
Posted 1M ago by @LaLaslovlies

If y’all remember the crap week that I had a while back a...

If y’all remember the crap week that I had a while back and that Saturday the best hubby ever took me to buy a wishlist plant?? I went to turn her during my weekly bug check and α’ͺOOK α—―α•Όα—©T I α–΄Oα‘Œα‘Žα—ͺ!!! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy #PestControl #PlantLove #ZzPlant #RavenZzPlant
6ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Best Answer
@LaLaslovlies I DO REMEMBER THAT!! WOW that's A LOT better than finding bugs!!! Congratulations πŸ‘πŸŽ‰
Nothing better than confirmation that our plants are doing well! Congratulations :)
Yeah so excited
I’m happy for you and proud of your hubby. The new growth is a great encourager. Your plant is feeling the love πŸ₯°