
Posted 1M ago by @elisenavidad

πŸͺ΄ Happy #FreshLeafFriday πŸͺ΄ I’ve been so stoked to share ...

πŸͺ΄ Happy #FreshLeafFriday πŸͺ΄

I’ve been so stoked to share this progress! I bought this Monstera in March for 20$ as a rehab plant / learning experience as I only had started with plants a month prior.

I separated it, gave some to my sis & then kept the rest. It wasn’t ever really thriving in my room or doing anything so I moved it outside permanently to enjoy the heat and high humidity. HOWEVER, until last week, this plant was doing nothing & I was about to throw it away.

I returned from a 5-day trip on Wednesday to an amazing surprise of not 1 but TWO new leaves!!! I’m so stoked! 🀩🀩 talk about #NewGrowth !! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
#HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #MonsteraMob #Monstera #GregGang
12” pot with drainage
Last watered 6 days ago
Best Answer
Luna… you grow girl!
I would be dancing with two new leaves, yay! I've yet to take on a Monstera 😍
So exciting!! The new leaves are beautiful 😍
@SteffyHazPlants I’m very excited! You soooo should get one, they’re super easy!
@Kapuac aren’t they beauties?! Thank you!!
@elisenavidad oh I will! I've got my eye on a couple. One is 'mini' and just the cutest πŸ’“
Woww those new leaves are so nice! Good thing you moved them outside!
@tokyoarcade thank you! & ikr! It just wasn’t digging being inside the house!