
Posted 1M ago by @VocalSnakeshead

Hey everyone! First post here and would appreciate any he...

Hey everyone! First post here and would appreciate any help I can receive. Is it normal that my waffle plant starts dropping every week and needs water? She’s produced a LOT of growth since i got her a month or two ago. But her leaves do have like brown/transparent spots on her. I want to make sure im not overwatering. Thanks again for any help! #WafflePlant #NewPlantMom
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
You can’t overwater this greedy plant. She loves to be moist! I put mine in a self watering pot and let her soak up all the water she could possibly want. She also loves being misted. When she’s happy she’ll even give you tiny white flowers. I do let the reservoir completely dry out for a couple days before I fill it again. She can get a lil sluggish if she drinks too much but it rarely happens
Thank you so much! I hope i can get some blooms 🀞🏼 @MissAnn
No problem at all. Be sure to post updates on your progress, I’ll be looking out for them!
i’ve been having this exact same qualm about my waffle plant! i got one recently and noticed how frequently leaves would wilt when just a little dry. i’m going to keep watering her often, thanks to this post πŸ™
@MissAnn thank you i definitely will!
@PoliteAf im so glad i posted!