
Posted 1M ago by @teacher12

Tik Tok hack? Just wanted to share that I’ve now tried t...

Tik Tok hack? Just wanted to share that I’ve now tried this hack twice and both times my monsteras popped out nice big finestrated leaves. I put one of the aerials in water for a couple days and both of my monsteras have newbies. Has anyone else tried this? And…Solei one has some crazy root growth! I thought the root rot got her, but maybe there’s a chance??? #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #PlantTherapy #MonsteraMonday #GregGang #Greggers #Monstera #MonsteraMob
0ft to light, indirect
10” pot with drainage
Last watered 5 days ago
Eeek!! How cool is that!🀩✨🌱 plants are amazing!! I feel like it’s mimicking nature?? Right like they climb the trees and find little pockets of water to sink their roots in? 🀩✨ how amazing! Congratulations on your new baby leaves!πŸ‘πŸ₯³
Yes! And they love the humidity. I’m going to keep experimenting because it’s fun πŸ₯°
How long did you put the aerial in water?
Wow thats a useful hack
@RadBokchoi74 only a couple of days. No new growth since the last time I did this.
Hi Laura, I would think that this now means you have new roots to then add into your pot? I don’t think they β€œturn back” into aerial roots which makes me wonder, if the roots dry up because they weren’t potted, will those lovely new leaves die off as well? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”
@teacher12 so to clarify, put the aerial root in water to encourage it to grow another leaf? Am I understanding this correctly?
@TheOddAsity @WelsomeRhodotus here are some pics (different aerial this time). Basically I just drop the aerial root into the water container and let it sit for a few days. This time I used distilled water with FoxFarm Big Bloom added to it. I was able to look back to where the aerial is attached and see that the two newest leaves were from that main stem. After a few days I removed the water and left it alone. The aerial root is fine and just hangs out until the next time. I had already removed the water, so I set the container up with a different aerial to show the process. As far as I can tell it can’t hurt. I still water the plant as needed.
I noticed mine hasn’t put out more leaves recently but is putting out three new aerial roots. I was going to post for advice and saw your post. (I’m still going to post and see what I can find out) but I am going to add this to what I’m going to do
I’m going to add some controversy here. But I feel the need to say it. Yes putting the roots in water will help your monstera to sprout new leaves you are not wrong.

But, is it a good idea? My belief is this, in nature they grow up trees to search for light right. The Ariel root on them grow up the side to grasp the tree and then work their was down to search for water in the soil. This creates very strong, stable and healthy Ariel roots.

When you sort of cheat the system they no longer have to work to access water, this in turn creates weaker Ariel roots that have to work for nothing. Sort of like if we don’t exercise we get weak and much less strong. Eventually they can even die off because they are so weak or worse yet get rot. So while the temporary results you’ll enjoy, will the plant itself?

In my opinion, no. But that’s up to all of you to decide and more than up for debate on this.

In fact I think a little healthy debate can be healthy and get to the root of issues! πŸ™‚ @TheOddAsity
Hi again Shannon.
You always give such good advice.
Researched... experimented... experienced...technical... knowledgeable... professional...
Would you be comfortable with sharing your plant background?
πŸ•ŠοΈπŸŒΉπŸ¬πŸ§šβœ¨πŸ’ Joanie
Your Oasis is remarkable!
Aww, thank you. I have always just really loved plants. πŸͺ΄ When I am passionate about something I tend to go all in. I have one of those brains that just can’t get enough in. I enjoy researching, learning and figuring out how things work and function. From start to finish, inside and out.

My daughter thinks I’m autistic, although I don’t know. I’ve never asked for a diagnosis because I honestly don’t care. My son is autistic, and has similar traits so she may be on to something.

I have experimented many times over with my own plants through the years, because honestly, I feel like living it and learning from it is the best way to really learn something. I had many great successes through the years and admit failures as well.

For months MANY people who I personally know and have seen my collection insisted I must share my knowledge because my plants are all quite healthy. Many of them I have had for decades. I decided to start on instagram to share some of my knowledge. Then my niece told me about this app called Greg, I decided to check it out. And saw so many people struggling with their little plant babies. So I decided to try to help.

My rule for myself is that I never give advice for plants that I have not used myself. And, I will never comment on a plant species I do not have first hand experience with. Now I have a lot of plants, last count was just below 400, I don’t have them all on my oasis. But I did try to get most of them.

All I really want is to help others be successful so I decided to start helping where I can.

I ALWAYS try to help people understand why their problems happen in the first place, as opposed to just a basic answer. So that they also can learn, because knowledge is power. Once they learn how their plants, soil, pots etc. work and function cohesively. They can then have healthy happy plants and spread their knowledge with others. Spreading the love of plants is a gift in itself. So, when I have spare time and I think I can help I will.

Now I know I can be quite blunt and I am not someone who sugar coats things. But hopefully in some small way I can help others. πŸ’•

And thank you for the oasis compliment it is very appreciated.
Thanks so much Shannon.
We need more plant peeps like you.
We also need your expertise, and being blunt is oftentimes necessary.
You are an awesome human! 😍
@SuperbRaspfern @TheOddAsity @CutePolypremum I think this is a really great conversation and I appreciate your bluntness Shannon. I think information is always helpful because there is a lot of science to plants, and yet they are mysterious living beings as well. It’s awesome that you are open to discussing your possible autism. I’ve been a teacher for 20 years (so many different types of learners), and I have a child with multiple disabilities, so I appreciate a neurodivergent mind. My child is funny, smart, and an absolutely amazing human being. Like you, I also tend to dive wholeheartedly into things I am passionate about and I love to do research because my focus-challenged brain craves full immersion when something catches my attention. It’s funny because I have read multiple books about plants, watched tons of videos, combed the internet for different perspectives, and spent much of my free time hanging out at local nurseries to learn more, and yet the more I learn, the more I realize how vast the plant world is and how little I actually know. Sometimes the best way to learn is through trial and error since many plants can adapt to their environment. I wholeheartedly believe that plants respond differently to certain people, which sounds crazy, but I think there is a lot we don’t understand. If any of you want to delve into the Wild West world of plants, check out the book The Secret Life of Plants. There is also a documentary (that goes with the book) you can watch from 1979 on Link: . Regardless of whether you believe some of the wild ideas explored, it’s still interesting to learn about the potential of our relationship with plants. I love Greg because it’s a chance to interact with real people who have successes and failures, and we can share what we’ve learned, and ask for help and support when we run into challenges. 🫢🏻🌱🫢🏻🌱πŸ₯°
@CutePolypremum That’s a beautiful compliment, thank you πŸ’•
@teacher12 Thank you I’m glad you understand and, πŸ˜‚I have that book too! I also crazily do believe we are all connected. That plants do indeed sense our presence and do better when we are around. And yes we learn through our entire lifetimes, it never stops. There are so many species of plants currently there are over 400,000 species of plants that have been documented and that’s not including all of the different subspecies. With more being discoved constantly! It is a beautiful, mysterious world that has so many amazing benefits. Plants enrich our lives in so many ways beyond their beauty! And yes this is a lovely community πŸͺ΄, of other plant hoarders, oops sorry I meant collectors! πŸ˜‰
@SuperbRaspfern I, for one, APPRECIATE the fact you comment, when you have the experience. I hate being given the β€œgoogle says…” response because I have already looked and I need a real person giving me their tried and true information. I’m blunt as well, EVEN WHEN I TRY NOT TO BE πŸ˜‚ My closest friends know this. And my kids and I laugh because so many people nowadays think healthy back and forth conversation and a sharing of perspectives, is being controversial, but I love it! I learn so much going back and forth with someone!!
@teacher12 thanks for sharing the documentary. I’m going to try and play that soon I have a bunch of repots to do so it will be perfect. Like you and Shannon I also have a special needs son and they are a JOY. The end. That’s all that needs to be be said. If you know, you know. And I agree, plants do act differently with various people. My sister lives 20 minutes from me, I have given her cutting of my plants and they DO NOT behave for her the way they did for me and vice versa! It is fascinating for sure!!
@CutePolypremum @teacher12 @TheOddAsity

Wow! Thank you all for being understanding and accepting my imperfect self. I am feeling the love and and sending you all air hugs πŸ€—
@teacher12 I have not seen the documentary but have taken a screenshot. Because, another love is mine is documentaries. I prefer those over movies. So I will be watching thank you for letting me know about it.
@SuperbRaspfern since you already have the book, I think you will enjoy it. They show a lot of the experiments, so you can watch for yourself. It changed my perspective. πŸ₯°
I am genuinely excited to see it!πŸ’•
Hi Shannon!
Well, the old saying goes: "Nobody's perfect" but we still try to be...whatever that is? Lol πŸ˜†. Just kidding
I understand what you've shared about how we adapt to "our" plants and how they adapt to us. They feel our love for them and return it. We feel their love for us, even as we sometimes stumble. I don't know who started those feelings of love. I kinda think it's them. πŸŒΉπŸ’žπŸͺ΄
Sometimes, I actually can feel one of my buddies telling me to please water him, or turn another around because she's not getting enough light on one side.
I'm so happy that we are blessed to find such lovely people with whom we can open up our hearts to! @teacher12 @TheOddAsity @SuperbRaspfern and some other special souls who aren't listed here...
Wishing everyone a joyous weekend πŸ’ž
Absolutely agree πŸ’•
Oooh I’m going to try this. My monstera has been kinda quiet lately.