
Posted 3w ago by @BogBody

While watering her I noticed my snow queen pothos has the...

While watering her I noticed my snow queen pothos has these single brown dots on three of its leaves. 1 dot per leaf! What do you think it is? #SnowQueenPothos #Pothos #help #PlantAddict #help #helpneeded #HelpfulSuggestions
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Spider mites!!!!!! Get neem oil spray
@DrGreen thank you!
@BogBody I could be wrong but that’s what it looks like to me I’m no expert
@DrGreen either way I just went leaf by leaf and gave her a good shower and scrubbed her with a soft makeup brush so hopefully that helps for now.
@BogBody I see she’s pretty wet but unfortunately that won’t do the trick you need the neem oil spray or some type of pesticide to kill them lil demons.. my Potho have at least 50k of them if not more.. they really came out when I watered her I went into panic mode I have two types of neem oil I just started spraying all inside the pot and all the leaves.. I lost 5 but saved so many more and I’m still treating her to make sure their gone for good
@DrGreen thanks for the info! I’ll get right on it!
@BogBody It never hurts to clean the leaves with neem oil to prevent any pests . Though this looks like a watering issue to much or to little can cause this . Also misting the leaves and bright light . If it had spider mites you’d see webbing on the underside of the leaves. And should isolate from other plants to avoid future infestation. These plants are great for not getting pests due to the amount of calcium content in leaves.
I’m with Deb @ILoveMyPlants) this looks like an overwatering/fungal issue. I’ve never had spider mites so I can’t speak to that. I use this preventatively. I spray the soil about twice a month. Helps with pests and fungus. You can make with cinnamon oil over sticks if needed. You can add tea tree and thyme as well. I have 150+ plants and no gnats or infestations. No fungus etc.
@TheOddAsity Thanks for clarifying I wasn’t sure which way to go with this. I also copied the tried and true approach of this recipe.
@TheOddAsity @ILoveMyPlants thank you both so much for th info and suggestions! I didn’t see any pests or signs of pests. I will for sure try out that spray. :)