
Posted 2M ago by @HayleyQ

Welp.. I apparently made a mistake by getting a #RoseCala...

Welp.. I apparently made a mistake by getting a #RoseCalathea as one of my very first plants πŸ˜‚ it was just so beautiful, I couldn’t not, but upon researching them they’re one of the top 10 hardest plants to care for… any tips on how to keep my new baby alive and thriving? 😭😍 #CalatheaCrew #Calathea #calathearoseopicta #NewPlantMom #NewPlants #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantCorner #PestControl
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Best Answer
@HayleyQ Calatheas are expressive and every change is a sign. There are ways to know that your Calathea is happy. If there are no color changes, they are still committing to their prayers at night(standing) and there are no random brown markings, the plant is happy and totally fine.

The fun stuff begins, if they lose their natural colors and it’s brightness then it’s sun related, too much light causes fading and not enough light causes low pattern coloring. If their leaves start to yellow extremely fast, they are very sick and figuring out what is wrong detrimental to their health. What’s super fast? 4 or more yellow leaves at once. Yellow super slow, 1 at a time… this is old age or dry.

Browning is more complicated and takes identifying across the plant. If it browns at the tips… It’s low humidity and it wants more humidity. If it brown across the middle, it could be multiple things but it is sick. I always start with fungus and go from there. If it brown markings are at the back of the leaf where it meets the stem, it’s definitely fungus.

If they stop standing up at night, then it’s due to water. If they are half way between standing up and laying flat, something is wrong with their soil. If they spread apart from each other, then it’s an issue with their soil and it’s almost always compaction. Meaning they’re suffocating and they are moving away from each other to get air. Calatheas grow close together and in whatever pattern the type chooses but they love to live on top of each other.
Ugh SAME. It's not my first but Calatheas are so pretty and suck so much. I've heard so many trains of thought. I just turned my hydroponic which seems to help them bc it was dying. Good luck!
Oh my gosh, that name. Maybe she’s rebelling 🀣🀣🀣 I’m a calathea lover and I’ve lost a few before learning how to care for them. I’m on my third Marchesa, but she’s very happy. Here are my top care tips…
1) No direct sunlight, but indirect light is important
2) Only use distilled water or rain water. You can also use water from the tap that sits out overnight if you have to.
3) They need humidity. I live in a fairly humid environment, but I supplement by keeping my prayer plants together. It seems to help. 4) I also like using Foxfarm products for a boost. Don’t give up. Sometimes you have to learn through failure, which sucks, but eventually you figure it out. Best of luck!
The first picture shows her surroundings which includes a humidifier to the right. She's pushing 2 leaves and to he honest, I'm in shock by her. I have other Calathea that aren't doing as well. I use We The Wild products on all my plants. She's still in her nursery pot because I've been terrified to move her πŸ˜†. Hope this helps!
@teacher12 I really was hoping someone would pick up on that πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ gave me a giggle.

Would getting a glass greenhouse to out her in help with humidity? I live in qld Australia so we get prwttty humid here as is, but that might help? She’s now only getting filter water and seems to be loving that and is in a shady spot on my porch but can still see the sun! This seems to be working so far, I’m just so scared of killing her as my friend who has the greenest thumb has been through 4 now πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@LadySugarvine I have been seeing we the wild all over my ads lately! Are these products worth it? I still am unsure what to be using πŸ˜…β˜€οΈ thank you so much for the info!!
Great name and agreed! I have two, one behaving and one, omg don't get me started πŸ˜† I need a humidifier if I'm gonna keep her, that's the only thing left I haven't tried. Or, she just hates me, which is fine too πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ live and learn... well, me, maybe not her
@HayleyQ it has been for me. The liquid supplement I use every watering but only 6 drops for 2 quarts of water (only use distilled). The powder, once a month
oh gosh. I had a calathea at one point. Had to give it to my mom because it needed too much water and it was getting too much light where I had it
@StarryKentia was a little inside joke between a friend and I as she has killed 3 so far (she’s a veteran plant mum aswell) and I didn’t realise everyone else could see LOL I’m glad it gave some people some laughs though 🀭
Mine was doing good but then the leaves started getting a little bit dry so I assumed too much sunlight because it was right on the windowsill, when I moved it further it got ten times worse and now it’s almost completely dead, before I put it in my room it was doing a lot better but still not the best. I’m actually so stressed about it lol
@HayleyQ I to was having a hard time till @PlantJedi gave me these tips. I now have a happy girls Thanks so much to him for this post I saved . Bitch is a beauty best of luck.
@ILoveMyPlants I’m laughing soo hard right now! That’s like back in May or June lol… awww! @HayleyQ we had a long discussion so if my short hand makes no sense in that message… I can word it better for you.
@PlantJedi thank you so much I’d really appreciate that! I am so lost when it comes to β€˜bitchβ€™πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@PlantJedi Hey it’s helped me so far πŸ˜† Gotta give credit where credit is due . You’re the best !
@ILoveMyPlants appreciate you. I’m just surprised you still had it! I remember that conversation. Soo much bad advice was being thrown around. However, I knew you’d see through the not great advice lol.
@plantjedi So this is her now, I think she is in shock after moving from the sellers house to mine, I isolated all of the new plants I got on Friday like I was suggested, before coming home with me she was among hundreds of other plants which would have increased the humidity I’m guessing? From what you’ve said I’m taking that I need to up the humidity, unfortunately due to my roommate being extremely afraid of bugs all of my plants are outdoor, I was thinking of heading to ikea today to get a glass mini greenhouse for her, would this help? And maybe adding a humidifier in it? I live in QLD Australia and it’s veryyy humid at the moment so thought it’d be enough but I don’t think so! Do you have any other suggestions! I don’t want my new baby to die πŸ₯ΊπŸ™
@HayleyQ they like 50-60%… 70% is Heaven. However, that looks like sick from water damage. Are you giving her distilled water?
How much light as well?
@HayleyQ I would think she would love a mini-greenhouse if you get her one😊 But at least get her out of any drafts or sun. I have most of my calatheas in a cabinet together to up the humidity. But this one that you got (the Roseopicta Illustris) I actually have on my livingroom table and she is really thriving! I have aprox 50% humidity in the livingroom and she seems to tolerate it. But be prepared for some dry tips, I have some on mine too even though she is very healty (probably a reaction to repotting). It is the sudden changes in the environment that is the worst.

A pic of mine 😊 She really is one of my happiest at the moment. She is near a south-facing window but does not get any direct sun, but if you give her less light she will get more of that pink-colorπŸ©·πŸ’š
@PlantJedi she was watered on Friday from the marketplace I got her from, she for sure wasn’t using distilled water just the hose, Greg says I’m not due to water her just yet or should I give her some distillled now? She is in a shady spot on my porch with indirect light currently, porch faces northeast if that helps! Thank you so much for your help!
@MockingJay amazing! She is gorgeous 😍 I so wish I could bring my babies inside but unfortunately my roommate is deathly afraid of any kind of insect and refuses to let me bring them inπŸ˜‚ so I think greenhouse will be my safest option, I’m going to head down to get her one now!
@HayleyQ wait until she needs water but definitely distilled is the way to go. They are super resilient plants.
@PlantJedi TY Miguel. I’m keeping this info. My C. musaica seemed thriving for a long time and then ☹️🀬gone…
@Arid_oasis musaica are slightly different. They like to be a bit more dry.