
Posted 1Y ago by @sarahsalith

Drowned those #StupidSpiderMites on my Chinese Privet!

In the immortal words of the very wise @AwesomePlants οΏΌ- #spidermites are spiders and they breathe the air. They can't live underwater. Drowned those #StupidSpiderMites! οΏΌ(I'm paraphrasing.) οΏΌ
#SOBER 1,200 DAYS! #PestControl #NotSoHappyPlants #SurvivalOfTheFittest #PlayingWithPlantsInsteadOfWorking #PlantTherapy #PlantsSavedMyMentalHealth #PlantAddict #ForgottenPlant #SarahsGreenhouse
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
That’s amazing 🀩
I giggled out loud at the island boys picture
It's soooo satisfying drowning those buggers! 🀭
Really smart idea!
@sarahsalith That’s awesome Sarah. The second picture is spot on from what I can see. Lolololol πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
@EducatedBeech oh my gosh- those are real people? πŸ˜†
Whoo whoo! @sarahsalith You are so Wonderful, Great and Amazing! Here's to the next 1200 Days and beyond!
Congrats on your sober anniversary! That’s a major achievement!!
Congrats on the sober anniversary! So proud of you! Here’s to many more @sarahsalith πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ€
Heya sober sister! I had 6 years in October. Congratulations!!!!!!!!! I also saved my calatheas by drowning those fuckers. Except I made it too complicated. I saran wrapped the soil in the pots and then turned them upside down into lukewarm water with Dawn. Bye bitches. πŸ™Œ
Congrats on your achievement! πŸ’–
@Mrgncrch 🀭 that's what I say in my head! Bye Felicia-Mite!
@sarahsalith yes, they are real people.
@sarahsalith 😩 said good mornTing to my babies, checking in on them and what do I see?! πŸ•ΈοΈ 😑.

2 are now in quarantine and EVERYONE got sprayed with Natria.

🧐 magnifying glass inspection tonight!

It didn't look like normal spider mite webbing and I saw no proof of them, so I'm hoping I just have a normal spider dude that has taken up residence. 🀣