Hi! I posted about my Thai constatation a few weeks back....
Hi! I posted about my Thai constatation a few weeks back. I had to cut back the leaves a bit, I lost two yellow baby leaves and I let the water completely dry out before watering since it was suggested there might be root rot. She is still coming up with yellow and dark spots. There are no pests or root rot. I am attaching a picture of the roots. I fear she might be rot bound but I thought these plants like to be, and this is the pot I got her in about 1 month 1/2 ago. Thanks for all the help and advice! #plantmom #ThaiConstellationMonstera #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #

@Flowergirl2222 ok if you’ve already sprayed, leave her be. Sometimes the fungicide will burn the leaves if the plant has been sprayed and then gets sun on the leaves. Not sure if that happened here but let’s regroup and move on with problem solving.
Monsteras in the wild will climb the trunks of trees towards the light. So if you can imagine a jungle with a canopy, the plant isn’t out there getting fully sunned but is looking at the sky and thinking “I want more of that!”. For this reason, I think placement is about giving access to the sky without having the sun beating down on it. This might be easy to achieve in the warmer months when days are long but if you’re finding that you’re just not getting very much light during the winter months, your baby will love you if you get her some supplemental light.
You’re spoiled for choice in the US for grow light options! A handy option for lighting if your plants are on the floor rather than in a cabinet/on shelving is to have a grow light bulb you either hang over the top that’s attached to the wall/ceiling or to have one that fits into a lamp you already have.
They also range in quality and price. If you’re just starting out and don’t want to spend lots of money, you could buy a cheaper one on Amazon. Even IKEA has grow lights (they have a slightly pinkish tone, not crazily so). If you’d prefer to buy just one but a good one go for Soltech. I also hear good things about Rousseau. Both are made in the US.
I bought one on Amazon made in the UK called Pianta by a company called Grow Gang as the Soltech lights are too expensive to ship overseas to where I am. The Grow Gang lights are fantastic.
All grow bulbs tend to be heavier than a regular light bulb so you need your lamp to be one that can be angled without tipping over - just something to keep in mind.
Anyway, if I were you, I would get one grow bulb for supplementing light and also check that I’m watering only when the soil is drying out. I personally don’t use the finger method much because I hate getting soil under my nails. I use a water meter with my soil plants instead. It’s the long metal rod kind. This cheap and simple device stopped me from overwatering (ie too much love!) my plants. Just be gentle with it as monstera roots are so thick and you don’t want to poke holes in them.
When the meter indicates that the soil is in the dry zone, I would water. However maybe don’t wait until it’s BONE dry, these guys don’t want to dry up to that extent.
I would also be checking the leaves for signs of pests and wiping off dust gently over the coming months. I wouldn’t repot yet, your baby is adjusting to its new pot still and it needs time. Get its light and watering sorted out and see if things improve first :)
Monsteras in the wild will climb the trunks of trees towards the light. So if you can imagine a jungle with a canopy, the plant isn’t out there getting fully sunned but is looking at the sky and thinking “I want more of that!”. For this reason, I think placement is about giving access to the sky without having the sun beating down on it. This might be easy to achieve in the warmer months when days are long but if you’re finding that you’re just not getting very much light during the winter months, your baby will love you if you get her some supplemental light.
You’re spoiled for choice in the US for grow light options! A handy option for lighting if your plants are on the floor rather than in a cabinet/on shelving is to have a grow light bulb you either hang over the top that’s attached to the wall/ceiling or to have one that fits into a lamp you already have.
They also range in quality and price. If you’re just starting out and don’t want to spend lots of money, you could buy a cheaper one on Amazon. Even IKEA has grow lights (they have a slightly pinkish tone, not crazily so). If you’d prefer to buy just one but a good one go for Soltech. I also hear good things about Rousseau. Both are made in the US.
I bought one on Amazon made in the UK called Pianta by a company called Grow Gang as the Soltech lights are too expensive to ship overseas to where I am. The Grow Gang lights are fantastic.
All grow bulbs tend to be heavier than a regular light bulb so you need your lamp to be one that can be angled without tipping over - just something to keep in mind.
Anyway, if I were you, I would get one grow bulb for supplementing light and also check that I’m watering only when the soil is drying out. I personally don’t use the finger method much because I hate getting soil under my nails. I use a water meter with my soil plants instead. It’s the long metal rod kind. This cheap and simple device stopped me from overwatering (ie too much love!) my plants. Just be gentle with it as monstera roots are so thick and you don’t want to poke holes in them.
When the meter indicates that the soil is in the dry zone, I would water. However maybe don’t wait until it’s BONE dry, these guys don’t want to dry up to that extent.
I would also be checking the leaves for signs of pests and wiping off dust gently over the coming months. I wouldn’t repot yet, your baby is adjusting to its new pot still and it needs time. Get its light and watering sorted out and see if things improve first :)
Hi there, I think if it were me I would do 2 things and then review how your baby goes after another few weeks: 1) place her somewhere brighter eg so that she can see the sky through a window without getting direct light, and 2) as a precaution give her a copper fungicide spray. I’m more of a “change a small thing and then wait and see” kinda plant mum. I wouldn’t bother repotting and would water as normal. For reference, my Thai Con is under a grow light 12-14 hours a day (it’s summer here) and she loves bright light. If you’re in your cold season right now, keep her away from sources that radiate lots of cold or heat too. Best of luck!!
@TheConservator yeah I’m sure because I cut the places that are wonky because of black spots
@WelsomeRhodotus I’ve sprayed fungicide before this happened, and I feel like the fungicide might have had a contributing factor. The big leaf had nothing on it and now has a bunch of black spots. I am very confused on what to do. I’ve been told these plants don’t like too much sun so I keep it in indirect sunlight. I keep getting mixed answers and I’m so lost! Lol
@WelsomeRhodotus thank you so much! I have been running around like crazy and totally forgot I was answering back to people on here! I am going to try to place her in a brighter room. I live in a room with a south facing Window in NY, the window in my room might not be bright enough during this time of year. I feel horrible for not responding sooner. Thank you so much for your help. Here are some pictures now and I’ll update in a few days. A new leaf is sprouting from the new but also messed up leaf. The leaf hasn’t turned green green like the others it’s still light green, but it’s growing a baby! These things are amazing. I feel like my watering has been good! I know monsteras like to be moist but not wet, and they’re usually resilant, I just haven’t had this nice of a monstera. I appreciate your comment and help so much! I promise to update you!
@Flowergirl2222 no need to feel horrible! Hope your baby bounces back after a change of rooms 😊😊😊
@AnthuriumQueen I only water from the bottom, it’s the best method by far! Thank you