
Posted 2Y ago by @Indoorgreens

Rip my bean plant and funny story

Rip my bean plant I guess this plant gave up until next year funny story I got into plants after my youngest son bought a bean plant two years ago from school the teacher was about to toss the students projects n I took four had me some beans harvest that year not alot but I still got a couple of decent meal out of it lol just wanted to share this story for yous! #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants #GregGang
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 years ago
Best Answer
Cute story❀️
That’s always the best when you get to eat something you’ve grown yourself. Even if it’s only one tomato πŸ… or one pepper πŸ«‘ or whatever. Doesn’t have to be a lot. Even growing a chef’s salad mix so you can grown your own small salad or anything at all that’s edible. I’m going to try the chef salad mix again. But that’s the best no matter what food it is. Getting to watch food appear magically out of nowhere. And knowing you’re the one who grew it.
@SirLiquorice yes hun I agree that’s the best