
Posted 2M ago by @Warrior

What can I do to help my Easter lily out? She’s not striv...

What can I do to help my Easter lily out? She’s not striving by any means… #EasterLily #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #PlantLove #NewPlantMom
4ft to light, direct
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
@Warrior Megan, I wish I could help. I am in the same situation, I have tried everything, change location, water more, hold watering, measure soil pH and humidity, check for root damage, hold the water, change the dirt, I don’t know what else. I think she hates me, and is testing my patience 😬
So Easter lilies don’t do well potted. They are designed to live for a week or two and if you want to continue to keep them around you plant the bulb 6” deep in your garden and once it is established it will rebloom the next year, and for years to come. I dunno, maybe if you got a huge pot and planted it, it would pop up next year. But they have a short bloom cycle.
research! Whenever you get a new plant, the best thing you can do for them is to take about an hour and find every little detail you can about them from where they originate to their preferred light and humidity to common issues with that species
I’m having the same issue too. I started with 3 of them and am basically down to one. I live in an apartment so planting outdoor doesn’t work for me. Maybe I will just put it in a big planter and see what happens next year.
When I had my house I had day Lily’s. They were planted outdoors and bloomed every year.