
Posted 1M ago by @Stess317

Originally I thought the first all green leaf was just a ...

Originally I thought the first all green leaf was just a fluke but now he only seems to be producing green leavesπŸŒ±πŸ™ƒ #NewGrowth #PothosNJoy
0ft to light, direct
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 6 months ago
Definitely needs more bright light to maintain variegation.
@JungleNes see but it receives 4-5 hours of direct light and sits under a grow light. I think it’s being a teenager and it’s a phaseπŸ˜†
Oh wow. lol!
Also I heard it helps if you cut back to the last variegated leaf.
@Stess317 look at the vine where it turned green. Variegated vines tend to have halves of the vine green, the other half a white. Usually, the green leaf will grow out of the green side of the vine and more growths come from that green, non variegated growth. You want to force growth from the node on the β€œwhite” or variegated side. Some people go to the last variegated leaf and cut it. But, you can get some keiki paste and scratch the variegated node and put some on and it has hormones that help a growth point grow. You want to get it growing from the variegated side to keep it going. Let me know if you need more explanation and I can grab pictures of mine and see if I can explain it better.