
Posted 1M ago by @ToMuchPlants

My butterwort was going to bloom but the stem of the bud ...

My butterwort was going to bloom but the stem of the bud has turned yellow and stopped growing i think it's because of the cold #cpclubthursday #seymour #cpclub #Butterwort #pinguiculaweser #carnivorousplants
3” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
@ToMuchPlants It's possible this is what has occurred, Pings and other CPs can tend to start eg growing flower stalks or pitchers only to stop mid-way. Often it is due to the less than ideal conditions and the plant "deciding" its not worth the energy investment when it is better to use it's limited energy elsewhere. Even a change in temperature or other conditions can signal to the plant to stop its current effort and wait for a more opportune time. Would need more info and idea of conditions to provide a better response however I hope this helps answer your question. All the best 👍
@Seymour thanks again!
Bummer! The good news is that once the conditions are ideal again it'll throw out more flowers! I've found that once they start they don't stop, even if they end up letting one go along the way!