Look who's new to the plant family! Say hi to Marley!#pro...
Look who's new to the plant family! Say hi to Marley #proudplantmommoment #newgrowth #newplantmom #freshleaffriday #proudplantmommoment #plantcorner #rareplants #outdoorgrowing #plantlove #plantmommy #gardenlove #planttherapy #plantid #gregfam #balconyview #greggers #terracegarden #pothos #syngonium

5â pot with drainage

Last watered 2 weeks ago
@StarryKentia hi there Satvika & Marley!!! welcome to the #GregGang
Hi Marley ðð ð I LOVE Syngos! There's so many beautiful leaf variegations and colours ð but my absolute favourite Syngo is this... tink (daughter of Tinkerbell! I accidentally snapped a leaf, with a bit of stem, off mum when I last repotted so dipped her in rooting hormone and put her in sphag moss... The mother leaf yellowed and died but I persisted! ðŠ And first one beautiful variegated leaf came up, then a PURE white ghost leaf, then another variegated... At which point I pitted her into soil... And now another ghost leaf is about to unfurl!).
They're really adaptable! I've got a Syngo Pixie (I think she's a Pixie! There are a lot of similar looking Syngos ð) who just grows kinda wild, but my Albo and Mojito are now both on poles and loving it! ð
Have fun honey! Mine all grow really fast! ðĨ°
Pics are Tinkerbell (mum) and Tink (baby) xx
They're really adaptable! I've got a Syngo Pixie (I think she's a Pixie! There are a lot of similar looking Syngos ð) who just grows kinda wild, but my Albo and Mojito are now both on poles and loving it! ð
Have fun honey! Mine all grow really fast! ðĨ°
Pics are Tinkerbell (mum) and Tink (baby) xx
@YammieOf3 hi yongie! I'm actually not new to greg, this is just my new account, but thank you!
@JenniB81 any tips will be appreciated! Thank u so much! Tink looks so cute!
How often should I water him?
How often should I water him?
As with most tropicals (not all certainly, but most) I water when the top 1/3 to 1/2 of the soil is dry. My Albo (especially at this time of year in Scotland!) suffers with edema if I overwater even the slightest little bit!
Mine all like good strong light (I have them under grow lights rather than sunlight... Their leaves are quite delicate so they can burn if given too much strong, direct sun! But you can ease them into getting more and more light by introducing them slowly, just move her a wee bit closer each week and keep an eye on her leaves for discolouration
And they like humidity! (Which shouldn't be too hard where you live should it?! ðĪĢ).
I find them fairly easy going... In comparison to my Croton, Calathea etc (but then a heart attack is fairly easy going collared to those lot!! Hahaha ðĪĢ)
You'll be fine honey!! And as always, if you're concerned at all just post! We've got you ð xx
Mine all like good strong light (I have them under grow lights rather than sunlight... Their leaves are quite delicate so they can burn if given too much strong, direct sun! But you can ease them into getting more and more light by introducing them slowly, just move her a wee bit closer each week and keep an eye on her leaves for discolouration
And they like humidity! (Which shouldn't be too hard where you live should it?! ðĪĢ).
I find them fairly easy going... In comparison to my Croton, Calathea etc (but then a heart attack is fairly easy going collared to those lot!! Hahaha ðĪĢ)
You'll be fine honey!! And as always, if you're concerned at all just post! We've got you ð xx
@JenniB81 Aww thanks so much! I sure will do!
Mi Marley!
Welcome to your lovely home and to your mommy who's probably going to spoil you, like so many of us do ððĨ°
Mi Marley!
Welcome to your lovely home and to your mommy who's probably going to spoil you, like so many of us do ððĨ°
Am lovin' those names you gave them ððšâšïļ
Am lovin' those names you gave them ððšâšïļ
Ok Jenni...I gotta say it...been holding back myself for too long.
You are one of the sweetest, kindest, most encouraging, positive, happiest, human beings who has crossed my path on Greg. They're are others also, but am not going public with their names ðģâšïļ
I used to live in England many years ago and immediately picked up what I call "the lovey words" everyone uses in speaking with each other, be stranger or friend, male or female, young or old. I hope this wonderful custom never dies out!
Some of the adjectives used in most every sentence are: love, lovely, mate, cheers, sweetheart, and am sure there's a lot more, but my brain is not cooperating with me to remember them! Maybe when you have time (lol) you would share more of them?
Wishing you a lovely holiday. You've helped make many Greg plant lovers so happy this Christmas with "Secret Santa". Kudos, thank you, hugs, ðĪ ð
Your pal, Joanie
ðĨ°ðð§âððððð ðĪĐðŦðððĪļð·ðŧð
Ok Jenni...I gotta say it...been holding back myself for too long.
You are one of the sweetest, kindest, most encouraging, positive, happiest, human beings who has crossed my path on Greg. They're are others also, but am not going public with their names ðģâšïļ
I used to live in England many years ago and immediately picked up what I call "the lovey words" everyone uses in speaking with each other, be stranger or friend, male or female, young or old. I hope this wonderful custom never dies out!
Some of the adjectives used in most every sentence are: love, lovely, mate, cheers, sweetheart, and am sure there's a lot more, but my brain is not cooperating with me to remember them! Maybe when you have time (lol) you would share more of them?
Wishing you a lovely holiday. You've helped make many Greg plant lovers so happy this Christmas with "Secret Santa". Kudos, thank you, hugs, ðĪ ð
Your pal, Joanie
ðĨ°ðð§âððððð ðĪĐðŦðððĪļð·ðŧð
Aww Joanie @CutePolypremum ðĨđðĨđ omg I'm all misty eyed now! You're so sweet to say that, thank you! You've absolutely made my day! ðĨ° I do try ð
I feel like I overdo it sometimes! Lol I think some people can find my level of "instant familiarity" a bit strange I think?... But I literally CANNOT help it! because I'm "posh" for where I'm from I think I ended up like this trying to put people at their ease (Brits can be a bit snooty sometimes ðŦĢ there, I said it! ðĪĢ) so it's just made my heart glow to hear that honey!!
Thank you lovely!! ðĨ° I'll truly treasure that comment forever! You're beautiful ðĨ°ðĨ°ðĨ°ðĨ° xxxx
P.s. my "naming protocol" is usually really basic! ðĪĢ I have an Alocasia called Cassie, my Carmona Fukien Tea Bonsai is called... Carmen etc etc but something about the beautiful fluttery leaves on the Albo made me think of fairies I guess ðĪ·ââïļð plus my gaming handle used to be Tinkerbell years ago (I have friends that STILL call me Tink and probably always will! ðĪĢðĨ°) so I guess the name has significance anyway lol xx
I feel like I overdo it sometimes! Lol I think some people can find my level of "instant familiarity" a bit strange I think?... But I literally CANNOT help it! because I'm "posh" for where I'm from I think I ended up like this trying to put people at their ease (Brits can be a bit snooty sometimes ðŦĢ there, I said it! ðĪĢ) so it's just made my heart glow to hear that honey!!
Thank you lovely!! ðĨ° I'll truly treasure that comment forever! You're beautiful ðĨ°ðĨ°ðĨ°ðĨ° xxxx
P.s. my "naming protocol" is usually really basic! ðĪĢ I have an Alocasia called Cassie, my Carmona Fukien Tea Bonsai is called... Carmen etc etc but something about the beautiful fluttery leaves on the Albo made me think of fairies I guess ðĪ·ââïļð plus my gaming handle used to be Tinkerbell years ago (I have friends that STILL call me Tink and probably always will! ðĪĢðĨ°) so I guess the name has significance anyway lol xx
Omg @CutePolypremum I totally agree! Jenni is one of the most encouraging, sweet and really patient people here on this app and she always makes sure everyone feels comfortable growing their plantsð! Like how r u so patient? Like your answers are always so huge!ð The secret planty Santa idea was honestly so coolðĪĐ! I would have loved to buy other #greggers who needed those gifts, but sadly I don't have an Amazon account. @JenniB81 ðĪthank you for making me feel assured anytime I panic that I might end up making my kill count 6! And thanks so much on behalf of all the #greggers you've helped now. Ig that would be In thousandsðĪŠ! And about the way you talk, you make everyone feel so loved! Thanks jenni for all the help you've ever given to us!ð§Ąð§Ąð§Ą
Aww Satvika @starrykentia ðĨđðĨ°ðĨ° you're so sweet honey! Honestly, it's never a problem! ð
I've always been this way when I write lol (I'm actually pretty quiet when it comes to talking though! A hangover from being extremely shy as a kid! ðĪĢ) I've always felt more comfortable with the written word than the verbal tbh (and OMG you should see some of my work emails if you think I'm bad on here! Hahahaha ðĪĢ)
I like to try and give all the information I have in one go so people are armed with everything I've learned over the years regarding whatever plant/ situation etc ð and I LOVE learning!! Even at 43 I never lost my love of absorbing large amounts of information (& then providing a synopsis to anyone who'll listen! ð It's a very useful skill if you work in university (like I do) or local government.. lots of places actually. I almost joined the civil service fast track out of university (thank god I thought better of THAT one! ðĪĢ) and synopsising large amounts of information is a core skill that I scored top in (there were about 1500 university graduates invited down to London for a day, all expenses paid, and at the end they chose the top hundred for the fast track... I'm very happy to say I didn't make it! ð But I DID almost jin MI5 around the same time! Again... Lucky escape there I think! ðĪðĪĢ)
More than anything I like to make people happy ðĨ° and this community of Greg is one of my real joys since I discovered it! You lovely lot feel almost like family ðĨ°
Oh... & NEXT YEAR, we'll prep for SecretPlantySanta25 by getting your parents to agree to you using THEIR Amazon account! So you can totally take part ðĨ° it's just one wee wishlist, no one would be able to see anything else of their details, just your wee bit of it! ððâïļâïļ)
See... There I go again! ðĪĢ How long was this reply?! Heehee xxxx
I've always been this way when I write lol (I'm actually pretty quiet when it comes to talking though! A hangover from being extremely shy as a kid! ðĪĢ) I've always felt more comfortable with the written word than the verbal tbh (and OMG you should see some of my work emails if you think I'm bad on here! Hahahaha ðĪĢ)
I like to try and give all the information I have in one go so people are armed with everything I've learned over the years regarding whatever plant/ situation etc ð and I LOVE learning!! Even at 43 I never lost my love of absorbing large amounts of information (& then providing a synopsis to anyone who'll listen! ð It's a very useful skill if you work in university (like I do) or local government.. lots of places actually. I almost joined the civil service fast track out of university (thank god I thought better of THAT one! ðĪĢ) and synopsising large amounts of information is a core skill that I scored top in (there were about 1500 university graduates invited down to London for a day, all expenses paid, and at the end they chose the top hundred for the fast track... I'm very happy to say I didn't make it! ð But I DID almost jin MI5 around the same time! Again... Lucky escape there I think! ðĪðĪĢ)
More than anything I like to make people happy ðĨ° and this community of Greg is one of my real joys since I discovered it! You lovely lot feel almost like family ðĨ°
Oh... & NEXT YEAR, we'll prep for SecretPlantySanta25 by getting your parents to agree to you using THEIR Amazon account! So you can totally take part ðĨ° it's just one wee wishlist, no one would be able to see anything else of their details, just your wee bit of it! ððâïļâïļ)
See... There I go again! ðĪĢ How long was this reply?! Heehee xxxx
@JenniB81 Damn you work in a university? That is so cool!
My parents would agree this year as well but I just let it go, cus i dont have enough space in our terrace garden any more hahaha! I would love to see who the winners are!
My parents would agree this year as well but I just let it go, cus i dont have enough space in our terrace garden any more hahaha! I would love to see who the winners are!
@JenniB81 @StarryKentia
Hello you two beautiful ladies âĢïļâĢïļ
What can I say? Only that I love you both...my long distance buddies!
Thanks so much for sharing.
I'm also a journalist and also was shy as a kid, driving folks mad by always responding to letters, texts, emails, and fellow Greggers, with ridiculously long answers. That's the story of my life...lol ð
Enjoy, enjoy! Thank you soooooo much.
Many hugs and muchas smoochas ð
Hello you two beautiful ladies âĢïļâĢïļ
What can I say? Only that I love you both...my long distance buddies!
Thanks so much for sharing.
I'm also a journalist and also was shy as a kid, driving folks mad by always responding to letters, texts, emails, and fellow Greggers, with ridiculously long answers. That's the story of my life...lol ð
Enjoy, enjoy! Thank you soooooo much.
Many hugs and muchas smoochas ð
Ladies? Haha I'm still 13ððð @CutePolypremum @JenniB81
Love you tooð Omg I feel so funny typing this! Sending virtual hugs to both of youâĪ! I'm honestly so happy I found greg, or else I wouldn't have met all of you amazing folks! I also never thought I would make such awesome friends just by talking about one similar interest! Ur a journalist? That's honestly so cooooooool!! ðĪðĪðĪ
Btw I luv ur DP!
Love you tooð Omg I feel so funny typing this! Sending virtual hugs to both of youâĪ! I'm honestly so happy I found greg, or else I wouldn't have met all of you amazing folks! I also never thought I would make such awesome friends just by talking about one similar interest! Ur a journalist? That's honestly so cooooooool!! ðĪðĪðĪ
Btw I luv ur DP!
I know... Aren't we lucky? Aren't we blessed? ð
The Greg app is out of this ðð world!
It would be difficult to explain in words to anyone what Greg, Greggers, the Greg Team, is, without them having this experience themselves.
It's such a a joy we can share with each other, through thick and thin...
I know... Aren't we lucky? Aren't we blessed? ð
The Greg app is out of this ðð world!
It would be difficult to explain in words to anyone what Greg, Greggers, the Greg Team, is, without them having this experience themselves.
It's such a a joy we can share with each other, through thick and thin...
Lol ð... I have absolutely no idea who ksi is or ever heard thick of it but, since it popped into your mind, it must be awesome ð
Lol ð... I have absolutely no idea who ksi is or ever heard thick of it but, since it popped into your mind, it must be awesome ð
@CutePolypremum dude you're to nice and nah it's not good haha. I feel so gen alpha rn.
@StarryKentia Ahhh!!! ð I love it!! Hi Marley! Your momma is going to take such good care of you âĪïļ I can't wait to watch you grow and thrive! ð
@princesspitstop aww thank you so much!! It's so nice to see most of my close friends from this app in one post. I cant wait to watch him grow too!
He was actually a cutting, so I hope its successful!!
One thing that makes me think it was a successful prop, is that the leaf almost unfurled completely! Btw, Marley says hi back to you!ð
He was actually a cutting, so I hope its successful!!
One thing that makes me think it was a successful prop, is that the leaf almost unfurled completely! Btw, Marley says hi back to you!ð
@StarryKentia That is definitely a positive omen! We've got something else in common! We both named our children Marley! My ZZ plant!
@princesspitstop Damn thats such a cool coincidence! Let's hope they thrive!!