjordan! My aloe is also the biggest pain in my arse! 🤦‍♀️ But I suck at Succs so... It's more my fault than hers! Lol

Today's #mostdramaticplant award however goes to my Alternanthera Party Time! She was trying to tell me she's a bit thirsty! Smh 😂😂
@JenniB81 My aloe on deaths door 3 days ago vs now 😂 she is still very… upset… but she’s green again lol

Its kinda been through a lot though— my friend separated it from her larger aloe and accidentally rotted this ones roots, and then she gave it to me and I moved back home, then this whole accidental burning of it happened 😂 soooo uhh… yeah. Separated from mother, overwatered, moved, moved again, then burned! Barely hanging on 🫣
Awww! She's making a great comeback though! 🤣💚 Mine has just been miserable because I love tropicals I think... Not that she's lacking in love! Lmao 😂 more that my house is way too humid for her and I've almost given her crown rot twice and root rot once! 🤦‍♀️ So now all my succs are in my dump of a spare bedroom (were renovating) balanced on a upturned table! Lmao and basically ignored.... But she's also MUCH happier away from the moisture and though I had to chop a few of her lower leaves she's growing well now and back to being green too 💚 rather than a sickly yellowish colour. She's putting out new shoots FAST AND I think she's giving me a pup! So she must be fairly happy with me at the moment ... Which may all change in an instant! Lol (it has before 🤣🤣).

But for now... So far so good! 🤞😜 Xx