
Posted 2M ago by @HunkyStrapwort

Adopted a new plant 🌱 Hi community πŸ‘‹ Joyful to share I ...

Adopted a new plant 🌱

Hi community πŸ‘‹
Joyful to share I adopted a "Nochebuena" ☺️
It was my very first plant a year ago but it only lasted half year πŸ₯²πŸ₯Ή
This is my 2nd try πŸ™†, hope I can give it a peacefully and happy life πŸ™‚β€β†•οΈ
I'm still learning about plants 🧐 and since the dead of my old "Nochebuena" I've been more in love with them πŸ’šπŸŒ±
My 13 plants are really its legacy πŸ’ͺ

My new plant is pretty dusty, any advice on how I can clean its leaves? I've heard milk with water does the trick πŸ€”

#Euphorbia #plantsmakepeoplehappy #happyplants #plantaddict #greggang #greggerssupportinggreggers
Two ways to clean you new plant, clean it with a microfiber towel by wiping each individual leaf (you can also use a damp paper towel)οΏΌ or when it needs to be watered next you can set it in your shower and give it a nice little shower οΏΌ
Thank you for the advice, Bob! I love yar pfp ^^
It’s beautiful 🀩
They like colder temps. In fact, any growing in my region are either already dying, not vibrant or won't last two weeks
Thank you @LaSiguanaba!
You have a beautiful Oasis πŸ₯°πŸŒ±πŸ’š
@Araceae I've seen there is a debate whereas this plant prefers colder or warm temps
@HunkyStrapwort Thank you! I have way too many plants. πŸ˜‚
Poinsettia just scream Xmas don't they?! πŸŽ„πŸ₯° My local Lidl had a variegated one in that I really wanted but I'm not allowed to buy any more plants until after Xmas now! 😱😭🀣

I don't speak farenheit, sorry I'm British! πŸ˜‚, but they like a stable temp... @araceae lives in Singapore so it probably is too warm for them at this time of year! Aim for around 18Β°c constant (I THINK that's around 65Β°F?), give her a bright location that's not in direct sun and away from drafts, water when the top couple of inches of soil are dry and give her some humidity (you don't have to go full "Singapore" humidity! πŸ˜‚ It's probably the single most humid country I've ever visited! But you get the idea πŸ’š) and she should be happy πŸ₯°

You've picked a lovely healthy plant there! No discoloration on the leaves I can see, she's beautifully vibrant!!

I hope you have many happy years together πŸ’š x
@JenniB81 yeah 83-86% would be overkill @HunkyStrapwort. Plus, the temp is 32Β°C all year.

BTW from Β°C to Β°F is (Ο‡+32)(9/5), where Ο‡ is the temp in Β°C
Thanks @araceae (I just use Google to convert! Haha but it's always handy to know how to do it longhand! πŸ₯°)

Ah... A balmy 32Β° sounds wonderful right now! Though I'm actually fact that's a bit TOO warm for me! πŸ˜‚

I struggle to keep my flat's humidity below 80% tbh, which has started causing oedema issues with some of my more delicate kids! I've got multiple fans going (in the middle of winter! Lol my cats aren't impressed) just to try and keep everyone happy πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€£

It's currently 9.42am and 4Β°C in Edinburgh! Which is WARM for mid December... though I think you might need 15 coats and a mini heater to be comfortable if you were visiting honey! πŸ’šπŸ˜‚ Xx
@JenniB81 hi Jenni πŸ‘‹
A lil bit late but thank you so much for the recommendations! I was just wondering how to know when to water it πŸ’•
The general rule of thumb is to let most Houseplants dry out 1/3 to 1/2 of the pit depth before watering (literally just stuck your finger in the soil and if it's at all damp or cold... Hit snooze on Greg and wait, test again in a few days πŸ₯°

It doesn't work for all plants of course πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚ awkward ones like Calathea and Crotons like to be kept more moist than that... But generally speaking, you should be ok using the "dip test" in that way. Poinsettia are no different in that they like to dry out a good bit between waterings (or they get root rot and start to go mouldy 😭) x
Thank you @JenniB81! You have been of so much help πŸ’šπŸŒ±
You have a beautiful Oasis too πŸ₯° so so green 🍏
Aww you're welcome Fug! πŸ₯° Best of luck x