
Posted 3w ago by @PetGuzmania14

I’ve received 2 of the 3 plants I ordered from Altman and...

I’ve received 2 of the 3 plants I ordered from Altman and they are both lovely! Great shape when delivered. My only question is, do I water upon receipt or wait? The neon breaker was pretty dry so I watered but the other was a little damp. I did water a few drops on topsoil but figured I’d wait for “Greg” to tell me when and how much
2ft to light, direct
3” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Hi Jan, that’s a beautiful plant! Greg is supposed to learn from you and it can be a bit trigger happy (especially initially) when it comes to watering reminders. You did the right thing by checking your plants and watering the one that was dry. I would suggest doing that always! If you want for a Greg reminder, check the soil first by sticking your finger into the soil to at least the second joint/ by using a metal moisture meter/ by using a wooden or bamboo chopstick. If the soil is wet, do not water and also snooze your Greg reminder. I completely ignore the “amount” as I think it’s an insufficient way to water. instead I take my plant to the sink, water it well until the water starts running out of the drainage holes and when the water has finished dripping from the drainage holes, I put the plant pot back into its outer pot or onto its saucer (wherever it usually lives). Hope that helps! 🌿🌿🌿
@WelsomeRhodotus I’ve kinda noticed the watering amounts given by the app so I’ve adjusted some. It’s a process! Do you totally wet all your plants at each watering
@PetGuzmania14 yep. It may seem like drowning but you’re just giving the soil and roots a thorough watering and ensuring you don’t just get the water going through the odd air bubble channels in the soil. Just make sure you let it dry out (or almost dry out) between waterings.