
Posted 2M ago by @MusicalRedmint

No plant pic today. For all the right reasons. I can st...

No plant pic today. For all the right reasons. I can stop whining now, I guess. Let's only hope that not too many plants decide to open their blooms in the next 7 days. You know. Priorities. Ah, yes, and maybe that the remainder of my slight cold will stay small and also has had no detrimental effect on the surgery🤦‍♀️ but at least I wasn't sent home again. Thank you, all you nice Greggers that wished me well in my last posts. I really appreciate it. #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantssavedmymentalhealth
@StarryKentia Thanks. As long as nothing gets infected, everything should work out well now. It's a fairly routine operation in Germany. We are top of the world in this one 😉 good vibes are always appreciated
Honey, you are in my prayers
@clairsheart thanks 😊
Today I even have the energy to add a smiley to my thanks again 😀
Hoping everything goes well. Praying for a speedy and infection free recovery. 🙏
@MusicalRedmint Keeping Fingers crossed 🤞 for a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹!
@Sassylimey thanks Sarah, very much appreciated
@Ms.Persnickety thank you 😊
@MusicalRedmint Yuck no fun! Wishing you the best and fastest recovery ever.
@MusicalRedmint So glad they didn’t send you ho@w this time! Stay well ❤️
@princesspitstop nah. It's all good from here on out. As long as nothing gets infected it's the best possible outcome of recent events. This surgery had been 20 years in the making. 😉 at some point is just time. Thank you for your wishes. I will take it to heart and just recover fast and well.
@debbiedo me too. Thank you. I will.
Speedy recovery 🙏🏿❤️
Get well soon. Your plant babies need you and so do we.
I pray for a successful surgery ❤️❤️❤️
@BentonHoya30 @Pittyplantlover @SMM
Thank you so much for your kind words. The surgery is over already. But so far, everything looks well.
@StarryKentia I know - you mentioned it in another post. Though you've moved now, the "we" included you. Why not take credit for the good sides of the medical system when it works, no matter where you are now.
@MusicalRedmint Prayers for a quick recovery 🙏🙏
@mtplantlady thank you 😊
@StarryKentia 😀 ehm, depends on what you understand as feeling better 😀 though it's routine, it's a big operation. I'm half a mech or android now 😀. Or in other words... "ouch"? And I get the good drugs now. Which, as you probably know, is not often the case here 😉
Prayers and virtual hugs🙏🏾🤗❤️‍🩹
Sending you all my good vibes for a speedy recovery so you can get back to your plant family! ❤️‍🩹XO
@ValleyOfErlease @WildNorth thank you both. I hope so, too, Sarah.
Wishing you an easy and speedy recovery! ❤️‍🩹
Wishing you a speedy recovery! Sending all the “anti-infection vibes” I can muster. Hope you’ll update us when you feel up to it 💪🤕
Sending you much love and all the plant energy in the world for a speedy recovery! 🌱 🪄 ✨
@MusicalRedmint we’ll all be here ready to help! Life is relentless. But that’s why we’re here ☮️❤️🪴
I know how you feel with missing the blooms while in hospital. I missed my Fishbone cactus bloom during my craniotomy!
Fingers crossed that you come out of the hospital swinging! Those plant babies need their mama♥️
Get well soon! I wish you the speediest of recoveries!
@StarryKentia erh, sry, apparently I was not clear. I meant that though it's great I finally got it done, the leg just hours after the surgery hurts like *insert curse word of your choice here*
But from what I hear, unless that cold screwed enough with me, everything should heal up quite fast with this kind of thing 😉
@MaximalFern55 I vote this the winner. Anti-infection vibes 🤣
Sending you all of my well wishes!
@LaSiguanaba @MaximalFern55 @itsjordan @WildNorth @ThatFlowerGirl @GaryPoopins
Oh wow, you guys are the best. Thank you all so much 😊
@BrandiBear of wow, that sounds heavy. And probably with way more recovery time.
I'm lucky enough that with lots of luck I will be home just in time for fresh leaf Friday 😀 again: priorities. I know how to set them 🤦‍♀️ even if I might miss the first opening of some of them, I doubt I will miss them completely if all goes well.
Get better soon! Take care of yourself, the plants will survive. 
@TimelyCoyotillo thank you. I hope so. It's a bit tricky to hand their care from one adhdplantlover to another 😀 we will see
@MusicalRedmint Hope you get well soon it's so unfortunate that you had ended up getting a bad sickness illness.😟🏥👨‍⚕️🛏🩹💊❤️❤️❤️
@MusicalRedmint wishing you the best and a speedy recovery!
Speedy and infection free recovery, Your plants will surprise you with new growth. 👍💚🌵🪴
Hi susann I've only just got here a late one today Sending you best wishes and a speedy recovery 🙏 ❤️ and the cold leaves you soon
@MusicalRedmint I can't believe that you are able to type coherently, for the most part, being on "the good stuff."

Stay ahead of the pain, lady.
I hope the pain is short-lived and your flowers wait for you 😉. Get plenty of rest & drink plenty of water to ward off that cold.....maybe get some vitamin C too. In other words.... Get well soon! 🤗

Will you have to do rehab?
@UpfrontDisphyma thank you. The reason for the surgery doesn't really affect me much. I basically had an accident 20 years ago and had been walking since then on a knee that left all, even experienced doctors over the years speechless, when they saw the xrays 😀 that's more or less normal for me, so getting the surgery is really not something that I would call " getting sick" since that's just what's normal to me. The getting better part will be really strange , though 😀 I am easyly more bothered by the cold that messed up my plans again and again. 😀
@Imissmydeaddog Oh no. That sounds like a lot. Take good care of yourself and get better soon
@CourtlyKingfern thank you 😊
@SvelteKingfern thank you. I'm sure they will.
@UltraKoreanfir thank you for your well- wishes.
As for the good stuff... that's why I stressed the regional differences. The good stuff here means only just a bit of something stronger than nsaids. In German hospitals or doctor's offices it is very rare to get e.g. opioids. They are very strictly regulated, and even if given, the amounts are not nearly comparable to what you would get in the US. It's all enough to take the edge off, but not really something that would impair me to the point I would have (real) trouble writing. And I didn't get general anesthesia, so not even much of a high there. Also, I guess, when I want to talk, I talk, no matter the circumstance. I just recently sat at my eye doctor's office after getting drops and texted basically blind. It was kind of a challenge 😅 I do like to hear our see myself yap, if you hadn't noticed 😀
As for the rest: Believe you me, last week when I noticed this cold coming on, the first thing I did was getting every available over the counter immune booster available. And I did everything I could otherwise. Not again, cold. Not again. Seems to have worked - at least a bit 😉
Yes, I will have rehab. It's a full knee replacement. No doctor would leave you without at least minimal aftercare. But because of my dog, I opted for an outpatient one. It's less treatments, but also less time spent doing nothing, so I'm fine with it.
@MusicalRedmint Just don't let the physical therapist push you to the point of damage. That happens a lot more frequently than it should. Maybe it's not too much of a risk in Germany, but it is here, for sure.

Testing blind is an art! But you know, there is a talk to text option on most phones. 😉. It's not 100% but it's pretty good.

"😅 I do like to hear our see myself yap".....LOL! 🤣🤣🤣 You're too much! 😆
@UltraKoreanfir Well, I said I texted. Never said they understood the text 😀
Talk to text makes me livid. The time I need to proofread and correct it, I can write a whole novel.

I don't know much about PT in the US, but I guess it makes sense if you look at the overall work culture - which is very different here, though sadly, some things are changing. There is less of a power through mentality. I'm not saying we have no pressure, but still comparatively less than in the US. When you are sick, you are sick. The PT is paid for by your health insurance for the most part. You get paid leave, if you are sick, for a long long time, until the employer or system won't pay any more. And even then there usually are safety nets. Basically you are sick until you are healthy. That creates more of a culture that focuses on taking the time that is needed to heal which also affects the way physical therapists do their business, I would argue.
Which means I don't even have an excuse. 😀 because clearly it's me. I'm the problem.
I *wish* the physical therapists were the issue. I tend to deliberately choose the more pushy ones. Except for maybe lymphdrainage, I'm not a fan of those that just seemingly hover over your skin and call that a massage. Still, that is not really pressing too much, I think. It's hard to evaluate. But i tend to push. Today I already caused several nurses to get the vapors, because 1 insisted on getting up already some hours after surgery (which is fine from a knee standpoint, just less so from their "she still might not be stable because the spinal anesthesia might not have worn off yet and she will fall and destroy the new knee" standpoint. )
And it didn't help that when I reentered the room I wanted to wiggle by an obstacle and went backwards and in a sideway crabwalk. Fast. On crutches. Because though I do not use them that often, 20 years of using them sometimes is still a lot of usage and creates a lot of bad habits for convenience sake. The nurse really *really* didn't look happy (a bit pale around the nose) and reminded me even 2 hours later, that I should never *ever* do that again. So... outside people pushing: not so much of a problem. For the rest, I'll guess we will see 😅
As for the yapping... well I do especially in times of crisis. I would say "lachen wenn's zum Weinen nicht reicht" describes a lot of my life right now. (Very) roughly "just laugh when there's not enough energy for crying" 😀
That's the goal here. Well, there are others, but this is one 😉 thank you. Enjoy your non-autumny autumn. Fall is a bit weird here anyway, this year
@Imissmydeaddog that's great. More of that. 😉
@Imissmydeaddog Nah. Maybe I will miss one or two first blooms, but they will still be open when I'm back, I'm sure. Thank you, you too.
@MusicalRedmint Hey i'm back just to let you know sorry for your plants. And my bad i didn't know it was just a bone injury.❤️🤕🦴