
Posted 2M ago by @Chevysgirl11

#jellybeanplant My lil lad 🀣"Hamilton" has grown some He'...

My lil lad 🀣"Hamilton" has grown some He's lost some of the pink tinge he had when I first got him I thought he might be a tricky plant to keep but seems to be ok I've repotted him out his nursery pot a while ago but maybe terracotta would be a better home for him #succulentloveπŸ’š
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
To get the red tinge back he will need some more direct light
Thank you πŸ‘πŸΌ he does sit in the window but some days it's hit and miss with good sunny days here
I LOVE these, I have the green & red version (I think called pork & beans) I got clippings from a friend so I’m excited for them to get that big. Btw, those are a breeze to propagate 😬
Yours are too cute πŸ₯° I do love these also
@Chevysgirl11 thank you, lost a lot of leaves from the clippings but they are all making a comeback & now I have multiple plants 😁 Hamilton though, is beautiful! Have a safe & great 4th !
I'm happy to hear they are doing good I had a leaf fall off I think it's taken root 😍 and thank you
Sunlight and lots of it! If that’s hard for you (some people don’t have much sun in their location) you can supplement with a grow light. I’ve had pretty good luck with color and form combining the blue and red options together on my grow light… it seemed to bring a lot of the pink edges back.
Thanks Natasha I do only have one grow light but intend to get another that sounds good πŸ‘πŸΌ We don't get the best weather here in England
@Chevysgirl11 I just have a regular great value grow light bulb from Walmart that’s a white light.. seem to have good luck with getting propagations to root with that one. Then I have the bigger great value strip grow light that one has 2 buttons one has blue light one has red and you can have both on together also.. that one seems to be good for color and form.
All together I’ve only spent $35 on grow lights so far
That's great
My grow light is off Amazon a halo one which does have all 3 colours I have It one my peace lily and my cactus and succulent get the benefit also
My hoya linearis cutting is doing much better since I moved her there