Is my plant dying….. It doesn’t have the shine and strong...
Is my plant dying….. It doesn’t have the shine and strong leaves that most pothos have, leaves at end of hanging stems are wilting/curling… for info, I haven’t updated Walmarts profile, but I moved it out of direct sunlight on my east facing window sill, so now it is 2 1/2 meter ish away from east window…is it not getting enough light? I watered it real good last week, maybe it was too much water? soil is dry now tho, I always let my pothos dry out.
7ft to light, indirect
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 months ago
2 1/2 m (7 feet) could just fine for an N' Joy as long as the room gets a lot of bright light. It might do better a little closer to the window.
Your plant has been through it, but I bet you can help it out by putting the whole plant and the pot in a bowl of water for a few hours. That will allow the soil to soak up the water that it needs to rehydrate itself.
As you found out, that plant does not like direct sunlight. (: 
Your plant has been through it, but I bet you can help it out by putting the whole plant and the pot in a bowl of water for a few hours. That will allow the soil to soak up the water that it needs to rehydrate itself.
As you found out, that plant does not like direct sunlight. (: 
@sarahsalith haha yea I got it from Walmart and it wasn’t doing too well.. would you say it needs more water right now? Or more sun? I thought it needed sun so I left it in the sun…..for too long…. But now I’m scared to water it because for some reason pothos HATE me and I always end up giving them too much water (even though many say they are the easiest plants) LOL
@sarahsalith maybe if I bottom watered ?
@Luckyclovertrip I agree with @sarahsalith less sun and more water. I water mine once a week and mine get bright afternoon sun from a northwest window and love it. For reference this is just one of 5 I have all in the same window. Oh, I also mist mine twice a week.  hope this helps you some. 
Yes. A GOOD soak and less sun. Sometimes, when I let my pothos go too long between waterings, I give them a long, lazy, bottom water.
I picked up a particularly dry Pothos from my bedroom and I just put it in a bowl of room temperature water. I also took that moment to pick out at least seven dead or dying leaves. 😆
I picked up a particularly dry Pothos from my bedroom and I just put it in a bowl of room temperature water. I also took that moment to pick out at least seven dead or dying leaves. 😆
@PoisedAlbo wow that looks so healthy! Do you think it would be best for me to move it into a terracotta pot like you?
@sarahsalith amazing thank you for the advise!
@Luckyclovertrip I’m a firm believer in everything does better in a terracotta pot. Plus a pothos in terracotta looks so pretty and thank you
@PoisedAlbo @sarahsalith plucked dead leaves and gave her some water from the top and now giving a good bottom watering soak today 🤞hoping this helps it out !
@Luckyclovertrip she looks better already. Keep keep us up-to-date on her progress.
@PoisedAlbo thanks! How long would you recommend I let it soak?
@Luckyclovertrip 20 minutes to start and then check the top of the soul and if it’s still dry, put it back in for about 15 more minutes I would also recommend to mist it really well give it a good spraying
@PoisedAlbo oop…’s been in water for like 2 hours HAHA I’ll take it out right away…oh gosh I hope I didn’t just drown this thing. Pothos hate me
@Luckyclovertrip looking good. Now I would just water once a wet and mist every couple of days