
Posted 9M ago by @nellz4estfairyz

Angel Wing Begonia Repot I repotted my tiny baby angel w...

Angel Wing Begonia Repot
I repotted my tiny baby angel wing begonia a couple days ago. I got it as a cutting in a miniature wine glass with leca and pebbles. It finally grew a new leaf and the roots looked feisty so I decided to upgrade to a year cotta pot with no hole set in a normal size wine glass filled with water. It was very root bound with all the leca. I could barely get it out! In theory with the new pot, the water will slowly seep through the terracotta at the right speed for my plant. We shall see! #AngelWingBegonia #Begonia #BegoniaBrigade #BegoniaBunch #selfwateringplanter #wineglassplanter #HappyPlants
2ft to light, direct
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 6 days ago
Would you recommend leca? I’ve been wanting to try it on my Orbifolia but have been a bit hesitant….i don’t want to kill my plant baby.
I am new to leca in the past year. So I don’t have a ton of experience. A local plant shop uses it a ton so I ended up with some cuttings that were potted in leca. I can see where it has a purpose, but it took me a minute to understand what the purpose was! 😆 for many plants, it’s better than water alone, and it’s also a good transition from water propagation to planting in soil mix. And I have heard good things about growing monstera Thai Constellation in leca, as well as just about every other monstera! They have such vigorous roots they seem to like the leca balls. Plants like the wicking quality of the leca balls, giving them easy access to water, but also like the air spaces inbetween the leca so they can breath. But in my experience there can be a little bit of an acclimation period for certain plants and also a learning curve for the plant parent. If you are going to try it just for fun I would say start with something like a spider plant. My spider plant quadrupled in size in just a few months after putting it into leca.