
Posted 1M ago by @Gwenny.plants

can you tell who’s asking for his first water πŸ˜‚, at least...

can you tell who’s asking for his first water πŸ˜‚, at least I’m hoping he’s asking for water, hasn’t been watered since I adopted him, let him dry out before I watered! #DramaticPlants #MarbleQueenPothos
2ft to light, indirect
12” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 days ago
I really appreciate the plants that speak to us clearly, to let us know when they need a drink! πŸ™‚
@Eelhsa rightπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I woke up and was like Oop πŸ‘€, let me give you a drank, it’s super foggy today so I also moved him closer to get more light
He looks lovely in that spot. πŸ™‚πŸͺ΄
@Eelhsa thank you!, I’ll move him back when I get home
@Gwenny.plants, I’m sure he’s quite happy! πŸ™‚
I love this beauty 😍. I just bought one myself. Couldn’t pass up a six dollar marble queen.
He's a gorgeous plant 😍I like the pot aswell
@Chevysgirl11 thank you!!! I really hope the water helps his dramatic self πŸ˜‚ I got the pot from Walmart
@Eelhsa I totally agree
@Ninabeena I just found one for $5 at Loweβ€˜s. Apparently I’ve decided I need ALL varieties of pothos.
@captainstardust me too girl!!
@Gwenny.plants @Chevysgirl11
The hubster and I have those same pots, and so do a few other #Greggers. They’re on clearance at Walmart right now, though. Might wanna hustle over and grab a couple if you can before they’re gone. I got the last 2 yesterday from the store closest to me. Might have to venture over to others around us for a few more, You know, just in case. πŸ€ͺ
@Gwenny.plants I miiiight have just picked up 2 more from Trader Joe’s. They were $4! How could I NOT?
@Eelhsa me too!
@HisLobster Walmarts pot clearance got me!! All kinds!! I got a medium glazed ceramic one with monsteras on it and a clay pot just a bit deeper than the ceramic one!! 3-4$ each. Plus A BUNCH of little 3-4 inch terracotta for all of your cactus needs!!
@NovelRosaryvine right I got it for 7$
@Gwenny.plants AWESOME!!
@NovelRosaryvine y’all are persuading me to go to Walmart 😹
@captainstardust DOOO IIIIITT!!!!!
@captainstardust @NovelRosaryvine @Gwenny.plants Sorry, not sorry?
πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ«ΆπŸ»πŸͺ΄ #EnablersUnite #EnablersOfGreGAnonymous
@HisLobster yesss always πŸ˜‚
@captainstardust I am on a mission to get them all πŸ˜‚