
Posted 1w ago by @nellz4estfairyz

More plant mail! #donttellmyhusbandyoucanmailorderplants ...

More plant mail! #donttellmyhusbandyoucanmailorderplants this is my second and hopefully final order of the season. I think I got it out of my system. I’m happy with everything, but the variegated strawberry begonia had some cold damage and I ordered the larger option in a 4” pot, and it’s just two 2” plugs stuffed in a 4” pot. I was expecting more of a mature plant.

This was from #TheGreenEscape and they shipped this on a Wednesday and it took all that till Tuesday to get here from Florida to Pennsylvania. Hoping this information helps other people who are thinking about making orders this time of year.

For me personally, ordering and shipping plants has been a little stressful, and I think I am going to try to do more plant shopping in person at the shops and garden centers, and less by mail order. #PlantMail #VariegatedStrawberryBegonia #SyngoniumMojito #hoyakhronianasupersilver #HoyaKronianaEskimo #Hoya #Syngonium #AglaonemaRedVein #Aglaonema #PlantAddict
Best Answer
@nellz4estfairyz I hear you. I’ve had some real disappointments. I finally realized that I shouldn’t be ordering plants shipping from FL to CA in winter but only after a few epic fails. I now look on Etsy or Amazon to try to find more β€œlocal” shops” or at least the ones that are located on the west coast. Maybe look for places that ship from NY or NJ next time you have the urge to order. I also absolutely have to stop. I’ve acquired or been gifted 300+ plants within the last 18 months since my obsession really took off. My husband is wonderful but he’s even said enough is enough! The photos are only some of my inside plants!
I agree the online plants makes it easier to find what you want! But god the stress !🀯 i had just told myself im done with winter plants ordering. And summer too! Try to limit it to spring and fall maybe ?
If you do decide to do mail orders again, looking for plant stores in your area or state is better for the plant and for you. The Green Escape happens to be in Florida, where I live, so plants don't take long to get to me (unless there is a hurricane πŸ˜₯)
@Seedstarter I agree. I try to order from the New England area or at least the east coast because there aren’t many options in the north east, I can’t think of any actually!
@Shells_Garden oh my! That is a lot of plants! 😍 the ones in the kitchen on the bar cracked me up. They’re not in the way at all. Just eat breakfast next to them. lol. I have some how obtained around 130 plants in the past year or so and they are also starting to take over. I mean we no longer have a 2nd shower because it is fillllled with plants lol. I built a new office that is more for my plants than my actual job!. 🀣 I think this might be a sign. lol time for me to find new career! πŸ˜„
@nellz4estfairyz that’s awesome and you should do that if it brings you joy. I told my husband the same thing. When I retire, I’m going to sell plants locally on FB marketplace and open an Etsy shop. Why not? We pay good money for our plants, right? Im just building up stockπŸ™ˆ! Most of the plants on the bar are new arrivals that I recently repotted and need to find space for elsewhere but you are very astute because I do purposely keep that space at the kitchen bar open for my granddaughter who comes over very often! On the other hand, I can’t eat at my dining table right now!
@Shells_Garden 🀣 perfect time to get your granddaughter interested in plants! πŸͺ΄ I could definitely see myself finding joy in many many things other than my current job, but finding a paycheck is so much more difficult. Especially with two kids I just feel like I have to stay at the job that provides us with stability….. 😭 but I really just want to grow plants! πŸ˜†
I recently ordered from two places that had heat packs! It seems to have helped them survive.
@Quiztaylor this order did have a heat pack, but I don’t think the heat lasted for more than 3-4 days and the shipping took 7. 😬 but it probably did help.
@nellz4estfairyz I live in the south too so as long as they get from California to Texas to me to or Florida to Tennessee to me, I’m sure it didn’t have too much cold exposure as a more northern region would. I ordered a pink princess philodendron from Amazon and it was IN MY STATE and they shipped it to Minnesota?!?! I get that today so I’m a little worried cause it didn’t have a heat pack and it was only in the south til they shipped it completely out of the way nearly to Canada?!?!
Love the hashtag!! Definitely can relate about the space. The end of my dining table if not the entire thing has to be cleared if we have people over. Probably going to explore using lights soon. I’ve gotten some great plants from all over the country. Very much depends on how the seller packs them and options for heat/ cold but I would always opt for closer shops now.