Repotting my Angel Wing Begonia Felix
Repotted Felix after overwatering him! 🥲♥️🌱 @tango #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PLANTMAFIA #PlantsSavedMyMentalHealth #Begonia #AngelWingBegonia

5ft to light, indirect

3” pot with drainage

Last watered 2 years ago

@Nightshade You’re welcome ☺️ I’m nursing two babies myself haha. These two philodendrons (domesticum and squamiferum) are just bounding back from rot. I’m finally seeing the start of new growth after months of delicate care. I’ve my fingers crossed for you! I love my begonias, they’re such pretty plants! 💚 They’re tough like philodendron because both like moist soil, so keeping it drier seems cruel but I like to let the roots rest a bit. Make sure your soil has lots of air, so bark and perlite will help keep it chunky. This can really help prevent root rot. If you find that she is getting worse and you think she’s doing to die this is what I’d do. Chop the stalk and place in a plastic tub/pot with moist (not wet) spaghnum moss. This is a great way to get fresh roots from most cuttings. My begonia cutting loves my moss so much I’ve left her in there (pic 3) haha.
@HoyaAddict let’s hope I can keep him alive 😭♥️🌱
@Nightshade It’s tough getting a plant back from root rot but you can do this! I generally underwater them for a few months until they’re getting better roots. I see he’s in a greenhouse so that’s awesome, more humidity will really help. Good luck! 🫶
@HoyaAddict thank you for the tips! ♥️♥️♥️🌱
@HoyaAddict my goodness! Thank you so much for all this! I can’t thank you enough! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
@Nightshade You’re so welcome I really hope it helps 🫶