
Posted 6M ago by @DreamyThaibasil

How do you change the Greg watering schedule? My ctenanth...

How do you change the Greg watering schedule? My ctenanthe’s leaves start curling every few days and she needs lits more water than is suggested. #wendydarling #nevernever #sothirsty
10” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
If your plant needs watering before it’s scheduled, pull it up in your profile and mark it as watered. Greg will adjust your watering schedule over time. Also make sure your data such as pot type and size, soils, etc. is correct in your profile. The app uses AI and your entries to formulate and adjust the schedule. I use the schedule as a reminder to check my plants (in my case, succulents) for moisture. I snooze if they are not dry. Occasionally if something looks really dry, I check and water if needed, marking it as watered in the app.