
Posted 3w ago by @ILoveMyPlants

#HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #NewGrowth #PlantAddi...

#HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #NewGrowth #PlantAddict #MonsteraMonday #RootPorn Hello any thoughts on replanting in winter ❄️ The roots are also an inch or so coming out the bottom. I’m thinking my girl can wait till spring. But don’t want to damage her .
1ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 5 days ago
Best Answer
@ILoveMyPlants usually I would say it’s your preference when to repot. but those roots at the bottom do look cramped a little. If you are noticing that your plant dries out really fast or needs to be watered more frequently or any other signs of distress then I would move to repot sooner rather than later.
@ILoveMyPlants Monstera Adansonii don't like to be root bound. Unless its roots are swirling in a big mass in the pot it can wait until Spring. πŸ’šπŸͺ΄
Hmm I gave that a thought too . The roots are in fact suspended in the pot . I would actually be cutting those hanging out bottom off .πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
@nellz4estfairyz Nice call neighbor .
I personally repot all year round :) If the plant needs it, I just go for it. Adansonii are such prolific growers that I’m not usually bothered about moving them around and messing with their roots 🌿🌿