
Posted 5M ago by @Ninabeena

#HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTh...

#HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #Hoya
This is one of my new lovelies. I have been seeing everyone’s pretty Hoyas so I had to get one. I am a total newbie to Hoyas so any tips, suggestions, ideas, opinions etc are welcomed and appreciated.
2ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 5 hours ago
Best Answer
This Hoya likes to dry out slightly between waterings about every 12 to 14 days I water mine and they do like light!! It will need high light to bloom and keep her coloring !
@Hoyaobsessed okay so let her dry out totally before watering again or almost dry? I have her under a grow light and I have a humidifier in the room that she is in. Do they like to be misted?
Almost dry. What size pot is she in a 4”? Your humidifier should be plenty in the regard. What kind of medium is she planted in ?
@Hoyaobsessed I am not sure but I will be repotting her after she settles in. I like to use tropical mix, perlite, and orchid mix. Do you think that I should use something else?
No that mix will work !
I want a Hoya so bad omg!! I just can’t decide on one & I don’t wanna kill it!! 😭
@elisenavidad I know how you feel about that. It took me a while before I decided to take the plunge πŸ˜‚
@Ninabeena gosh, I can’t complain that there’s so many options but that’s making it a lot harder too 🀣
@elisenavidad I looked at so many and it was hard to decide. My first priority is to not murder her 😝
@Ninabeena 🀣🀣 You got this!!
I would start with an easy Hoya usually the thick Hoyas are great for beginners but honestly Hoyas are pretty easy to care for. A good starter would be Chelsea , carnosa, obovata, Publix