Oh! I thought these would be a few days out yet! #Floweri...
Oh! I thought these would be a few days out yet! #FloweringPlants #Flowers #LithopsArmy #BloomingSuccs #Blooming #Mesembs #Lithops
0ft to light, direct
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 weeks ago
Best Answer
@CordialWildyam those are lovely flowers.
Also nice to see the #Mesembs tag getting some use 😂
Also nice to see the #Mesembs tag getting some use 😂
@CourtlyKingfern I thought they’d be white!
@vvvelo thank you! Five years ago, I got a pack of 50 or 100 mixed lithops seeds. It’s taken a while to learn to care for them, but this year they’re finally happy!
@CordialWildyam I recently acquired 10 Lithops, but I have no experience caring for them.i’ve heard they are very picky ;)
@vvvelo gorgeous! What a nice variety