
Posted 3M ago by @LaSiguanaba

Just planted my Milk Confetti Syngonium in Leca, my first...

Just planted my Milk Confetti Syngonium in Leca, my first time growing a plant this way. Any advice? 😊 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #milkconfettisyngonium #SyngoniumSquad #leca #LecaLeague #GrowingInLeca #Syngonium #semihydroponics #Hydroponics #theamigos #LaSiguanaba
12ft to light, indirect
6” pot without drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
Can't day much about the plant itself, but watch out for mozzies. You can cut a mesh such that it fits the bowl, but has a hole for the plant.
@Araceae we don’t tend to get mosquitos here, especially this time of year. But I’ll definitely watch out for that. The thought is pretty unpleasant 🀒🀣
I’m digging that tri-colored Leca. Is that a special kind? I’ve only seen the solid brown type.
@teacher12 yes, I got it from Amazon: