
Posted 1Y ago by @GreenGeek

Can my little white soldiers plant be saved?

Iโ€™m new to the drimiopsis macualata. It doesnโ€™t seem to be doing well. Iโ€™ve lost a leaf and the other 2 are yellowing.

Iโ€™ve moved it from medium light to low light and now an area where it gets only indirect bright light part of the day. The soil is moist and I allow it to dry in between showers.

Any suggestions as to what could make this little guy happier? #HappyPlants #help #Drimiopsis
4โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 1 year ago
Iโ€™ll do that now. Thank you
@SuperblyLilac roots look good to me, but definitely longer than expected. Going to repot into a tetra cotta pot and see if that helps. Thank you!