
Posted 1Y ago by @AstroMind

Beware oversized pots for Alice's roots

This is a small rant about the condition of the roots of some plants that I bought has been.

Something small plant stores have to do is to please not sell cuttings in huge pots as stablished plants.
It has happened to me a couple of times that I buy a plant from a small store and when I go to check the roots they have either no roots or they have such a small root system I have to put them in water.
I got Alice in a 130cm pot, and her root system was almost non existent. If I had left her there she could have easily died….
This is simply dishonesty in my eyes and makes me highly questions the store. #astromindthoughts
7ft to light, direct
4” pot without drainage
Last watered 5 months ago
Well you should burn it
I totally agree! I remember buying a few different plants and they ended up just being cuttings in soil. That's pretty disappointing.

Do you think the store knows what they are selling?

I found out that my local plant store knows a LOT LESS than I thought. 😉 Many times small businesses are just trying to make it work. Maybe you can help them out.
This upsets me with unscrupulous sellers who pull this stuff. #unscrupuloussellers
I check ALL roots, no matter where they come from. I had to stop ordering from some places because they are notorious with charging for a 6" that should be in a 3"! 😡