
Posted 2M ago by @Flowergirl2222

What is happening to my thai constellation monstera? Ther...

What is happening to my thai constellation monstera? There are these dark spots apearing. Is it too much light? I don’t know what to@do and I love this plant! #HappyPlants #ThaiConstellation #ThaiConstellationMonstera #help #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantsSavedMyMentalHealth #plantmom #plantcare #planthelp #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #PLANTMAFIA #plantmememonday
it unfortunately looks like sunburn or nutrient burn, i would cut down a little on the sunlight and additional nutrients (if you give any) and hopefully that’ll help xx
@louisahart I got her about two weeks ago. I usually hold off on fertilizing, should I fertilize now? She was in an area with more light I moved her to an area with less!
@Flowergirl2222 i would hold off, have you checked its roots, it may be root rot 😬
I’m with @louisahart … i would definately check for root rot…
@Flowergirl2222 to me this looks like over watering or justt staying wet to long. Thai constellation are very prone to root rot like others have said. You may want to repot into a chunky mix that will drain faster or move her back to the bright light to help the soil dry faster. You could also poke the soil a couple times with a moisture meter if you have one, check to see how wet it is. And also a couple holes ( or more) will help aeratethe soil just a little bit. When I first got my Thai con she was in a self watering pot and I watered her and left water in the reservoir. Apparently the soil was much to wet and I lost 1-2 leaves. I have bent able to manage just buy cutting back on my frequency of watering and the amount of water. But I’m also over due to repot.