
Posted 1M ago by @LiftLashPlant

I’m not even sure I knew these flowered! I’m so excited! ...

I’m not even sure I knew these flowered! I’m so excited! #NewGrowth #NewBlooms #Coleus #HappyPlants #GregGang #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantsSavedMyMentalHealth
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 days ago
Looks like a cartoon flower 🌺πŸ₯°
@LiftLashPlant I'm 99.9% sure it is misidentified. You have an Episcia. They are prolific bloomers provided they have enough humidity. Fertilize with orchid fertilizer about once a month, and it will grow quite happily.
@UltraKoreanfir thank you!!! I like my house humid so I got a few humidifiers for me and the plants bc winters are so dry here. I guess they’re working!!!
In fact, I'm 100% sure it is an Episcia. Here is mine. Look at the flowers.
@UltraKoreanfir Yep I did some research too and it definitely is. Your plant is beautiful!!!
@UltraKoreanfir I went to change it in the info and there’s so many different kinds 😩
Was looking at your post again, then i recalled i saw an episcia growing like a gangbuster πŸ˜‚. Not a native, not meant to be here, not even native! This little guy was just chilling with the other weeds πŸ˜‚. [FYI the original landscaping plan was Philodendron erubescens 'Gold'/'Malay Gold'/'Imperial Gold', and a few fan palms]
Forgot the photos. What do you think? Should i smuggle it back home? Where it would actually belong
@Araceae pretty cool to see one out just chilling in an otherwise landscaped area like a little freeloader. πŸ€ͺ
@LiftLashPlant I just went with Flame Violet 'Karlyn' in Greg for an ID. I think they all likely have the same or similar care schedules/routines.
Mine is VERY dramatic and refuses to survive outside of a humidity dome. She's cray-cray.πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸͺ΄
@UltraKoreanfir he wasn't well rooted, slightly rotted roots [the soil was muddy as h3ll]. He's currently sitting with my alocasia until i can repot him with the appropriate soil
@Araceae Thaz is SO COOL!!!
@LiftLashPlant wow she really has recovered well then πŸ˜„ I didn't question the coleus tag in your last post as there are so many different kinds, but when I saw this one I thougt I had never seen that kind of flower on coleus πŸ˜‚ Good job @UltraKoreanfir figured it outπŸ˜„ And a very cute flower😊🌸
@LiftLashPlant thx ☺️. He's slowly recovering, luckily the stem isn't rotted
@MockingJay one of the only times I’ve been happy with a consequence of my ADHD was forgetting to prune this plant πŸ˜‚