
Posted 2d ago by @FrontpageKamahi

Took my peace lily out of dirt and put her in water becau...

Took my peace lily out of dirt and put her in water because she was struggling which I realized after was probably because she was too close to AC vent all summer. Current situation is not looking good 🀒 did I kill her or can she still be saved?
2ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 weeks ago
Is any of that stem rotten? Smushy? If not then honestly I’d put some hydrogen peroxide on the dark areas just in case and put her in fresh water. They also don’t like tap water that much. Otherwise she has nice roots! She should be fine if the brown isn’t stem rot. Looks like it’s just decayed leaf matter to me which can be gently pulled off. No forcing tho. Good luck!
Are those all water roots or did it have some before you moved it over from soil? I agree with @NovelRosaryvine , the brown stuff looks like it's just left over husks from old stems that got slimy from being underwater. You really want to change out the water at least once a week since that's where the plant gets its oxygen. Distilled water is preferable to tap.
Thank you both! The roots are from being in soil. I read they don’t like tap water but never had any issues with it until her overall health started declining over the summer. I just changed the water to filtered water and got rid of the stinky mush 🀒