
Posted 4M ago by @LaSiguanaba

Happy #cpclubthursday #GregGang ! Today I wanted to share...

Happy #cpclubthursday #GregGang ! Today I wanted to share a before and after shot of β€˜Mick’, my very first #Cephalotus . As you can see, he’s grown quite a bit since I first acquired him in May. He’s also developed some nice coloration. At this rate, he’ll need to be repotted by spring! πŸ˜‰ #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #AustralianPitcherPlant #BeforeAndAfter #CarnivorousPlants #CarnivorousClub #cephalotusclub #ceph #LaSiguanaba #theamigos
10ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 day ago
@LaSiguanaba Crikey Rose Red! Mick looks good. Those pitchers look great! And that color πŸ€©πŸ˜€πŸ‘ It’s interesting how he went from large leaves to large pitchers.
I was recently telling Peter @PlantsforFun about the Cephalotus and now you have shown a great example of one.
@Seymour This cephalotus has changed so much in the few months I’ve had it, and I’m also surprised by the size of the new pitchers. They had been so tiny! This plant has grown so much in what feels like not so long a time.
@LaSiguanaba You are obviously doing things right and even the growth of the moss is a good sign that it’s getting good water.
@LaSiguanaba Beautiful Pitchers. I love those colors. @Seymour oh so that's what a pitcher plant looks like. It's beautiful 😍
@PlantsForFun Yes they’re a very unusual and β€œalien looking” plant and Rose Red’s is a great example as it shows the colors etc
@PlantsForFun Thanks Peter! They are great plants and so distinctive looking.
Wow look at hims. πŸ₯Ί That's so cool that he's doing well!
Thanks @JesssJungle !!! This was my 1st cephalotus and I’m so glad he’s thriving. 😁
He's thriving Rose!! πŸ’š I love his colours! X
Thanks @JenniB81 , me too!!! ☺️