
Posted 1M ago by @DanielleRose

I’ve been trying to save this poor guy for about a week n...

I’ve been trying to save this poor guy for about a week now, they were on sale at work and I bought one for my mom and myself and then they were in my house for about a week and they started to droop, I rushed hers over to her because she’s got a much greener thumb than I but we’re both still having no luck reviving the little things. I’ve tried pruning, green tea bags, changing locations, tomorrow I’m going to attempt to repot and add vermiculite to the soil because it seems to be retaining moisture really badly. Hopefully no root rot but I suspect that’s what’s going on here #
3” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
@DanielleRose I've had one of those little purple tea roses, and mine was fussy AF. It seemed for me that once it started down that road, it was a quick spiral.
I hope you're able to get yours back to a healthy state.
Try different soil since that soil looks like it may not have the right nutrients, but then again, I'm new to plants. I once revived a succulent from repotting it somewhere else and giving it more water, but it was also next to another plant.
@UltraKoreanfir well this makes me feel a tiny bit better at least, I feel like a murderer at the moment. Poor little plant, at least I’m not the only one who has struggled with these guys (besides my mom apparently)
@Riverleafwing I think after doing some reading that maybe he’s resentful about being indoors. I guess they prefer more sunlight than your average house plant. So HOPEFULLY repotting, and relocating will help… if not then I’m afraid the little thing might be doomed 😕