It's #GregGivesBack #GIVEAWAY TIME! Sometimes I look ...
It's #GregGivesBack #GIVEAWAY TIME!
Sometimes I look around and I realize that I have certain plants that tell MY STORY!
For instance: I have a Florida Ghost. In 2022, IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! It was a plant to be envied; it was a single, dainty stem with mint green leaves and COMPLETELY WHITE LEAVES. It seemed like the perfect #Wishlist plant. (First Picture)
Then, I had a TOTAL life-change. Iβm not gonna lie: 2023 was ROUGH. (Second Picture) Some days, I felt like death warmed over and I felt very bare. No beautiful leaves, no perfect foliage β¦ just an ugly stem.
Finally, I decided to do some pruning in my life. Pruning can hurt. I took the ugly stem of my once beautiful Ghost and I cut it in half. I gave my plant new soil and a new location.
Now, (Picture Three) I have SEVEN new points of growth and the beginnings of EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL LEAVES! Sometimes when it seems that all is lost, itβs just time to do some pruning so you have a chance to grow even more!
If you would like to enter the February #Giveaway let us know about a plant that tells YOUR story. Comment below so we can all be inspired by your #HappyPlant and feel good or even partner with you for some #PlantTherapy if you are in a tough season #NotSoHappyPlant)
You can get others involved by tagging them because we all know that we are all a part of the #GregFam and #PlantsMakePeopleHappy! Donβt know anyone? Just hit the β@β and select a name or twelve!!
The #giveaway is open NOW, Wednesday, February 14, 2024 and will close Thursday, February 15 at 5:00 CST.
A #GregGivesBackWinner will be drawn at random and announced on Thursday. Be sure to follow our #GregGivesBack and #GregGivesBackWinners and #GregGivesBackWinner tags to stay posted!
WHO CAN ENTER: any #PlantAddict and EVERYONE, including our international friends and #TimeTravelers! #Greggers outside the 48 States may not receive a physical box, but will definitely receive some goodies nonetheless. We ask that if you have won in the past, please tag as many other people as you can so they have a chance to win as well.
HOW TO ENTER: Drop a comment below with a picture of your plant that tells YOUR story.
CHOOSING A WINNER: A winner will be chosen at random by our Magic Wheel with all the usernames from the completed entries. Previous winners cannot win this time, but we would still love to see your comments! The selected winner will have seven days to get his or her information to us by email: If we do not receive a response, another winner will be chosen.
This #Giveaway has been put together by the Giveaway Squad and donations from YβALL!! Thanks to everyone who has expressed interest in spreading joy and smiles and plants! Please email us to find out how you can participate in the NEXT giveaway!
Questions? Suggestions? Feel free to reach out to the Giveaway Squad anytime by shooting us an email at Thanks #plantamigos! We love you and we love #HappyPlants and even #NotSoHappyPlants π
#PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #PetsAndPlants #NewPlantMom #OrchidLovers #PlantCorner #RarePlants #OutdoorGrowing #PlantGraveyard #PlantLove #WeirdPlants #BestAppEver #PlantFriendsAreTheBestFriends #GregGiveaway #HappyPlants #NotSoHappyPlants #GreggersSupportingGreggers
Don't miss out on your chance to win a #PlantyBoxofGoodies in the #GregGivesBack #Giveaway !!
@ManyLime @MrsSmith @LatiTish84 @Indoorgreens
@ChummyJadeplant @AliveFishhooks @FunGaillardia @PrimoTauhinu @BrotherlyBlinks @LoyalApplerose @user4871 @GreenGeek @TopDutch @LushRubbervine @greenhouse @SavantEspicia @TricksterAngel @Sanalovesplants @Plant-mom @Maalylondon @NewbieJess @collardamon @PiquantDodder @sopjoew @FieryMexico @ArticulateMoss @Brisleaves @PlantedApart @BotanicalNovice @WiredDaisy @LovablyFittonia @MightyMelon @GaietyOnion @FlexibleFuchsia @Sashby @BonusOnion @MaturePinkball @AssiduousLovage @SuccinctWavycap @AbleCorkelm @HeiressSalsa @AboundingBlue @clairsheart14 @LoyalApplerose @ForeverOcotillo @WinPrenanthes @MoneyedAgboy @AuthenticLoquat @BriskEmoryoak @LovablySeaaster @GemCrabapple @ReallyAster @GnarlyRadish @AdonicTurkshead @MightyCidergum @PioneerRedvein @GracefulMum @PrimalRosarypea @Monicanais @GrowingLentil @RefinedGollum @NimbleSmokebush @TrueCucumber @racheyj02 @ResoluteIvy @ComicArrowroot @KinglyBaibua @PractisedSalad @ChiefGalega @VividMatgrass @OriginalCoccoon @OlympianIvy @Dunksparadise @JoyousMullein @Bejoty1 @NobleCandytuft @MotivatedKaramu @FourstarElkweed @LoyallyOregano @SummeryCowvine @OrganicCobnut @DynamiteMangeao @BackupSweetmint @AffluentialMoss @PerfectPeyote @Positano @NewHawkswing @HelpfulLantana @LithePinebush @LithePineviolet @Plantdaddy1980 @LadyDandelion @FinestHouseleek @AdroitlyCat @WholeCoconut @CurrentMira @ProOakfern @BuddingFivespot @KeyTigerjade @AlertRedbetel @SightlyBlackpea @hollyelaine8 @FacileSedge @LeadWaiuatua @WillAngelmoss @GuruAirpotato @JollyRosilla @wunderkindpeony @silkenstinkhorn @barninja @sizablealbo @topdogveilwort @modeltamarack @vibrantlilac @genuinejicaro @gentletallsedge @statelychamise @vividflax @inspoiltcatnip @alwayskaramu @modeldodder @holylargethyme @strappingmahoe @bentonstarburst @freeruby @zesttamarack @politepigsqueak @heartycornplant @fairyofthevalley @tastyredvein @fastflamelily @funnyworm @dapperbonsai @yernjuniper @persistentchaya @movingblackgem @sharpagavenova @aficionadoplain @jewelledcoleus @joyousbearsear @j_willoughby2 @nguerre @kingpinveilwort @queenie @curiousavacado @zanyhorseapple @leadlemonbalm @kactuskrump @yeahpeacelily @moneyeyedlettuce @flyingnoognug @cheerfullettuce @genialmajoram @studiousbibi @jazzypatchouli @finestzzplant @unerringpepper @affluentquince @champcowpea @tastyhoyajade @foxybogbeam @radsilkvine @neatrhubarb @designersalsaify @copiousgrapeivy @sultrycomet @brawnychinotto @fineluckyjade @darlingcassava @unshakenchamisa @manychickpea @pintsizedfarm @marvelheather @sportyfern @macey @knightlypukatea @mentorcilantro @cuddlygreenash @sapienteggplant @fortunatechaya @caredforalula @exultantkale @melanie78 @funcrowndaisy @whizcrossberry @stoutchojubai @dashinghawthorn @shinysunbright @paulin @healthyprasium @nubs @topredclover @cuddlycentella @boxmonkey @niel777 @dynamicbarley @yeslemonfern @smashingsalal @megongreg @classicaloricad @niceweed @wholehoyalisa @mamat @perfectpinkpoui @maturegray @prominentnoni @brawnycapemay @totallychickpea @breezyfanmoss @crystallicious @goodysweetbasil @jesbeplantin @frost92 @worthymarimo @fastcilantro @famedcoralpea @questerzelkova @stylishoxtongue @soignepegaropa @precisewhitefir @lamsunrize @forrealchia @plant4us @cosmicyellowgum @busykanono @healthybegonia @plantznbirdz @lucentsnowdrop @lightworm @stablewaiuatua @exemplarylithop @sportcorkoak @cleangollum @aproposagarito @keyalmondtree @keenblueberry @preciseseastock @idolmyrtleoak @starchilli @athleticoakfern @exoticphlox @jrebels @contentpilea @prizedwhitefir @fierylakespur @honeyherbs @assuredasterium @dearearthball @savorystrapwort @vastcebense @everlastinglace @richreginairis @braverazorsedge @peacefulblusher @wingedflaxsilk @artistepignut @toadspring @impishseaaster @propermingthing @monstrea @academicpinoak @trywhiterose @deaoneytree @hardyrichweed @immensetrextoes @hunkycidergum @sirjellypalm @plentifulmahoe @rockingarrow @bigtimerichweed @zestfulapple @imposhwolfsmilk @gururedginger @growingblackash @adorablegreen @plantzaddyb @sultryguzmania @brightlecanora @spunkyradish @validwildpansy @juicyonion @directcapeweed @balancedhopsage @eminemtcowbane @corvidfan @perfectpinkpoui @small_ginge @botanistbabe @sillygoose @veryaloe @jrebels @superkma75 @jennaswitz @sarledi @fabrubbercup @a.j. @planthoe40 @promptmullein @fitbrowallia @boymom-plantmom @classroomjungle @ted @sunnyw @laneylemelhaz @poshcardoon @analoou @mrgncrch @andymm146 @planthippie00 @greeneryaddict @plantladychar @hotbreadnut @premiumgabisan @highteetree @earnestmostii @saintlybaibua @miracleluscious @yammieof3 @sfastkiwifruit @nobleneslia @leoquintera @giddblinks @bestcilantro @elegantlentil @eagercoralpea @bestsagopalm @unspoiltaster @tutorcosmo @greanthumb @masterlycarus @unbiasedtree @headwildlime @fungusamongus @bestbentgrass @yardcorn @premiumgabisan @highteetree @earnestmostii @saintlybaibua @miracleluscious @yammieof3 @sfastkiwifruit @nobleneslia @leoquintera @giddblinks @bestcilantro @elegantlentil @eagercoralpea @bestsagopalm @unspoiltaster @tutorcosmo @greanthumb @masterlycarus @unbiasedtree @headwildlime @fungusamongus @bestbentgrass @yardcorn @TwistedThreads @Hypsie @dreamlettuce @melodey @Teapott73 @meggy @tmbryant37 @OKIEgrnthmb @ManyLime @Sassylimey @ccrocco @Katrinabrown86 @Theplantypony @Kaleyeeaah @Ellasoasis89 @LatiTish84 @TJphilobsessed @Vjunc @CalmTobacco @ForFoxSake @Breathepeace @Natural @SoothingBogbean @suppptate @zay @lorenski3600 @Joedestefano @Blau_Ozean @AggroResting @malobee @silverlinings @AnnMarie420 @macysplants @MrsSmith @Indoorgreens @Cerberusofmars @Megongreg @planthoe40 @TruthfulApricot @Plantasencasita @EvocativePalqui @TexanExpat @Beeps @FoxyWarnockia @WickedValkyrie @tango @clairsheart @RinnyK @SpikeKing19 @BunnyBooty @Plantmom100 @SublimeCorncob @Plantmomma3 @PlantLoverLily @PetLovage @CuteDewberry @UnblemishedAtom @starly @ModernBoxholly @SoigneLettuce @ProbableYuzu @AroidApothecary @HeartyRhombus @heartleigh @Heartling @HeartyNeslia @PeachBlossoms @PunchyKalopanax @RadArrowhead @itsfabiii @ChosenBlueberry @ChosenBaybean @JocularLovevine @SilkenSaguaro @TrustingRedcap @GodlyChia @PreciseOrchids @PreciseCorkelm @Hilly99 @PlantEuphoria @Cheella @MuttWubur @GatherandGrow @TitanicMyagrum @TrichomeKing @PlantNerds @allsnn @abigailbrianne @AidanD @BlairBear @BeesZenGarden @Bev1026 @willbur @brynsome @brook.davis @brandtygreen @Bsquared @Camillering3 @CyberSpider @Corbalicious @Chelleree @Carlyallison @Dgracieh @DudeNamedDaniel @Dcook @danikabananika @Danib22 @Danielluh @Ellasoasis89 @eyeleash @Eschmeltz @emitchell @ejm1048 @Emmylou22 @FitSedum @Foxifly @Fabiha5 @GiftofGabby @Garrbog @grace.gillum @Hop @Indi29 @isaaaaa @isasgarden @JenHowell @Jilliebeanstalk @Jordankp2001 @jojoplants @Karaboo93 @kraigparkinson @LovingSunnyAZ @PeacefulBohoBby @lilygerow @Laureninportland @megsplants @Noodleslikesbutter @Nixon214 @Nicobenge @Olli.exe_ @izziemac @owenpolz @PlantyGoddess @pdubs55 @prisgoh @paigedelaney @QueenLaureen @Queenofthecows @QueenKandice @Rawaterman @rileycoleman @reiplants @swizzles @stephnicole @SilasOwO @TinaRedchic @Tewiewiora @ShibaSunroom @teebeetbh @userc8bc3b45 @uyeend @user7e582c5e @UnspoiltAster @user20f7cf44 @user7f4f3c63 @UtherPendragon @ungreenthumb @vvvelo @VvMiMivV @Veedoe22 @volakojo @vanevega @valmccauley56 @vanity @vanity @Lynnelovzplantz @Lynn775 @Camron @Nachogirl @PoisonIvy2 @aaronpeter @plantingideas @jaysjungle @FitSedum @AnewSnowflower @gerardo @yogijos @superblylilac @eringrins @laugravity @geniusramsons @kimtownsend686 @mrsfarrington @wingeddionysos @kingjuiiceart @ChummyPlantMum @Lovelyyuniverse @Breathepeace @BlairBear @willbur @reiplants @PlantyGoddess @PeacefulBohoBby @Katrinabrown86 @HeartyRhombus @VvMiMivV @xellaluvsplants @ShibaSunroom @Ellasoasis89 @ccrocco @gcilluffo @quinnprice @Quan @rubyvee @AwakeRaspfern @Queenlerica @CalmTobacco @Mossflowerwood @Teapott73 @TexanExpat @TheGoodWench @Yvonneplant @YamilC @uwakidris @Inggy101 @iveecandelaria @FoxyWarnockia @faethisx @ImmenseTrextoes @ziarauhh @vanessaledezmaa @Vantoune @Alfredsplanet @HumblePeperomia @clairsheart @GratefulPNWgirl @DeliberateIvy @CivicHorminum @GuruSatinwood @QuietButterwort @CopiousBeans @OrganicBonsai @tereasa7 @PeppyKale @YokeStingray @CoolHorsemint @MarvelMonstera @SnakePerson9 @FullBetel @CapCarter @ForrealMedeola @AbleLilliput @SelflessSaguaro @KnowingCapeweed @HappyBluepearl @WinTitoki @WiseWychelm @GoldPeanut @VividSilktree @MJplants @GenialEllisia @ChampTreeheath @YummySkyplant @BrilliantChisme @DreamyGasteria @UberRuby @PredominantMum @FetchingMakura @SizzlingBoneset @GutsyMiro @BlamelessEndive @ReveredPeanut @MarkedBoxholly @SaluteHeartleaf @SizableLuscious @YardBrownbirch @UniqueAcajou @Justa @BonusSweetsop @FacileKeylime @LikableMarjoram @RoundIronweed @TalentedIvy @HolySunstar @YummyBeech @AmberEhle @UntroubledHoya @YiftNapaea @PeppyOregonash @CrucialChosmo @MasterOlivetree @LoyallyLuronium @DinkumAjΓdulce @Amyupnorth @FoxyBluepearl @Theowood27 @FabMeadowflax @BoldLovevine @EarlySkyplant @HighCentro @NotJustAny @Natural @CozyNannyberry @RationalAnacua @TopLimebasil @HipBuffalonut @KeenAjwain @ZealHoyarosita @tcvg @TastefulBlusher @ModelSeagrape @AmazingOrchid @AlwaysSagebush @PureRadish @SugarValleyoak @DeanPaparazzi @OpulentPhalsa @OKIEgrnthmb @FullTreespurge @FabMoneytree @SmartMondograss @TryPalmgrass @YokeGrandfir @PeakCalendula @ComfortableMint @ClassicRaintree @LiteraryBonsi @SuccinctFanmoss @TutorTorgrass @SoulmateNapaea @PunchySedum @SubstantCowvine @PrizeRedpine @HotshotMum @SportCornbind @BigtimeRose @PlantyLady @vosswata @GardenGirl104 @RadCloudberry @TenableCocoplum @UrbaneAtom @CalmOxtongue @ZealOxlip @iTryandTheyDie @BreezyScrubpine @WanderingJew @MermaidGarden @ThoroughWorm @SubstantialTawa @planthoe40 @dreamlettuce @Breathepeace @CalmTobacco @Katrinabrown86 @Natural @Joedestefano @macysplants @pixieandpepper @4AuntTracie @MightyAssamtea @HonoredBluebill @ExactBullmallow @SavantRubberfig @RighteousTule @PrizeBibi @NaturalGlueseed @KindTutsan @Teak-Tree @YardBigfoot @GreenPower @FieryOgreears @NeatBrushbox @ClassyErophaca @HoorayRhodotus @KeenSpanishelm @Mcara825 @GutsyMelittis @YummyVelvetweed @DefiantBetel @FancyGoldenmoss @MightyLemon @BigwigSagopalm @jennysblessed @HuckleBerry @PristineCorncob @BrainyNoognug @HypnoticTukauki @Tella @MorePlants13 @saarrrr82 @AwesomeJuniper @TheLoneWulff @Junglefever @NightBloom @ImmenseKohekohe @SmartAglaonema @HaveABall717 @AdvisableWaxivy @HandyDeerberry @ChicChinarose @miraculousships @J0Y @RefinedKale @CuddlyAvocado @JessSchafer @NiftyFanpalm @UpfrontDisphyma @NodeAbode @Silverpriest135 @BodaciousAgboy @karmynsprops @BambooLover @ZsCoven @izlevi14 @AltruisticTule @KookyCowbane @DivineRose @Moira44george @xadarah @CoreyWindsor @ClubbyRutabaga @StablePersia @Tawnyglowworm @DandyHarebarley @LargeSilktree @lysthewisp @PinkOasis @YiftWaxvine @BeatificBegonia @AngelicChaya @DifferentMahoe @E1 @eadams @e.g.0627 @FabPignut @FourstarEllisia @FerventNeem @GoodyNikkofir @GracedCodiaeum @HealthySkimmia @HortonEarsAWho @iadisonepps @i11279pag @i.likeplants @j0rd4n @j3sslouise @J.Gradient @k0n0pka @K1kayla @k1tty_c0rps3 @k.rdlr @Luvinlife @mad @MaximalDamsii @MellowSunstar @N @n3lli33 @N8 @N.Griesemer1117 @o0alessandra @OarPalace @OasisdeChristy @O.h.p @PeppyFilbert @PurelyEdelweiss @Q @qh06st @qkka @Qtpiestevenson @RadRiberry @roesposy @SavvyHollyfern @SnazzyPalmier @SweetRimu @TactfulJubaea @TraveledHautree @TryComet @ThrilledWinika @UberDewberry @user8caa7fd7 @user77c12a69 @user77c12a69 @usere864cad7 @v0id.the_frog @Vaalrei @V.paquette43 @w0nderstruck13 @w0rmslut @W1ll @WadePlants @Waffle @WaffleButteredGarden @xanhasplants @zachtheplantdaddy @Z0mbieM0uth @zachmicah @13KerrILynn @404beth @7ohdubs @9Liacelestial6 @80twenty @6m1lfLover9 @420pennylane @57gremlinz @333jasiah @2020 @224_dssm @007plantlover @0LC @0nyx @WildlingWitch @SeamlessCat @MyriadMind @Jilliebeanstalk @Ezah @Caffinatedleaf @RadDevilsclub @FastApplemoss @YoungFreesia @JungleDreamer @OpenlyPhlox @Adamas @TotalMostii @Jagfuneral @plantmamma @CalmingRedflax @BabyLeaf @Addicted2plants @GreenHemoglobin @StellarPeanut @mommaky @Hilly99 @SisterLuscious @Shipshapeplants @NeatClusia @bunnyisplanting @Hypsie @Earlsweatpants @DirectRiberry @SilkyCoralbell @budoy @ChosenBulrush @Jessicab @LoyallyMiro @SoulfulMelittis @RichlyBluerose @QueenSunflower @haleyshhmaley @CreativeChisme @FunWaterfern @emmiev123 @ProLuckycoin @DanaLou @Mockmatter @SilentRunning @SwiftKale @ForrealPokaka @ChampBaneberry @TutorTorgrass @JinnysPlants @WhizPeyote @MariaOraliaC @alltheplantsplz @SvelteNeslia @PrudentFicus @GrownCobnut @PertinentLilac @CosmicNeslia @CivilHoupara @RousingCaladium @ETXScrunchyAF @DoyenneBearcorn @HeroicTauhinu @UniquelyJicaro @DashingLichen @PetLagunaria @LaurieJean @CConklin2010 @SpiffyKudulily @Ginasplants @YardHawkswing @theplantkween @NimbleKawakawa @UpholderCobnut @PlayfullyGollum @FunnyCalendula @theplantmama @theplantmami @theplantymammy @tatortot38 @SubstantialTawa @ohellkites @Earlsweatpants @NewBushpoppy @SmartSeaoats @SoulfulMelittis @pelssy @StandupYuzutree @myplantjournal @SteadfastBalsam @JungleDreamer @PlantParentz @BonusChickpea @Inertia40 @LuvinLithops @thingsNstuff @GrandeeTawapou @Urfavplantmom @urfaveplantmami @Lizerbeem @stansrikusland @LucyOasis @WorthyWoreya @RealCogongrass @FunRattleweed @GaietyStarburst @SilkyFanpalm @VehementMangeao @CompleteAlmond @SavvyWildlime @LogicalBluebean @ShiningChaya @WhizWharangi @SavoryTwister @DrivenGreenash @FairGrugrupalm @CourtlyHope @PalpableViszsla @YeahFynbosaloe @GiddyCosmo @RadCineraria @clairsheart @VibrantOrpine @GracedInchworm @PetiteBibi @Plantmomrea @LushColtsfoot @TrustingLukiwan @LeisuredAgboy @MaximalClusia @SunnyAspen @Cnjohnson @ChummyAdelinia @JocundRedsword @QueenCowshorn @SilkyBroom @PurelyRamshorn @PeppyParsley @TiptopMelittis @LivelyKawaka @AnewAnthora @LadyTanekaha @BossWaterlily @LightJade @UrbaneSunbright @allysonwonderland @shopofhorrors @BestWormplant @DirectTawapou @Grandma2nine @BabeVila @SharpKhakiweed @HeyLillie @potsoverplants @UrbaneStomatium @JovialMungbeans @LuckyDamaskrose @ModernGinger @HonestAloevera @lunacat @FastChia @FineDodder @BackupVaseyoak @BackupVaseplant @AngelTobacco @PrimalBasil @SpunkyFuchsia @WillGreenice @CommendableLime @ChampLizardtail @PrizedAppletree @CourtlyTropical @ProlificAgboy @RealTearose @BrightLychee @SilveryOtanthus @HeroPokaka @Juliabelle17 @JocularChichipe @FastWoodvetch @SteadyHopsage @HeadCrassula @UberOrrisroot @PlaygrndLegend @HipGooseberry @ModernDevilsivy @WolfK @TidyBeachplum @GracedMangotree @Heyitsianb @BuffTaciveria @Kip @RousingSilktree @YesScolochloa @GreatQuenepa @PumpedupTwister @FullCamphor @PrinceWoreya @FullMizuna @FabulousKaraka @SturdySeaoxeye @AppealingFicus @ValidPinkcactus @CopiousLacealoe @GrowingPokaka @MajorOakfern @AvidTurkeytail @GoodAloevera @FragrantJubaea @SapientMystax @AbleFlapjacks @SteadyOrchid @SteadyOrchids @SteadyOricad @MelissaPPlants @MatureLungwort @YesStarcactus @SirCoffeetree @SirCoffeebush @AngelPothos @DreamyVaseyoak @HotHeketara @UptodateOlneya @SisterInchworm @SuperbBokchoi @VitalHouseleek @LucidBreadnut @MadiMonstera @silvershasta @PrimaryPlanty @HeirOgreears @HeirBogwillow @GermaneSandwort @MaestroCassava @SupportiveFern @learydarrel @LimberDracaena @LydiaConroy @SherryBerry @QuirkyBluebean @junglejames99 @PoetJunglevine @salami @Gingyhouse @TimelySunburst @Churritosplants @Houseofplants @HonestRadish @pelssy @VividSpinysenna @JoyfulOakmoss @Bplants @haleymae02 @plantstate @Plantstalk @debbiedo @ForeverMandarin @MuscularAgave @Sapphire9 @boldcowparsnip @sdubplanty05 @holybaylaurel @bellamiafarm @deftespostoa @truebluebogarum @richanthora @tiffc0922 @sunshiney121 @uberbeachrose @srarcoralcactus @salienthoya @luxuryjuneplum @hiparticrose @perkyrrdwood @earthymedeola @glossyfreesia @younglemon @hardypinkpoui @herojellycup @aestheticchosmo @plantbeach @sassyarecapalm @officialbulrush @uncommonredvein @traveledredlog @pumpeduplettuce @whizceratiola @socialtorgrass @alicebtokeless @profusepigfern @receptivecactus @yiftscrubpine @yummychiotilla @heylillie @adroitlynoognug @premiercuttings @calmcurlyheads @gentletawa @shrewdwatermint @ericaislife @starredbetel @divineredpagoda @quotablekatsura @astafford @trailingvines @likelyneslia @lucentdeerbrush @dynamicseastock @contentredvein @funwoollythyme @masterdigitfern @concreteguayule @unequivocalpuka @approvingtupeia @quaintlambsear @abundantalbo @perfectborage @blessedswampbay @yiftwormplant @freekapoktree @bigskinny @gorgeouslukiwan @intenseacajou @ebullientblue @tiptopsaguaro @puregasplant @wordsmithkaro @ladyliberal @karadione @jovialbrooklime @brunobarn @calatheachic @undividedrose
Sometimes I look around and I realize that I have certain plants that tell MY STORY!
For instance: I have a Florida Ghost. In 2022, IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! It was a plant to be envied; it was a single, dainty stem with mint green leaves and COMPLETELY WHITE LEAVES. It seemed like the perfect #Wishlist plant. (First Picture)
Then, I had a TOTAL life-change. Iβm not gonna lie: 2023 was ROUGH. (Second Picture) Some days, I felt like death warmed over and I felt very bare. No beautiful leaves, no perfect foliage β¦ just an ugly stem.
Finally, I decided to do some pruning in my life. Pruning can hurt. I took the ugly stem of my once beautiful Ghost and I cut it in half. I gave my plant new soil and a new location.
Now, (Picture Three) I have SEVEN new points of growth and the beginnings of EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL LEAVES! Sometimes when it seems that all is lost, itβs just time to do some pruning so you have a chance to grow even more!
If you would like to enter the February #Giveaway let us know about a plant that tells YOUR story. Comment below so we can all be inspired by your #HappyPlant and feel good or even partner with you for some #PlantTherapy if you are in a tough season #NotSoHappyPlant)
You can get others involved by tagging them because we all know that we are all a part of the #GregFam and #PlantsMakePeopleHappy! Donβt know anyone? Just hit the β@β and select a name or twelve!!
The #giveaway is open NOW, Wednesday, February 14, 2024 and will close Thursday, February 15 at 5:00 CST.
A #GregGivesBackWinner will be drawn at random and announced on Thursday. Be sure to follow our #GregGivesBack and #GregGivesBackWinners and #GregGivesBackWinner tags to stay posted!
WHO CAN ENTER: any #PlantAddict and EVERYONE, including our international friends and #TimeTravelers! #Greggers outside the 48 States may not receive a physical box, but will definitely receive some goodies nonetheless. We ask that if you have won in the past, please tag as many other people as you can so they have a chance to win as well.
HOW TO ENTER: Drop a comment below with a picture of your plant that tells YOUR story.
CHOOSING A WINNER: A winner will be chosen at random by our Magic Wheel with all the usernames from the completed entries. Previous winners cannot win this time, but we would still love to see your comments! The selected winner will have seven days to get his or her information to us by email: If we do not receive a response, another winner will be chosen.
This #Giveaway has been put together by the Giveaway Squad and donations from YβALL!! Thanks to everyone who has expressed interest in spreading joy and smiles and plants! Please email us to find out how you can participate in the NEXT giveaway!
Questions? Suggestions? Feel free to reach out to the Giveaway Squad anytime by shooting us an email at Thanks #plantamigos! We love you and we love #HappyPlants and even #NotSoHappyPlants π
#PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #PetsAndPlants #NewPlantMom #OrchidLovers #PlantCorner #RarePlants #OutdoorGrowing #PlantGraveyard #PlantLove #WeirdPlants #BestAppEver #PlantFriendsAreTheBestFriends #GregGiveaway #HappyPlants #NotSoHappyPlants #GreggersSupportingGreggers
Don't miss out on your chance to win a #PlantyBoxofGoodies in the #GregGivesBack #Giveaway !!
@ManyLime @MrsSmith @LatiTish84 @Indoorgreens
@ChummyJadeplant @AliveFishhooks @FunGaillardia @PrimoTauhinu @BrotherlyBlinks @LoyalApplerose @user4871 @GreenGeek @TopDutch @LushRubbervine @greenhouse @SavantEspicia @TricksterAngel @Sanalovesplants @Plant-mom @Maalylondon @NewbieJess @collardamon @PiquantDodder @sopjoew @FieryMexico @ArticulateMoss @Brisleaves @PlantedApart @BotanicalNovice @WiredDaisy @LovablyFittonia @MightyMelon @GaietyOnion @FlexibleFuchsia @Sashby @BonusOnion @MaturePinkball @AssiduousLovage @SuccinctWavycap @AbleCorkelm @HeiressSalsa @AboundingBlue @clairsheart14 @LoyalApplerose @ForeverOcotillo @WinPrenanthes @MoneyedAgboy @AuthenticLoquat @BriskEmoryoak @LovablySeaaster @GemCrabapple @ReallyAster @GnarlyRadish @AdonicTurkshead @MightyCidergum @PioneerRedvein @GracefulMum @PrimalRosarypea @Monicanais @GrowingLentil @RefinedGollum @NimbleSmokebush @TrueCucumber @racheyj02 @ResoluteIvy @ComicArrowroot @KinglyBaibua @PractisedSalad @ChiefGalega @VividMatgrass @OriginalCoccoon @OlympianIvy @Dunksparadise @JoyousMullein @Bejoty1 @NobleCandytuft @MotivatedKaramu @FourstarElkweed @LoyallyOregano @SummeryCowvine @OrganicCobnut @DynamiteMangeao @BackupSweetmint @AffluentialMoss @PerfectPeyote @Positano @NewHawkswing @HelpfulLantana @LithePinebush @LithePineviolet @Plantdaddy1980 @LadyDandelion @FinestHouseleek @AdroitlyCat @WholeCoconut @CurrentMira @ProOakfern @BuddingFivespot @KeyTigerjade @AlertRedbetel @SightlyBlackpea @hollyelaine8 @FacileSedge @LeadWaiuatua @WillAngelmoss @GuruAirpotato @JollyRosilla @wunderkindpeony @silkenstinkhorn @barninja @sizablealbo @topdogveilwort @modeltamarack @vibrantlilac @genuinejicaro @gentletallsedge @statelychamise @vividflax @inspoiltcatnip @alwayskaramu @modeldodder @holylargethyme @strappingmahoe @bentonstarburst @freeruby @zesttamarack @politepigsqueak @heartycornplant @fairyofthevalley @tastyredvein @fastflamelily @funnyworm @dapperbonsai @yernjuniper @persistentchaya @movingblackgem @sharpagavenova @aficionadoplain @jewelledcoleus @joyousbearsear @j_willoughby2 @nguerre @kingpinveilwort @queenie @curiousavacado @zanyhorseapple @leadlemonbalm @kactuskrump @yeahpeacelily @moneyeyedlettuce @flyingnoognug @cheerfullettuce @genialmajoram @studiousbibi @jazzypatchouli @finestzzplant @unerringpepper @affluentquince @champcowpea @tastyhoyajade @foxybogbeam @radsilkvine @neatrhubarb @designersalsaify @copiousgrapeivy @sultrycomet @brawnychinotto @fineluckyjade @darlingcassava @unshakenchamisa @manychickpea @pintsizedfarm @marvelheather @sportyfern @macey @knightlypukatea @mentorcilantro @cuddlygreenash @sapienteggplant @fortunatechaya @caredforalula @exultantkale @melanie78 @funcrowndaisy @whizcrossberry @stoutchojubai @dashinghawthorn @shinysunbright @paulin @healthyprasium @nubs @topredclover @cuddlycentella @boxmonkey @niel777 @dynamicbarley @yeslemonfern @smashingsalal @megongreg @classicaloricad @niceweed @wholehoyalisa @mamat @perfectpinkpoui @maturegray @prominentnoni @brawnycapemay @totallychickpea @breezyfanmoss @crystallicious @goodysweetbasil @jesbeplantin @frost92 @worthymarimo @fastcilantro @famedcoralpea @questerzelkova @stylishoxtongue @soignepegaropa @precisewhitefir @lamsunrize @forrealchia @plant4us @cosmicyellowgum @busykanono @healthybegonia @plantznbirdz @lucentsnowdrop @lightworm @stablewaiuatua @exemplarylithop @sportcorkoak @cleangollum @aproposagarito @keyalmondtree @keenblueberry @preciseseastock @idolmyrtleoak @starchilli @athleticoakfern @exoticphlox @jrebels @contentpilea @prizedwhitefir @fierylakespur @honeyherbs @assuredasterium @dearearthball @savorystrapwort @vastcebense @everlastinglace @richreginairis @braverazorsedge @peacefulblusher @wingedflaxsilk @artistepignut @toadspring @impishseaaster @propermingthing @monstrea @academicpinoak @trywhiterose @deaoneytree @hardyrichweed @immensetrextoes @hunkycidergum @sirjellypalm @plentifulmahoe @rockingarrow @bigtimerichweed @zestfulapple @imposhwolfsmilk @gururedginger @growingblackash @adorablegreen @plantzaddyb @sultryguzmania @brightlecanora @spunkyradish @validwildpansy @juicyonion @directcapeweed @balancedhopsage @eminemtcowbane @corvidfan @perfectpinkpoui @small_ginge @botanistbabe @sillygoose @veryaloe @jrebels @superkma75 @jennaswitz @sarledi @fabrubbercup @a.j. @planthoe40 @promptmullein @fitbrowallia @boymom-plantmom @classroomjungle @ted @sunnyw @laneylemelhaz @poshcardoon @analoou @mrgncrch @andymm146 @planthippie00 @greeneryaddict @plantladychar @hotbreadnut @premiumgabisan @highteetree @earnestmostii @saintlybaibua @miracleluscious @yammieof3 @sfastkiwifruit @nobleneslia @leoquintera @giddblinks @bestcilantro @elegantlentil @eagercoralpea @bestsagopalm @unspoiltaster @tutorcosmo @greanthumb @masterlycarus @unbiasedtree @headwildlime @fungusamongus @bestbentgrass @yardcorn @premiumgabisan @highteetree @earnestmostii @saintlybaibua @miracleluscious @yammieof3 @sfastkiwifruit @nobleneslia @leoquintera @giddblinks @bestcilantro @elegantlentil @eagercoralpea @bestsagopalm @unspoiltaster @tutorcosmo @greanthumb @masterlycarus @unbiasedtree @headwildlime @fungusamongus @bestbentgrass @yardcorn @TwistedThreads @Hypsie @dreamlettuce @melodey @Teapott73 @meggy @tmbryant37 @OKIEgrnthmb @ManyLime @Sassylimey @ccrocco @Katrinabrown86 @Theplantypony @Kaleyeeaah @Ellasoasis89 @LatiTish84 @TJphilobsessed @Vjunc @CalmTobacco @ForFoxSake @Breathepeace @Natural @SoothingBogbean @suppptate @zay @lorenski3600 @Joedestefano @Blau_Ozean @AggroResting @malobee @silverlinings @AnnMarie420 @macysplants @MrsSmith @Indoorgreens @Cerberusofmars @Megongreg @planthoe40 @TruthfulApricot @Plantasencasita @EvocativePalqui @TexanExpat @Beeps @FoxyWarnockia @WickedValkyrie @tango @clairsheart @RinnyK @SpikeKing19 @BunnyBooty @Plantmom100 @SublimeCorncob @Plantmomma3 @PlantLoverLily @PetLovage @CuteDewberry @UnblemishedAtom @starly @ModernBoxholly @SoigneLettuce @ProbableYuzu @AroidApothecary @HeartyRhombus @heartleigh @Heartling @HeartyNeslia @PeachBlossoms @PunchyKalopanax @RadArrowhead @itsfabiii @ChosenBlueberry @ChosenBaybean @JocularLovevine @SilkenSaguaro @TrustingRedcap @GodlyChia @PreciseOrchids @PreciseCorkelm @Hilly99 @PlantEuphoria @Cheella @MuttWubur @GatherandGrow @TitanicMyagrum @TrichomeKing @PlantNerds @allsnn @abigailbrianne @AidanD @BlairBear @BeesZenGarden @Bev1026 @willbur @brynsome @brook.davis @brandtygreen @Bsquared @Camillering3 @CyberSpider @Corbalicious @Chelleree @Carlyallison @Dgracieh @DudeNamedDaniel @Dcook @danikabananika @Danib22 @Danielluh @Ellasoasis89 @eyeleash @Eschmeltz @emitchell @ejm1048 @Emmylou22 @FitSedum @Foxifly @Fabiha5 @GiftofGabby @Garrbog @grace.gillum @Hop @Indi29 @isaaaaa @isasgarden @JenHowell @Jilliebeanstalk @Jordankp2001 @jojoplants @Karaboo93 @kraigparkinson @LovingSunnyAZ @PeacefulBohoBby @lilygerow @Laureninportland @megsplants @Noodleslikesbutter @Nixon214 @Nicobenge @Olli.exe_ @izziemac @owenpolz @PlantyGoddess @pdubs55 @prisgoh @paigedelaney @QueenLaureen @Queenofthecows @QueenKandice @Rawaterman @rileycoleman @reiplants @swizzles @stephnicole @SilasOwO @TinaRedchic @Tewiewiora @ShibaSunroom @teebeetbh @userc8bc3b45 @uyeend @user7e582c5e @UnspoiltAster @user20f7cf44 @user7f4f3c63 @UtherPendragon @ungreenthumb @vvvelo @VvMiMivV @Veedoe22 @volakojo @vanevega @valmccauley56 @vanity @vanity @Lynnelovzplantz @Lynn775 @Camron @Nachogirl @PoisonIvy2 @aaronpeter @plantingideas @jaysjungle @FitSedum @AnewSnowflower @gerardo @yogijos @superblylilac @eringrins @laugravity @geniusramsons @kimtownsend686 @mrsfarrington @wingeddionysos @kingjuiiceart @ChummyPlantMum @Lovelyyuniverse @Breathepeace @BlairBear @willbur @reiplants @PlantyGoddess @PeacefulBohoBby @Katrinabrown86 @HeartyRhombus @VvMiMivV @xellaluvsplants @ShibaSunroom @Ellasoasis89 @ccrocco @gcilluffo @quinnprice @Quan @rubyvee @AwakeRaspfern @Queenlerica @CalmTobacco @Mossflowerwood @Teapott73 @TexanExpat @TheGoodWench @Yvonneplant @YamilC @uwakidris @Inggy101 @iveecandelaria @FoxyWarnockia @faethisx @ImmenseTrextoes @ziarauhh @vanessaledezmaa @Vantoune @Alfredsplanet @HumblePeperomia @clairsheart @GratefulPNWgirl @DeliberateIvy @CivicHorminum @GuruSatinwood @QuietButterwort @CopiousBeans @OrganicBonsai @tereasa7 @PeppyKale @YokeStingray @CoolHorsemint @MarvelMonstera @SnakePerson9 @FullBetel @CapCarter @ForrealMedeola @AbleLilliput @SelflessSaguaro @KnowingCapeweed @HappyBluepearl @WinTitoki @WiseWychelm @GoldPeanut @VividSilktree @MJplants @GenialEllisia @ChampTreeheath @YummySkyplant @BrilliantChisme @DreamyGasteria @UberRuby @PredominantMum @FetchingMakura @SizzlingBoneset @GutsyMiro @BlamelessEndive @ReveredPeanut @MarkedBoxholly @SaluteHeartleaf @SizableLuscious @YardBrownbirch @UniqueAcajou @Justa @BonusSweetsop @FacileKeylime @LikableMarjoram @RoundIronweed @TalentedIvy @HolySunstar @YummyBeech @AmberEhle @UntroubledHoya @YiftNapaea @PeppyOregonash @CrucialChosmo @MasterOlivetree @LoyallyLuronium @DinkumAjΓdulce @Amyupnorth @FoxyBluepearl @Theowood27 @FabMeadowflax @BoldLovevine @EarlySkyplant @HighCentro @NotJustAny @Natural @CozyNannyberry @RationalAnacua @TopLimebasil @HipBuffalonut @KeenAjwain @ZealHoyarosita @tcvg @TastefulBlusher @ModelSeagrape @AmazingOrchid @AlwaysSagebush @PureRadish @SugarValleyoak @DeanPaparazzi @OpulentPhalsa @OKIEgrnthmb @FullTreespurge @FabMoneytree @SmartMondograss @TryPalmgrass @YokeGrandfir @PeakCalendula @ComfortableMint @ClassicRaintree @LiteraryBonsi @SuccinctFanmoss @TutorTorgrass @SoulmateNapaea @PunchySedum @SubstantCowvine @PrizeRedpine @HotshotMum @SportCornbind @BigtimeRose @PlantyLady @vosswata @GardenGirl104 @RadCloudberry @TenableCocoplum @UrbaneAtom @CalmOxtongue @ZealOxlip @iTryandTheyDie @BreezyScrubpine @WanderingJew @MermaidGarden @ThoroughWorm @SubstantialTawa @planthoe40 @dreamlettuce @Breathepeace @CalmTobacco @Katrinabrown86 @Natural @Joedestefano @macysplants @pixieandpepper @4AuntTracie @MightyAssamtea @HonoredBluebill @ExactBullmallow @SavantRubberfig @RighteousTule @PrizeBibi @NaturalGlueseed @KindTutsan @Teak-Tree @YardBigfoot @GreenPower @FieryOgreears @NeatBrushbox @ClassyErophaca @HoorayRhodotus @KeenSpanishelm @Mcara825 @GutsyMelittis @YummyVelvetweed @DefiantBetel @FancyGoldenmoss @MightyLemon @BigwigSagopalm @jennysblessed @HuckleBerry @PristineCorncob @BrainyNoognug @HypnoticTukauki @Tella @MorePlants13 @saarrrr82 @AwesomeJuniper @TheLoneWulff @Junglefever @NightBloom @ImmenseKohekohe @SmartAglaonema @HaveABall717 @AdvisableWaxivy @HandyDeerberry @ChicChinarose @miraculousships @J0Y @RefinedKale @CuddlyAvocado @JessSchafer @NiftyFanpalm @UpfrontDisphyma @NodeAbode @Silverpriest135 @BodaciousAgboy @karmynsprops @BambooLover @ZsCoven @izlevi14 @AltruisticTule @KookyCowbane @DivineRose @Moira44george @xadarah @CoreyWindsor @ClubbyRutabaga @StablePersia @Tawnyglowworm @DandyHarebarley @LargeSilktree @lysthewisp @PinkOasis @YiftWaxvine @BeatificBegonia @AngelicChaya @DifferentMahoe @E1 @eadams @e.g.0627 @FabPignut @FourstarEllisia @FerventNeem @GoodyNikkofir @GracedCodiaeum @HealthySkimmia @HortonEarsAWho @iadisonepps @i11279pag @i.likeplants @j0rd4n @j3sslouise @J.Gradient @k0n0pka @K1kayla @k1tty_c0rps3 @k.rdlr @Luvinlife @mad @MaximalDamsii @MellowSunstar @N @n3lli33 @N8 @N.Griesemer1117 @o0alessandra @OarPalace @OasisdeChristy @O.h.p @PeppyFilbert @PurelyEdelweiss @Q @qh06st @qkka @Qtpiestevenson @RadRiberry @roesposy @SavvyHollyfern @SnazzyPalmier @SweetRimu @TactfulJubaea @TraveledHautree @TryComet @ThrilledWinika @UberDewberry @user8caa7fd7 @user77c12a69 @user77c12a69 @usere864cad7 @v0id.the_frog @Vaalrei @V.paquette43 @w0nderstruck13 @w0rmslut @W1ll @WadePlants @Waffle @WaffleButteredGarden @xanhasplants @zachtheplantdaddy @Z0mbieM0uth @zachmicah @13KerrILynn @404beth @7ohdubs @9Liacelestial6 @80twenty @6m1lfLover9 @420pennylane @57gremlinz @333jasiah @2020 @224_dssm @007plantlover @0LC @0nyx @WildlingWitch @SeamlessCat @MyriadMind @Jilliebeanstalk @Ezah @Caffinatedleaf @RadDevilsclub @FastApplemoss @YoungFreesia @JungleDreamer @OpenlyPhlox @Adamas @TotalMostii @Jagfuneral @plantmamma @CalmingRedflax @BabyLeaf @Addicted2plants @GreenHemoglobin @StellarPeanut @mommaky @Hilly99 @SisterLuscious @Shipshapeplants @NeatClusia @bunnyisplanting @Hypsie @Earlsweatpants @DirectRiberry @SilkyCoralbell @budoy @ChosenBulrush @Jessicab @LoyallyMiro @SoulfulMelittis @RichlyBluerose @QueenSunflower @haleyshhmaley @CreativeChisme @FunWaterfern @emmiev123 @ProLuckycoin @DanaLou @Mockmatter @SilentRunning @SwiftKale @ForrealPokaka @ChampBaneberry @TutorTorgrass @JinnysPlants @WhizPeyote @MariaOraliaC @alltheplantsplz @SvelteNeslia @PrudentFicus @GrownCobnut @PertinentLilac @CosmicNeslia @CivilHoupara @RousingCaladium @ETXScrunchyAF @DoyenneBearcorn @HeroicTauhinu @UniquelyJicaro @DashingLichen @PetLagunaria @LaurieJean @CConklin2010 @SpiffyKudulily @Ginasplants @YardHawkswing @theplantkween @NimbleKawakawa @UpholderCobnut @PlayfullyGollum @FunnyCalendula @theplantmama @theplantmami @theplantymammy @tatortot38 @SubstantialTawa @ohellkites @Earlsweatpants @NewBushpoppy @SmartSeaoats @SoulfulMelittis @pelssy @StandupYuzutree @myplantjournal @SteadfastBalsam @JungleDreamer @PlantParentz @BonusChickpea @Inertia40 @LuvinLithops @thingsNstuff @GrandeeTawapou @Urfavplantmom @urfaveplantmami @Lizerbeem @stansrikusland @LucyOasis @WorthyWoreya @RealCogongrass @FunRattleweed @GaietyStarburst @SilkyFanpalm @VehementMangeao @CompleteAlmond @SavvyWildlime @LogicalBluebean @ShiningChaya @WhizWharangi @SavoryTwister @DrivenGreenash @FairGrugrupalm @CourtlyHope @PalpableViszsla @YeahFynbosaloe @GiddyCosmo @RadCineraria @clairsheart @VibrantOrpine @GracedInchworm @PetiteBibi @Plantmomrea @LushColtsfoot @TrustingLukiwan @LeisuredAgboy @MaximalClusia @SunnyAspen @Cnjohnson @ChummyAdelinia @JocundRedsword @QueenCowshorn @SilkyBroom @PurelyRamshorn @PeppyParsley @TiptopMelittis @LivelyKawaka @AnewAnthora @LadyTanekaha @BossWaterlily @LightJade @UrbaneSunbright @allysonwonderland @shopofhorrors @BestWormplant @DirectTawapou @Grandma2nine @BabeVila @SharpKhakiweed @HeyLillie @potsoverplants @UrbaneStomatium @JovialMungbeans @LuckyDamaskrose @ModernGinger @HonestAloevera @lunacat @FastChia @FineDodder @BackupVaseyoak @BackupVaseplant @AngelTobacco @PrimalBasil @SpunkyFuchsia @WillGreenice @CommendableLime @ChampLizardtail @PrizedAppletree @CourtlyTropical @ProlificAgboy @RealTearose @BrightLychee @SilveryOtanthus @HeroPokaka @Juliabelle17 @JocularChichipe @FastWoodvetch @SteadyHopsage @HeadCrassula @UberOrrisroot @PlaygrndLegend @HipGooseberry @ModernDevilsivy @WolfK @TidyBeachplum @GracedMangotree @Heyitsianb @BuffTaciveria @Kip @RousingSilktree @YesScolochloa @GreatQuenepa @PumpedupTwister @FullCamphor @PrinceWoreya @FullMizuna @FabulousKaraka @SturdySeaoxeye @AppealingFicus @ValidPinkcactus @CopiousLacealoe @GrowingPokaka @MajorOakfern @AvidTurkeytail @GoodAloevera @FragrantJubaea @SapientMystax @AbleFlapjacks @SteadyOrchid @SteadyOrchids @SteadyOricad @MelissaPPlants @MatureLungwort @YesStarcactus @SirCoffeetree @SirCoffeebush @AngelPothos @DreamyVaseyoak @HotHeketara @UptodateOlneya @SisterInchworm @SuperbBokchoi @VitalHouseleek @LucidBreadnut @MadiMonstera @silvershasta @PrimaryPlanty @HeirOgreears @HeirBogwillow @GermaneSandwort @MaestroCassava @SupportiveFern @learydarrel @LimberDracaena @LydiaConroy @SherryBerry @QuirkyBluebean @junglejames99 @PoetJunglevine @salami @Gingyhouse @TimelySunburst @Churritosplants @Houseofplants @HonestRadish @pelssy @VividSpinysenna @JoyfulOakmoss @Bplants @haleymae02 @plantstate @Plantstalk @debbiedo @ForeverMandarin @MuscularAgave @Sapphire9 @boldcowparsnip @sdubplanty05 @holybaylaurel @bellamiafarm @deftespostoa @truebluebogarum @richanthora @tiffc0922 @sunshiney121 @uberbeachrose @srarcoralcactus @salienthoya @luxuryjuneplum @hiparticrose @perkyrrdwood @earthymedeola @glossyfreesia @younglemon @hardypinkpoui @herojellycup @aestheticchosmo @plantbeach @sassyarecapalm @officialbulrush @uncommonredvein @traveledredlog @pumpeduplettuce @whizceratiola @socialtorgrass @alicebtokeless @profusepigfern @receptivecactus @yiftscrubpine @yummychiotilla @heylillie @adroitlynoognug @premiercuttings @calmcurlyheads @gentletawa @shrewdwatermint @ericaislife @starredbetel @divineredpagoda @quotablekatsura @astafford @trailingvines @likelyneslia @lucentdeerbrush @dynamicseastock @contentredvein @funwoollythyme @masterdigitfern @concreteguayule @unequivocalpuka @approvingtupeia @quaintlambsear @abundantalbo @perfectborage @blessedswampbay @yiftwormplant @freekapoktree @bigskinny @gorgeouslukiwan @intenseacajou @ebullientblue @tiptopsaguaro @puregasplant @wordsmithkaro @ladyliberal @karadione @jovialbrooklime @brunobarn @calatheachic @undividedrose

My Orchid is a perfect representation of my life. I cannot believe that she or I have survived the crap that weβve been through, she almost died, Iβve almost died (twice), I have rebuilt myself more times than I care to admit, through domestic violence, battled 2 addictions (now 3 but Iβll keep my plant addiction π₯°) and Iβm a semester and a half away from graduating nursing school. My Orchid had not only survived neglect and mistreatment, she regrown new roots, and Iβm confident she will bounce back stronger than ever, just like her humanβ¦ I have found an absolute fascination with plants and their resilience, and determination to survive, theyβll adapt to new surroundings, and theyβre so beautiful β€οΈ but my Orchidβ¦ Sheβs my soul in plant form and I couldnβt be happier with her and my ability to get through life. With some love and time, we will both grow to be the best version of ourselves EVER... We're both a little battered and bruised but we're still here. @BabeVila @sarahsalith @LittleSongbird @Michelle5986 @TruthfulApricot @CordialWildyam @PlantBeach @Sapphire9 @FitBrowallia @TwistedThreads @learydarrel @SuperblyLilac @UltraKoreanfir @clairsheart @RainbowFairy @vvvelo @Ariellaheather @AwesomePlants @TexanExpat @GaryPoopins
Sarah, this is a hard one! All my plants tell a story! But if I had to choose one... Vera, my gasteraloe. She's the one who started this addiction! I actually wrote an essay for her:
As a child, I thought plants were beautiful sprigs of green in a world dominated by the grey of concrete and the silver of buildings. As many others, of course my mother bought poinsettias, flowers, and other plants for us to enjoy the beauty ofβbut they always ended up dyingβleaves slowly dropping til the whole plant was dried and the flowers were all but gone. I didnβt think much of it for years, thinking that it was the natural part of life being brought into a low light, domesticated environment, and that there was simply nothing to be done about it. But-- perhapsβyounger me was wrong.
It was a nice, bright day as the afternoon sun shone downβbut it wasnβt too warm, or too cold, just comfortable. It happened to be the birthday of one of our church members, and my mother and I went to a supermarket to buy him a gift while my sister practiced her ballet in her dance class. As soon as we entered the automatic doors, feeling the cooler air, we spotted a wooden stand on which cacti and succulents in many different types of colorful ceramic pots sat, basking in the filtered sunlight that was allowed in. βMaybe we can get him a plant?β I suggested to my mother. I still believed that plants died quite quickly, but the cactus I chose for him was quite adorable, even with its golden prickly spines guarding its green flesh. βThatxs a good idea,β replied my mother.
βCan I have one too? I just want to see if I can keep it alive.β I said, a laugh behind my toneβI thought that a good month or so from then, I wouldnβt even remember the thing. But, my mother agreed, and I picked out the prettiest one I could find, a speckled gasteraloe in a pink flamingo pot. Instantly, I felt a new joy coming over me, and I smiled as I stared at its plump, dark green leaves, contrasting with the bright pink of the pot.
A few weeks passed by, and I was quite proud of myself for keeping it alive in my window, and since I had done my research on plants to keep her alive as long as possible, I found myself wanting anotherβmy sister agreed, and so did my mother, so we went to Home Depot to get one moreβat least, that's what my mother had said before we left. But when we got to the nursery, a sign was taped onto the table where the succulents sat. There was a discountβand it was a big one. We ended up getting 5 that day, and little did we know how deep I would fall into the world of plants.
Zamioculcas zamiifolia. Phalaenopsis orchid. Monstera adansonii. Haworthia fasciata. If you would have told me these names a year ago, I would have had no idea what they would refer to. But all because of one succulent, I suddenly found myself yearning for more plants.
As a child, I thought plants were beautiful sprigs of green in a world dominated by the grey of concrete and the silver of buildings. As many others, of course my mother bought poinsettias, flowers, and other plants for us to enjoy the beauty ofβbut they always ended up dyingβleaves slowly dropping til the whole plant was dried and the flowers were all but gone. I didnβt think much of it for years, thinking that it was the natural part of life being brought into a low light, domesticated environment, and that there was simply nothing to be done about it. But-- perhapsβyounger me was wrong.
It was a nice, bright day as the afternoon sun shone downβbut it wasnβt too warm, or too cold, just comfortable. It happened to be the birthday of one of our church members, and my mother and I went to a supermarket to buy him a gift while my sister practiced her ballet in her dance class. As soon as we entered the automatic doors, feeling the cooler air, we spotted a wooden stand on which cacti and succulents in many different types of colorful ceramic pots sat, basking in the filtered sunlight that was allowed in. βMaybe we can get him a plant?β I suggested to my mother. I still believed that plants died quite quickly, but the cactus I chose for him was quite adorable, even with its golden prickly spines guarding its green flesh. βThatxs a good idea,β replied my mother.
βCan I have one too? I just want to see if I can keep it alive.β I said, a laugh behind my toneβI thought that a good month or so from then, I wouldnβt even remember the thing. But, my mother agreed, and I picked out the prettiest one I could find, a speckled gasteraloe in a pink flamingo pot. Instantly, I felt a new joy coming over me, and I smiled as I stared at its plump, dark green leaves, contrasting with the bright pink of the pot.
A few weeks passed by, and I was quite proud of myself for keeping it alive in my window, and since I had done my research on plants to keep her alive as long as possible, I found myself wanting anotherβmy sister agreed, and so did my mother, so we went to Home Depot to get one moreβat least, that's what my mother had said before we left. But when we got to the nursery, a sign was taped onto the table where the succulents sat. There was a discountβand it was a big one. We ended up getting 5 that day, and little did we know how deep I would fall into the world of plants.
Zamioculcas zamiifolia. Phalaenopsis orchid. Monstera adansonii. Haworthia fasciata. If you would have told me these names a year ago, I would have had no idea what they would refer to. But all because of one succulent, I suddenly found myself yearning for more plants.
@LittleSongbird That was beautiful β₯οΈβ₯οΈβ₯οΈπͺ΄π΅π¦©
My parriso verde probably is closest to my life story when I got her she was beautiful then I brought her home and did not have her in the right temps and she started to revert and was sad like I am a lot but then I put her in my tent with high temps and she came back bright as ever some days I feel sad and blue some days I feel happy and bright like her
I would say that this beautiful pothos tells part of my story. This is one of the first plants I got. It was definitely the easiest for me to take care of because it could take a little neglect. Whenever I would focus on any of my my shiny and new plants, this one was still chugging along and growing at its own pace. Next thing I knew I looked over and it was touching the floor. The point of my story is that my plant really did itβs own thing and grew consistently little by little and thatβs really the part that resonates with me. This plant grounds me and reminds me that no matter what is going on around me to take the time and care for myself and I too will grow little by little and that growing will add up!
So this pothos has seen some stuff.. Barbara and Ann are at least 10/12 years old.. Ann started out as a single leaf, that leaf eventually made a new plant and I gave a piece to my grandmother, Barbara.. My plant suffered tremendous learning abuse, cats, moves, falls, dying off to a only root ball and single node.. SO much neglect. My grandmother's plant sat peacefully, in her low light bathroom with only a small jar of water (how??lol), since I gave it to her. When she passed two years ago, I took her plant back home with me. I struggled keeping it alive in her jar of water and eventually dumped it in dirt in frustration and let it sort itself out. Eventually it started thriving! My grandmother always said "plants can grow as big as a shovel or small as your scissors, its up to you to care for them enough to grow to their size." She got me into outdoor gardening when I was very young, she started my love of plants in general.. This Pothos is start of my indoor plant obsession, and a reminder not to give up, hug your grandma and resilience is beautiful. ππ
@PlantBeach I LOVE THAT! They can grow as big as a shovel or as small as your scissors!!π
@BabeVila Thank you!
@RealTangierpea @HeroBurlemarx @M0ll1fied @NotableKonjac @YokeWavecactus @CordialWildyam @CourteousOrpine @TycoonKahikatea @Touchofplant @AmazingBacchus @PreciseOrchids @plantattempter @Waterbabaay @Flowergirl2222 @ZappyRemuremu @ZappyCuttings @xaddi.fx @XandriaValentine @x.hannah.x @WarmStomatium @WeightyLionsear @WinsomePegaropa @WorthyFirebush @Yaak @Yackie @yadiiiv @TalentedEndive @TrustfulSapote @TryBegonia @Shado @Sc516742 @st3v3ybg @user9d74d5a8 @Un1c0rn11 @ubebygirl @Nacho @noaleaves @nyki @Placebodendron @poepoetry @PickleBallAndColdBrew @picklebee @pabrhu @peaandme @Peabody1973 @paradelle @NaCl @Nada @noah @NoahWright @Mabes @Me-So-Thorny @Me4getz @miaclaire20 @mindful9333 @OasisdeChristy @Oana-Maria @oliique @lia.kagan @liasdu @La2vetta @LE703 @LeaBean @lucasportilllo @K1kayla @k.rdlr @k2rbesjaak @kaaayplop @kearsten_jordan @ktbashore @kneeri @chris @chibiprincess @CoraMitchell @carara @candace.est1995 @DevotedCobnut @dan @DanaLou @denaizze @DefiantWychelm @Dobby @avaavarsava @Arashi1118 @AscendantBroom @Anabel4413 @am2308 @Athensthebandit @Asanchez717 @ategig @Atay_STP @Aparttimeplantlady @apapadimoulis @VuhVuhdanessa @BabeInBloom @BLACKACADEMIC @Blackheartdoll @Blackhippy @blackpicasso @Elisha @Elishabcupp @ElishaG23 @AwesomeAlexis @AwesomeSedum @Chicabam @Chicagoplantlove @vaeh.jewel
I canβt pick just one, so hereβs my office setup. The puya on the right was planted in spring of 2019, not knowing what the rest of the year had in store. I got the money plant in the middle and moved it into my office in January 2020. A month later, it was in a box traveling home with me as we werenβt permitted in the office anymore. I got used to working from home, but it doesnβt last. We moved in 2022, and the agave on the left was a housewarming gift from a coworker. The rest of the plants were sown after work with coworkers in February 2023. We just repotted them in November, and I put them on the desk behind me. Theyβre a backdrop, but moreover something to care for during the day. No one has the full picture, but together they tell the story of a lot of changes over the past few years.
This Jade is my oldest plant. I tried succulents out a number of years ago, and everything died except this Jade. No wonder, because at the time, Greg didn't exist and I didn't bother to try to find out how to take care of it. It was severely neglected. Overwatered, then left way too dry for too long...up & down like that ( my weight π«£) so much so that the leaves were flat and red. But once I started using Greg, it started growing, I learned to prune it, and it's going to be around for a long, long time. So am I π€.
π I love all of these photos and comments!
I donβt have a particular plant to talk about. My story is more like the moisture in my plantβs soil. At times I feel like Iβm overwatered. Life gets too crazy and I become terribly overwhelmed and feel like Iβm drowning. Luckily, I have developed good drainage over the years so that if I give myself some time, drop by drop the no longer makes me feel rotten.
At other times I feel dry, uncared for, and lonely. I need love, attention, energy and understanding to rain down on me. I need to have my basic emotional needs replenished.
Thankfully most of the time I have all that I need and I can thrive! Life is a cycle and if things are bad we often need only to wait patiently. Life is always changing and surprising!
I donβt have a particular plant to talk about. My story is more like the moisture in my plantβs soil. At times I feel like Iβm overwatered. Life gets too crazy and I become terribly overwhelmed and feel like Iβm drowning. Luckily, I have developed good drainage over the years so that if I give myself some time, drop by drop the no longer makes me feel rotten.
At other times I feel dry, uncared for, and lonely. I need love, attention, energy and understanding to rain down on me. I need to have my basic emotional needs replenished.
Thankfully most of the time I have all that I need and I can thrive! Life is a cycle and if things are bad we often need only to wait patiently. Life is always changing and surprising!
My first plant Gary, the one that began everything. I got him almost a year ago, and heβs grown so much! He has survived everything iβve put him through, even as a first time plant parent. I got him from Loweβs and found him suffering on the discount rack. I had no idea what I was doing but felt like he needed to be saved, so I did. I adopted him when I was struggling with a lot of depression, and I feel like weβve both gotten to grow together. I hope for many more years of being with Gary.π©΅
This is my plant story. My father in law gave me this jade plant he grew from a clipping. His plant was huge. I canβt remember exactly when but I think it must have been about 15 years ago. As I raised my children and life happened, this Jade endured the ups and downs of my life. Sometimes, I showered him with love and attention, appropriate water and feedings. Other times, he sat neglected, patiently waiting my return and tolerated being moved all over the house as I catered the areas of my home to the shifting needs of our family. My life is calmer now that my kids are big, one in college one just steps away. My father in law died a year and a half ago. About 6 months after he was gone this Jade bloomed for this first time. I didnβt event know a Jade could bloom! The bloom has lasted months. I donβt usually think this way, but I canβt help but think itβs him.
Not a big life story, but life can be a little overwhelming, and sometimes you just need to shift gears. I planted this aloe pup late last year and had it under grow lights since none of my available house windows were βsuperβ sunny, and then it got stress colors really recently! So, weβre in a less sunny spot now and I can already see more green coming back. Sometimes you think youβre in a good spot but donβt realize itβs not a good fit until much later, and a simple change could be all you need to thrive! #PlantsMakePeopleHappy
Hi Sarah! Coincidentally, I think the succulent I rescued and posted about yesterday probably comes the closest to telling my story. I think I saw a bit of myself in the poor thing and that compelled me to buy him, even though there were plenty of immaculate ones all around. I paid full price for him, too. He was worth it. So, this is Fabian, and I recently rescued him from a big box store. I saw him with all of his deep scars, broken leaves (some wounds quite fresh), sitting amongst a whole tray of βperfectβ ones. I immediately knew I had to have him. Like this succulent, I had a rough start in life, and it never really got any easier as it went on. But I kept hoping. I have really never stopped struggling to thrive, and amidst all of the grief, insecurity, instability and pain of life, I found a way to look for the tiny slivers of joy, and when I find them, I cling to them. They keep me afloat. Like this succulent, Iβve been scarred, and mishandled, and lost parts of me that I will always miss. But I am still here, and I will make it, because Iβm kind, and Iβm lucky to have people who love me to help me along. So I think that is why I got this succulent, and why Iβm determined to help him reach his full potential and give him a safe, warm, light-filled place to call homeβsomething we all need in order to thrive πͺ΄β€οΈβπ©Ή @ThisCalatheaCan @TheOddAsity @ulabadula @UltraKoreanfir @AnthuriumQueen @SvelteKingfern @RainbowFairy @AwesomePlants @SunnyPlants @Bplants @debbiedo @FitBrowallia @HeyLillie @NotableKonjac @SherryBerry @TidyTigerpear
@BabeVila π₯Ή Well said. I relate very much to your post here. Iβm more reluctant to share as much as you right now, but I admire your vulnerability and your willingness to keep going! π₯Ήππ½π«Άπ½
@BabeVila that brought tears to my eyes, it hits very close to home.
@NotableKonjac @SunnyPlants through allowing myself to be open about my struggles, I have found a large family of people like me. I wish you nothing but happiness from now on; you deserve it β₯οΈ
My post story might start out with my father in laws βficus treeβour family got when he past in 1988. And I guess I have added plants since from family members passing or gifts from birthdays and illnesses. My latest is my love of my life who passed in November. Married 44 yrs and he would say to me or our guest she has plants everywhere from people in our family passing. And our sunroom is called βwelcome to the jungleβ Well my love I now have your precious plants to care for.. πππ
This is "Brother". I received this when my lil brother passed away just over 3 yrs ago. It was a rough time in my life, we was pretty close. The house we was in wasn't too great, landlord wudnt fix anything, we had no running water but I was determined to keep this plant alive. Few mths later we finally found a house (had ben looking for one to buy for awhile at this point). The original plan was to move my brother in with us. He had diabetes, went blind, an lost a leg. I feel he was with us wen finally got us a home. It came with a wheelchair ramp. If that's not a sign I dnt kno wat is. It's the only plant I have cried over wen my cats knocked it down an I thot killed it. Any other plant I own can be replaced but this one. I have a real emotional attachment. His bday was last mth an that was really hard. But I kno he is looking down on me. Every time I look at "Brother" I just smile so big an feel better.
#giveaway #HappyPlants #LithopsArmy #Lithops #SucculentSquad So this is Groverβ¦heβs a newer addition and within less than a week of bringing him home he started splitting which is my first experience with one going through this. He is the perfect plant for my story: Iβm going to pull some inspiration from a favorite poet: Sylvia Plath and quote some lines from Lady Lazarus. βDying is an art. I do it well, I do it so it feels like Hell. Guess youβd say Iβve a callβ¦Herr God Herr Lucifer, beware, beware. And out of the ashes I riseβ Every so often these little babies have to essentially kill off their old self and emerge fresh & new, but still with the same roots. Itβs never an entire transformation but they grow by literally giving birth to an entirely new self. Soβ¦there you have it friends. Just in 2 years & 12 days I moved across the country leaving behind decades of trauma and dysfunction and ironically live just outside of the city named after the magical bird rising from the ashes. I have had a period of growth unlike any other, while in some ways I am a very different person (like Grover, I was βadoptedβ at 41 and through much love & care have found a place of unconditional love and healing. ) My roots are still the same, but on the surface I have been reborn as a better healthier version of my former self. Special shout outs to my flora family here: @BabeVila @LittleSongbird @UltraKoreanfir @AnthuriumQueen @GaryPoopins. I know Iβm leaving some of you out unintentionally, just canβt find your handles so I apologize! Much love to everyone @ #GregGang
@BabeVila so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Just posted mine and tagged youβ¦hopefully you find something useful in it. πͺ΄π±β€οΈ
@PoniesAndPlants I love that. Looks like a lot of us are healing β₯οΈβ₯οΈβ₯οΈ
@BabeVila it appears that way. Nothing like being responsible for another life to really impact your own. Ironically I always gravitated towards animals (which has been nothing less than a gift) but shied away from plants due to the assumption that I would look at it and it would die. When I made my own rebirth, I decided to stop being afraid. It was always that fear of failure that kept me from even trying. I have failed spectacularly more than once in 4 decades and am still alive (despite my best efforts and very much against my will for some time) and yes, Iβve had many casualties but enough success to keep trying, keep fighting. So grateful for this community that has become so much more powerful than a bunch of people who love plants & are happy to pass along their knowledge & experience. Big love to everyone at #GregGang
@PoniesAndPlants yes, absolutely! I love this community! I love everyone Iβve βmet!β I love the warm vibes and people just genuinely helping each other. Iβve always been like Snow White with animals too, but was afraid of plants until last year when I had some very unexpected success outdoor gardening. My cosmos were apparently the talk of the neighborhood π and Iβve been asked to plant them in several yards this year. So that gave me the confidence to dip my toe in a little further, and now Iβm full plant dork π€ And I love it!!! Itβs so rewarding and relaxing π₯° and now Iβm here with all you awesome people. ππͺ΄π΅
Hahahaha! @robbi_rose that's not even CLOSE to the entire app! We have an amazing gal that makes a list of all the new folks to encourage them to get involved. She's AWESOME!
@sarahsalith your whole team is awesome! ππΌ #gregteam
@Sapphire9 Gary is beautiful! Youβre obviously taking great care of him π₯°πͺ΄
@BabeVila so, one of things Mom & I do with our soon to be ten horses is equine assisted psychotherapy, but we also use both mares and stallions who respond to basically diametrically opposed energy, and I would bet the house you have a very strong feminine (aka mare aka pulling) energy. Me too. Rock on sister
@PoniesAndPlants omg can I please come and have some equine assisted therapy?? I already go to therapy AND love riding. They have some things like this around me, even one with an adorable cow, but of course insurance doesnβt cover it, even though itβs proven to work! Ah well. I will settle for renting a horse and telling her my tales ππ©· PS so COOL that you do that!
@PoniesAndPlants That was beautiful how you pulled from poetry and likened it to Lithops emerging anew. Love it! π
@BabeVila cβmon down anytime you want girl! Iβm outside of Phoenix and my kids will blow your mind. Weβve got Andalusians & our soon to be three year old is predominately Lusitano. Which I believe is Portuguese for βGIANT PAIN IN THE BUTTβ. Weβre dressage geeks but in my younger years was a jumper and our almost 2 year old has proven to have quite the talent for jumpingβ¦and that boyβ¦he is my love. He slept with his head in my lap as a baby. So, actually thatβs what I am working on my dissertation to give more evidence to get it to be covered by insurance, but also will do my damndest to get the farm deemed NGO so I can help the people that need it. But you get the friends & family rate. Whatβs your discipline and do you have a breed of choice?
@UltraKoreanfir thank you
@gAnderson heβs beautiful and so is your story. Iβm so sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing
@NewHawkswing first of all, I am so sorry you had to go through that. Thank you for sharing your incredible and beautiful story. Congratulations on nursing school! Thatβs so inspiring and I have no doubt you will be wonderful. Orchids are also a fantastic choice. Wishing all the best yet to come.
@PlantBeach amen. I have a tatoo that says βfall down 7 times stand up eightβ Iβve lost count at this point but still standing
@RainbowFairy sheβs exquisite
@SunnyPlants @BabeVila youβll share your story when the time is right. Please know you are by no means alone. Healing looks different to everyone and thereβs no right or wrong. Wishing you love, peace & healing white light
@GodsendHopsage thatβs beautiful. Thank you for sharing
@robbi_rose π€« ..sharing is caring?! And what's better than sharing a monthly chance to win a #PlantyBoxofGoodies from fellow #GregGang volunteers on the GregGivesBackSquad !
@HoyaAddict this is your #PlantSis checking in... have you been to the beach yet or made a plan to go?! π
@AwesomePlants I made it! Got so baked I had second degree burns π€£ still peeling two weeks later but it was worth it! π
@HoyaAddict yay!!! So exciting! Now you have to get the next one in the books, but maybe at sunrise or sunset to avoid major burn lol
@BabeVila, our stories sound very similar. I too have found the common thread in humanity is struggle. And when I am open and vulnerable I give others permission to be that as well. And as I have had a long journey in healing from CPTSD, and helping my kids to heal as well, I have learned we cannot fully heal from the effects of anotherβs agency without turning around and lifting others that are on our same path. Thanks for your vulnerability, which is ultimately love for those around you. β₯οΈβ₯οΈβ₯οΈ
@PoniesAndPlants Thank you for your encouragement! Btw, LOVE HORSES and therapy with them has to be really wonderful !
@PoniesAndPlants that is so cool! And I will absolutely visit if I ever can! Honestly I have no discipline, Iβve only ridden for funsies and taken a few lessons, but I understand the horses and intuitively was able to do a pretty good job every time, according to the owner! Iβve always been connected to animals, but lessons and everything related to horses are prohibitively expensive where I live so Iβve only gotten to go maybe 8-10 times. I feel very comfortable on them though and they seem to listen to me lol. Thereβs a breeding farm across the road from my house and they have the biggest horse Iβve ever seen! He loves to run when itβs cool out. I always watch him having a good time π₯°
@TheOddAsity β₯οΈβ₯οΈβ₯οΈ you get it. Thank you and I wish you and your kids healing, health and happiness π
@NewHawkswing You are a true inspiration! I look forward to watching the progress you and your orchid continue to make. β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ
@BabeVila riding lessons are pretty prohibitively expensive everywhere. I wasnβt able to ride let alone contemplate owning one for years & my soul was slowly dying. I really hit the life lotto when I reunited with the woman who has become my spirit mom and she has just been such a blessing.
@TheOddAsity very beautifully said. Iβm finally at a place in my healing journey where I am thrivingβ¦but took 41 incredibly difficult years to get there. Wishing you and your family nothing but peace & contentment.
I'm way late (I was in the hospital), but I wanted to share mine because of reasons.
Meet Keith Richards, my 15 year old Thanksgiving Cactus. I bought Keith as 3 tiny 1" plugs and rather than planting him, he sat next to my kitchen sink for years in his 3 plug pots. Yes, really. The guy should've died-- hence the name.
A few years of this neglect and my friend took him home and planted him, bringing him back happier than he'd ever been. However, like my health, Keith will never be "right" or "happy". He tries to die constantly, is particular about everything, and no matter what I've done, he won't grow.
This year, in an effort to get him to either just DIE or thrive, I bought a large tday cactus and replanted them together. They are both Keith Richards now. I feel like Keith has mirrored my life with autoimmune disease and a brain condition... you can give excellent care and sometimes things still fail to thrive. And that's ok. They might still live many years after they should've been long gone.
Pics are of Keith in 2016, 2017, last year, and now.
Meet Keith Richards, my 15 year old Thanksgiving Cactus. I bought Keith as 3 tiny 1" plugs and rather than planting him, he sat next to my kitchen sink for years in his 3 plug pots. Yes, really. The guy should've died-- hence the name.
A few years of this neglect and my friend took him home and planted him, bringing him back happier than he'd ever been. However, like my health, Keith will never be "right" or "happy". He tries to die constantly, is particular about everything, and no matter what I've done, he won't grow.
This year, in an effort to get him to either just DIE or thrive, I bought a large tday cactus and replanted them together. They are both Keith Richards now. I feel like Keith has mirrored my life with autoimmune disease and a brain condition... you can give excellent care and sometimes things still fail to thrive. And that's ok. They might still live many years after they should've been long gone.
Pics are of Keith in 2016, 2017, last year, and now.
@HeyLillie π #BetterLateThanNever I'm so glad you shared your #PlantStory and I'm glad you're out of the hospital. β₯οΈ Thank you for being a part of Greg!