
Posted 1Y ago by @GypsieSloth

What to do with new springtails?

Got my Springtails, now what?

My Springtails just arrived do I just plop them into their new homes? I bought them for a couple terrariums that are experiencing some gnats. #Terrarium #Terrariumtribe #springtails #helpneeded #needadvice #PestControl #pestpatrol
@SuperblyLilac thank you but will it harm my springtails?
@SuperblyLilac I don’t believe springtails are pests. I have been told they are beneficial
Ummm, I’m unsure how to release springtails. How did they arrive?

You’re probably fine releasing them in one plant in any of the areas you keep plants if that makes it easier. They get around (has a gazillion springtails all over and never purchased any).