
Posted 2M ago by @2eki

Hi, I’m new to everything plants and trees. Bought my fi...

Hi, I’m new to everything plants and trees.

Bought my first plant, it’s a portulacaria afra, ive repotted it into a soil for cactuses.

I have watched some videos but not sure what I’m doing, did not water the plant yet since I’m scared it might be too much, the leaves still feel full.

Advice is appreciated I live in the Eu so there is not much sunlight and it gets dark pretty fast even though it’s near a window there is no sunlight just gloomy daylight.
0ft to light, indirect
Last watered 1 month ago
No advice on this specific plant unfortunately, but I will say to keep an eye on your pot size. It’s always hard to tell in photos, but that pot looks like it may be a little too big for the plant πŸ™‚