
Posted 2M ago by @JesssJungle

She bloomed!! 🌺 πŸ’š ✨ My 9 year old desert rose has bloome...

She bloomed!! 🌺 πŸ’š ✨
My 9 year old desert rose has bloomed for the first time in my care!! I am so excited as my mom gave this plant to me years ago--it had been my grandmother's and it wasn't doing well. I finally got it to bloom and what a spectacular bloom it is!! Totally worth the 9 year wait. πŸ˜‰ I have read that this plant can live to be 100 years old!
#desertroseplant #happyplants #plantaddict #plantsmakepeoplehappy #generationalplants blooming">#blooming floweringplants">#floweringplants #newgrowth #planttherapy #jesssjungle #theamigos
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Beautiful! I’ve always wanted to get one but was told it’s hard to take care of
@JesssJungle Wow Jess, 9 years and finally !!! Worthy of a good celebration !!! πŸŽ‡
Any secrets that finally cracked the blooming code ?
Absolutely beautiful. Well worth the wait
@IndigoLily they actually aren't hard to take care of, just maybe difficult to get to bloom. They are very resilient plants. This one has lost her leaves many times and always bounces back.
@Seymour I do know that these plants need the temperature difference between night and day so they must be outside in order to bloom. 😁
What a beautiful plant ❀️
That’s beautiful Jess! What a wonderful legacy to receive from your mother and grandmother. ❀️❀️❀️
@JesssJungle wow Jess that's good to know. All I can do is think of the Sting song Desert Rose 🏜️ 🌹which is basically a commerical ad for Jaguar πŸ† πŸš—
@Seymour sweet just added this to my new playlist on my Bose player! πŸ˜πŸ™ŒπŸ»
@JesssJungle oh my what a legacy and nice beautiful bloom! 🌺. You go Jess!! πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ˜‰πŸ˜
That flower is absolutely stunning! 😍
Your plants are beautiful!!
@JesssJungle and @Seymour I will also add that they need lots of sun to bloom. Mine haven’t produced any new blooms now that FL is in the rainy season. At first, I thought it was because they were getting too much water but I believe it’s actually the lessened sunlight preventing them from blooming.