
Posted 1M ago by @LeadChincactus

Meet Coco - one of two plants I got at Loweโ€™s yesterday o...

Meet Coco - one of two plants I got at Loweโ€™s yesterday on the clearance rack. It sat on the counter all day while I put Christmas decor away. My plant eater cat sniffed it over and walked away! So happy I can put a non-succulent on a lower table. It is also my first orchid. Wish me luck!
2ft to light, indirect
4โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Who hooo!! Congratulations:) and welcome home coco!! I cannot wait to see it bloom. Best of luck๐Ÿคฉโœจ
@Prentyce thank you!
I'd watch the no drainage, and the substrate should be orchid bark not regular. Oh and if you're using ferts I'd recommend using a special orchid fert [separate ones for in bloom and in growth] or half dose a regular houseplant fert [standard for in growth, high-potash for in bloom]
@Araceae it does have drainage. I realized there is a clear plastic pot inside the ceramic one. Thanks for the fert advice.
Congrats on your find. And good luck