
Posted 1M ago by @ProSucculents

I’m having a hard time identifying what type of plant thi...

I’m having a hard time identifying what type of plant this is. The Greg app has given 3 different options. I’m leaning towards the Calla lily. It also said Peace lily but I have a peace lily and this looks different. The other 1 the Greg app said was white birds of paradise. Out of all 3 I really think it’s a Calla lily. I would greatly appreciate any advice or help. I need to know what kind of plant it is to care for it the right way. I am new to plants. Well indoor plants. I had to have my 11 year old cat put to sleep because of cancer. I couldn’t have any indoor plants before because I didn’t want her to get sick from eating the leaves
3ft to light, indirect
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Best Answer
@ProSucculents ~ I also think it looks like a Peace Lily! Just like mine!
Definitely not a Bird of Paradise!! The leaves on mine are HUGE!! πŸ₯°β™₯️πŸ₯°
That looks like a peace lily to me 😊
@Lifeis2short thank you. I boughtt a peace lily about a month ago. It was so big & beautiful. I had a very hard time finding a good spot for it to get enough light. I wanted it to be in my living room so it could be seen. The issue was I only have a sliding glass door and there’s a roof over about 5 feet when you go outside. I live in Florida so I thought it would be to hot to have on my pool deck. After moving it 1 to many times I now only have 3 leaves left. I move it every morning to my bedroom and lift the curtains and the blinds put it in front of the window and I leave it for at least 6 hours. Kind of a pain in the butt to move it everyday but I don’t know where else to put it. I only have windows in my room or in my room the spare bedroom or my grandchildren’s playroom.
@JenniferWasham thank you for replying. Your plants are absolutely gorgeous ❀️❀️
@Lifeis2short Thank you for replying.
They don't need lots of sun so, depending on which direction the sliding door faces, it quite possibly could get enough sun sitting in front of that door.
@Lifeis2short even though there’s a 9 foot roof before it’s the screened in pool cage? I thought it would need more indirect light than the sliding glass door. It was big and beautiful when I got it. Now there’s only 3 leaves😒
@ProSucculents ~ Awhh πŸ₯° Thank you sooo very much!

If it’s not getting enough light, get a grow light/ring light just for that plant!!
Mine is under a grow light, in a self watering pot and now it’s root bound! Mind you, I just got it back in April! So not too long ago πŸ₯°