
Posted 2M ago by @whatamidoing

I gotta stay away from thrift stores 🀣 Picked this beauty...

I gotta stay away from thrift stores 🀣
Picked this beauty up for just €3,- she has some weird spots on her flowers, some flowers are half wilted and there's some weird spots on her leaves (more pics in comments) but she looked so sad that I couldn't pass her up. Gotta prune the roots back a bit bc some are just done for but I love already haha
#phalaenopsisorchid #plantsmakepeoplehappy #planttherapy #orchidlovers #rehabforplants
2ft to light, indirect
3” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 weeks ago
Congrats on your great find. She is sooo pretty and not sad at all
There are no close-up pictures of the spots on the leaves yet, so I can't speak to that, but the spots on the flowers are nothing to worry about. Maybe it was placed somewhere humid with bad airflow or someone misted the flowers. Whatever has been the cause, it should "just" be botritis. It's a fungus that mainly attacks the petals, so maybe do not place it too close to other plants and get rid of the flowers that are affected the worst. Place it in a warm, well lit spot with very good airflow (no cold draft though) and maybe not excessive humidity, and all should be well.
Since you seem to rescue orchids habitually, you've probably noticed the slight signs of dehydration with the leaves and know what to do. If not: Maybe it just wasn't watered enough, so I would give it a few days of good care to see if it picks up. If not, maybe a repot is in order in spite of the bloom? It doesn't seem major, though. So maybe you can wait.
What a beauty!
Ty! She was the saddest one out of the two, but luckily it's not that bad

You're right, forgot to add the rest of the pics in πŸ˜…

This one was right next to a kitchen and in a corner where there's never been wind ever lol, so that might be it. And ty, I had no clue there was such a fungus. I'm already planning on doing some chopping bc of some roots having some sort of highlighter pink colour, which is pretty weird, so I'll take care of those flowers as well then

Atm I got it near my window and heater, the rest of my orchids seem to love it there and the one I previously rescued from the same store is doing really good in that corner, so I got hope 😊

Today I left her in a bit of water in her decorative pot for a couple hours, also mixed some orchid fertilizer in there just to be sure she had all the nutrients she could need

I'm definitely waiting for the bloom to be over, there's no roots visible on the bottom of the pot yet so I want to wait until she's growing roots on the bottom before repotting

She really is, she's got really big flowers and five spikes!! The pink stripes were definitely a big reason for getting her lol
The leaves
The roots
Most of the time, as I understand it, botritis develops when the petals get wet and it's cool and the water remains a bit (i.e., bad circulation, mainly).
Have fun with your rescue.
Hmm. The leaves look more limp than on the other picture. And that rift in the bottom leaf could be a sign of inconsistent watering, maybe spelling trouble for the roots as well. Are there healthy roots visible throughout the pot?
That makes sense, hopefully it's not gonna spread now that it's in a warmer place

They do, irl it looks a little worse than the first pic unfortunately. There's a lot of healthy roots in the pot, luckily, but I'm probably gonna very carefully take her out of the pot either tomorrow or this Saturday when it's warmer so I can see how bad things are and to snip the bad roots away, just in case
Ah.. great.. have fun. I just repotted one of mine today as well, though I had hoped to be able to wait a bit more (Snails πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ).
Enjoy your orchid
I actually think you might have thrips. I hate to say it….
The reason I suspect thrips is the spots on the orchid leaves and the droopy yellowing leaves.

If I was you I would isolate from any other plant you might have. Thrips are invisible to the naked eye you will never see them but they will kill your plant. They are common on orchid flowers and will also feed on the leaves. Don’t forget the undersides and cracks and crevices.

In fact if I buy an orchid or African violet with flowers I immediately cut them off so that the do not get into anything else. I know these plants are sold because of their flowers but they will bloom again. I would cut off those flowers and treat your plant for them. Neem oil will work for the foliage.

I’m sorry, I know it’s exciting to get a new plant and hate to say it… πŸ˜”πŸͺ΄πŸ’•

I could be wrong and hope I am..,,
Oh man... Wish I saw this sooner, sorry for the late reply

As far as I can tell the drooping's bc of bad watering, there's a wrinkled leaf and some of the droop has gotten better since I watered her. So far none of the spots have moved on the petals so I'm hoping it's "just" the fungus

I'm definitely already isolating as well as I can, it's freezing outside so I can't let her stay out in the shed like I've done with other plants, but I'm keeping her in a seperate area and away from the other orchids

Maybe a stupid question but I have no clue nor funds to get neem oil or anything like that, so do you maybe know some diy version of it, or maybe smthn I could make at home that'll do the same? I've heard about diluted ish soap or diluted olive oil doing something similar, do you maybe have any opinions/experience with that?
Absolutely I try to go natural myself. I always use
1 part peroxide + 4 parts water

You want to use 3% hydrogen peroxide the kind we all have in our medicine cabinet. I literally have safely used it on every one off my 300 + plants at one time or another safely. It’s cheap and I swear the best thing for almost everything plant related. It will even work on the fungus.
I have never used the dish soap due to it being controversial as to its safety with plants. Unless of course it’s the expensive plant safe kind. And I just have limits to what I want to spend money on