
Posted 1M ago by @GR1M

Guys I have a huge problem. My plants have recently been ...

Guys I have a huge problem. My plants have recently been hit with a nasty mealy bug/thrips infestation and it’s taking my plants faster than I can cure them.

I have been spraying with neem oil for a few weeks now and have even showered off the white fuzz and did my best to get nooks and crannies. It genuinely seems to have gotten more aggressive and I’m ngl I came home and felt my heart sink.

I stand to lose so many plants, some of which are rare, and I don’t know what else to do…
#neemoil #pests #thrips #mealybugs #sickplants #advice #pestcontrol
Dang. I wish I knew how to help. I don't get much mealy bug issues. Hopefully someone can chime in with some good advice. Maybe try taking plants from dirt and wash w/ peroxid, then pot in water for a little while. That usually works for me with any issues. Good luck 🤞🏽
Hi @GR1M
I have a mealybug problem too in one of my plants. I have asked for advice in my publication ( ) where @MothGoblin gave me some useful tips like using isopropyl alcohol 70%.
Hope my post can be of help for you!
If you find that the bug problem keeps coming back, then most likely they have infested the soil, and you will have to repot your plants in brand-new soil entirely and you will have to start fresh and thoroughly wash off all the old soil from the roots, disinfect the pots and repot the plants or find a way to treat the soil without harming your plants. You could try this product
Hi @GR1M 🤘🙃🤘Love the Killstar t-shirt - my favourite place to shop other than Disturbia!
Yes, have a look at what I said on @HunkyStrapwort thread. The only thing that I should’ve added is that in some countries isopropyl alcohol is called rubbing alcohol. Just make sure it is 70% and not 100% strength as that can burn the leaves.

As some of your plants are rare you could dilute this to spray all foliage (especially the underside of leaves and where leaves emerge) after removing all visible bugs and egg patches with undiluted solution and a cotton bud/Q-tip.

As @Seedstarter said, returning mealys after two or three rounds of cleaning could show eggs in the soil. Bonide Systemic Control isn’t available in some EU countries (or in the UK). So another solution can be to ditch the old substrate and rinse the roots in a wash of 3% hydrogen peroxide (some pharmacies sell it, or online) and water in a 1:9 ratio mix. This is also a good root wash for root rot 😁

Good luck with your killing spree 🪬
@GR1M Hate those guys! A week or so ago I had to go on a murder spree on one of my plant babies, and what seemed to kill em off (but not my plant) was 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol, a tbsp of dish soap, mixed in with a cup of water. I put mine in a spray bottle, and you might want to spray a test section of your plants to make sure it doesn’t dry them out too bad. Hope your problems get resolved soon!
I’m so sorry to hear that @GR1M Mealy bugs are the worst. I hope you are able to save some of your plants.
Grab some alcohol, wintergreen if you have it (pests hate the smell) and wipe down all plants. Spray it if you need to and wipe down. You can also use systemic granules in the soil to help.

If you have plants, you'll get pests at some point, so don't fret, you've got this. Posting some pest #TipsandTricks below.


Combating current pests:

Step 1:
BREATHE! 🧘🏿‍♀️You've got this!
"If you have plants, you'll have pests at some point."

Baptize your plants 🤣
Seriously, if you can submerge your plant in water so those buggers drown.

If you can't submerge, wash off leaves with warm soapy water using a soap like Dr. Bronners. My fav is the peppermint which is a natural repellent for some crawlers.

Then wipe down leaves and stems with rubbing alcohol (no more than 70%). Make sure you wipe down the underside of the leaves as well.

Spray with your choice of spray, also spraying the underside of leaves and the soil. Drench the plants in the spray till it's running off. May want to do this in a bathroom for less mess.
➡️ I use Natria as it's gentle to use often.

**If you use Neem oil, make sure you don't let light on the plant until it is completely dried, otherwise you'll damage leaves.

Keep these plants quarantined until you're sure you've ridded them of crawlers.

Repeat spraying as needed. If using neem, spray weekly; if using Natria, you can use more often.
Thank you so much to everyone that commented and helped. It’s very much appreciated. I’ve painstakingly given a death bath to all my plants that have been in the surroundings and replaced their soil.

I’m now praying it’ll go away for good. 🥴