
Posted 2M ago by @SunsetBloom

Athena has been repotted! I spied new growth as I was doi...

Athena has been repotted! I spied new growth as I was doing so too πŸ‘€

A few of her leaves are a bit droopy but I don’t think I’m concerned (tell me if I should be).

Also should I water her today or leave it a few days to let her get used to her new pot?
#HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #ADHDPLANTLOVERS #NewPlantMom
2ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
She’s so purdy! 🀩
@LiftLashPlant thank you!! I can’t wait to see her grow more
Everytime I see one of these, I forget that I prefer flowers over leaves, and think I need one of those. Especially when it looks like *that* 😍
@Minthe thank you!! She’s livened up a bit now she’s settled into her new pot