
Posted 3M ago by @TheLonelyDaff

This little one (lithops dorotheae) finished splitting af...

This little one (lithops dorotheae) finished splitting after a couple of months 😂 looking very nice and happy after his first drink in at least 2 months. #succulentsquad #livingstones #lithopsarmy #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Those are so interesting! I'm not sure what to think about them. 😆 Have you seen one bloom?
@sarahsalith not this one its too young (maybe 1/2") to flower normally they flower after 3 years ish.
I have seen quite a few flower they typically flower in the autumn with daisy like flowers.
Some pictures here of them in bloom,

I expect my Halliis (attached) will flower this year and ofc i will share what they look like.
How big do they get? (The plant- Not the flower.)

I've thought about getting them but they seem so small and frigile.
My biggest is about an inch or so (maybe 4 years old they are slow growers, but you can nudge them bigger with light and tactical water ) , but they will grow bigger depending on the variety like hookeri are bigger. But they also cluster up with multiple heads bunched together.

Halli is 3" pot, and dorotheae is 1.5" pot for scale

If you want something similar other Mesembs like Pleiospilos or Dinteranthus which are bigger but similar style of succulent
You can put multiple in a pot if they are on the same cycle and bulk the pot out so its less fragile and I know many do i did for a while too