
Posted 4w ago by @COPlantMom

She is growing so much I saved her back in Aug from Walm...

She is growing so much
I saved her back in Aug from Walmart. Now look at those colors. Do you call them Black Cherry Philo or just Pink Princess? #plantmom #newgrowth #plantmafia #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #philodendronworld
Wow she is PINK isn't she?! Mine is a much palet shade but I love that bubblegum colour! 🩷🩷🩷 She could be a dark cherry... The green is very dark! But I guess more pics might be needed to properly assess (& drool over πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚) xx
Black Cherry doesn’t turn green like the lower leaves have on your beauty. She’s a pink princess receiving her best amount of light. Less light means she starts lighter green. That pink is amazing!
Holy crabs! That’s a BEAUTIFUL philo!!
Meant to add. She’s a Pink Princess Marble Galaxy to be specific.
@PlantJedi Thank you. That helps a lot